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We agreed to watch The Ugly Truth. Well, I agreed.. his compromise was he could have the United game playing in the background on silent. I was like okay. Then he read the summary of it and I was like 'why did you do that?' He goes, 'To see if it was worth an hour of my life'. I said, 'Is it?' He said, 'No, but I"m goign to watch it anyway.'


Typical male.

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Urghhh whhhhyyy can't they just like chick flicks? I pouted my way into my H watching the Joy Luck Club with me last weekend. In the end neither of us wanted to finish it but we'd started so we had to. But whhhhy can't they love chick flicks? I genuinely enjoy action movies/thrillers... esp the psychological ones.. why cant they like chick flicks?


I love Ever After - just beautiful

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I ended up not being able to get Ever After instantly - poo - but that's def. one to add to my list. The first movie we ever watched was PS I Love you and I myself aren't really a chick flick girl - I love horror movies - but I like the good ones. Nights in Rodathne (sp), the Nicholas Spark based one was good.

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Havent seen PS I love you - I never see movies if I know before hand the ending is sad. Is the ending sad? I always assumed it would be? I dont deal well with sad endings. There's enough sadness in the real world - I dont need to see it in movies!

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Def. add that to the list!



Jasper is going crazy. I'm convinced. I refilled his catnip toy and he's got the mouse in his mouth and vigioursly shaking his head with it in his mouth. Occasionally the mouse will fly out of his mouth and he'll have to chase after it. Well, it just flew out of his mouth and popped me in the head. Lovely. And then my 25 lbs. cat decided to jump and dive onto me to get to the mouse - which meant my phone and keyboard went flying in an attempt to word off his claws as he furiously tried getting the mouse.


Damn cat better remember who gives him food....

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I love Nicholas Sparks' books, I'm scared to see any of the films incase they're ruined lol.


I saw Ugly Truth in the cinema. Can't remember much about it now but think I enjoyed it. Tom just moans and groans when there's a chick flick on so it's easier just to watch them on my own lol.


Lol aww they never do remember who gives them food though do they (well, rarely). He sounds so funny and cute!

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My mom sent me the DVD of PS I love you without ever watching it so she didn't know what it was about. I asked her why she would send me a movie about a woman who loses her husband at a young age just months before my own wedding. Haha she felt bad! I can't watch That movie. Too sad.

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I love Nicholas Sparks' books, I'm scared to see any of the films incase they're ruined lol.


I saw Ugly Truth in the cinema. Can't remember much about it now but think I enjoyed it. Tom just moans and groans when there's a chick flick on so it's easier just to watch them on my own lol.


Lol aww they never do remember who gives them food though do they (well, rarely). He sounds so funny and cute!


The nights in rodanthe book was great. It actually takes place about 15-20 years after their love affair. I love how he set it up to be her telling her daughter about it. The movie doesn't do that.


Couldn't even read the dear john book and hated the movie. The notebook was pretty similsr to the book. Message in a bottle almost was close. I can't read his books anymore. Too sad.

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Everyone says really good things about The Notebook (film), I just can't watch it though because I enjoyed the book and don't want the film to ruin it!


I haven't read the nights in rodanthe, was going to buy it today actually. I'll get it when I'm at a book shop next!

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My mom sent me the DVD of PS I love you without ever watching it so she didn't know what it was about. I asked her why she would send me a movie about a woman who loses her husband at a young age just months before my own wedding. Haha she felt bad! I can't watch That movie. Too sad.


Awww - yeah, def. not one you want to watch if you don't want that 'oh my God, this could happen 'mindset to come on. I bawled the first time I saw it but I still get teary eyed at certain parts.


My sleep schedule is so wacked out. I woke up yesterday afternoon at 6 from my headache nap and didn't go to bed til 11 AM this morning. Yikes! So since I was already up we decided to do date night in the morning while I was awake and since I was knocked out for the afternoon it meant CS could watch his United game in peace. I know he loves me and wants to spend time with me but come on.. it's United. I'm learning to handle a football fanatic very well I think.


CS ended up liking The Ugly Truth more than he expected. He laughed a good bit - and actually told me I made a good choice. Super!


We also talked about his flight over here in October. Since neither one of us wants to chance ANYTHING when it comes to this trip CS is going up the day before and staying at a hotel near the airport. And he's flying out of a different airport - not cheaper to do so but they have an earlier leaving flight - this one leaves at 9 AM while H's leaves at 1 PM - which won't be so rough on him when he lands time wise. He'll just feel like he's up until about midnight when he goes to sleep here.

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