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I used to eat like crap. And I mean LIKE CRAP when I was single. It's an oxymoron thing to say but used to offset the binge eating with riding my bike almost everyday. Even then, going through 48-packs of ramen noodles and guzzling down 12-packs of diet Cherry Coke and Mountain Dew (consumed 36-pack in one week...ugh) aside from eating little veggies and once in a blue moon used to actually cook. Just got really lazy.


It took me awhile to get used to home cooking and very little junk when I met my wife. So in that sense, your taste buds will start to appreciate real food and less of the synthetic. Just take your time and have fun experimenting OG

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Thank you Sidehop, this is what I plan to do. Slow intregation of healthy foods coupled with moderate exercise through the week. I'm not dieting - I suck at dieting - and if I restrict myself bad foods I'm going to crave them more, I know that after 100's of failed diet attempts. This way I'm still eating the foods I love - only less porportioned - with healthy snacks - and some healthy meals - as well cutting out the two main factors of my weight gain - soda and fast food.




Thank you SS, I'll def. give the Progessive soup a try. I can't stand the smell of tuna - even when giving it to my cat - but I'll def give the others a try.

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Motivation and staying with your diet regime is the most important. What works for one person, might not work for another person. Instead of aiming at a perfect diet plan, start with trying to figure out what motivates you to eat healthier than what you normally would do. If it is yoghurt (regardless if it is not a perfectly healthy item) that makes you eat better throughout the rest of the day, then do that.

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Okay, so far today:


Brakfast: 2 small pancakes, 2 eggs, and 1 1/2 glasses of 2% milk

Lunch: 2 pieces of French toast - Whole grain - with a glass or orange juice.



Not perfect mind you but I'm trying!! slowly integrating healthy stuff in. I think mom is cooking Hamburger Helper tonight - see why I can't lose weight?!?! - but I'm going to stick to a small portion and cook a little broccoli to go with it. And if I get that snacky feeling later on I'll have a salad. Not too bad for my first attempt at trying to eat healthier. Somewhat - lol


CS even started doing some exercising at home this morning himself - although he has to limit what he can do and how much because of his ankle - but we are both slowly trying. I'm kind of excited to be getting back into the gym this Saturday when I go back to work...


Tomorrow is mine and CS's 1 year anniversary. I think we have plans to watch a movie and web cam, what movie I'm not sure. We have to finish Air Force One since we only got half way through it one day. I may break out some scrap booking stuff today.. I dunno. Maybe at least take inventory of what I have to do pages and what I don't.

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I have been battling a headache since about 3;30. Ughhhh. I don't know if it's from not drinking caffeine, sleeping wrong, or just one of those headaches I have occasionally. I took a two hour nap to try to get rid of it and had mom put some deep heating rub on my neck. If it hasn't ebbed off in 30 mins I'm taking 4 Tylenol. Blah.


Dinner was Hamburger Helper, Peas, and steamed broccoli. Mom showed me how to steam it and I got a small portion of it all. And I'm having my soda for the day - which oddly enough kind of tastes like poo. lol.

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OG I have a headache now too because I waited too long to eat. I had cheerios at about noon and then went and had coffee while I was getting a manicure. I got home around 4:30 and now I have one of those crappy blood sugar headaches even though I just scarfed two pieces of pizza.


When I was single, I ate so well. I worked out 7 days a week (because it fit in my schedule--now it doesn't) and living with Alex I'm sorry to say, has just destroyed my eating habits. He eats so much junk. It's always around and I don't even try anymore it seems. Sounds like you and I both need to end our love affair with junk food!!

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Yes we do Sherry! CS isn't interested in losing weight himself - I think he's a sexy beast how he is now - he just wants to get his BMI down a little. He doesn't eat out like I do - he always cooks his own meals and he walks 2 miles a day 5 days a week - so he isn't as bad as I am. I can't go up a flight of stairs without giving out. Yikes. If it's sunny tomorrow I think I may get out in the back yard and do some exercise and I may talk over the tv in the living and break out my pilates mat and dvd.

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Saving Private Ryan?? Noooooooooooooo LOL


Oh dear. Let me seeee.. what would I recommend? Oh I can only recommnd chick flicks which probably wouldn't be much fun for CS at all.


I do love Under the Tuscan Sun (woman gets divorced and moves to Tuscany to find herself) - and Wedding Date (that's when she hires a gigalo to be her wedding date and ends up falling for him) .. hmm and now nothing else will come to mind.


Maybe you can make him watch Felicity DVDs? My H has watched the entire series with me - and even though he pays out all the characters and likes to tell people he was "forced" - the truth is, he really liked it

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I think we have watched one chick flick movie, and that was PS I love you. Always tears me up when I see that movie.


We'll have to sit and see what's instantly available on my Netflix. I think I originally said Titanic but that's a LONG movie and I'd have to go to the movie store. We have it but it's on VHS - hahaha, how sad is that?

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Speaking of PS I love you - I just rented that movie from Netflix and made my bf watch it with me the other day, because it reminds us about what we do in our relationship. Their sense of humor and how they argue etc.


It's a sweet movie and Gerard Butler is hot!

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^ I actually read that some were. It's sad but the Aries traits fit me perfectly. CS's sign - Libra - has neck and back pains, which he has. Most of the summaries you read about our union say it will fail - because I'm an over bearing Aries and will make him compromise to me - but a few say the union can work if the two are in mesh. Complete jibberish but it's fun to read.

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