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^This is what I"m going to try to do, ween myself down to only have soda when I eat, and allow myself 1 can or 1 glass - if eating out - I"m the world's worst of grabbing a big glass of Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, or Mountain Dew and drinking it while doing NOTHING.


Well I went to the store. Can I just say eating healthy is EXPENSIVE??? Not too much but still... :s I got a couple of things I normally don't eat to try - if I don't like them mom eats them at least - and I even bought some yogurt to try. Now I just gotta stay away from fast food!


it can be really expensive. not fair. do what you can though - buy fruits and veggies in season. at my organic co-op, they sometimes sell slightly bruised fruits and veggies at a great discount. just chop off the bad parts. try some frozen fruits and veggies too. beans are really cheap and lots of protein there.

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While I'm in the US and eating out all the time, I can't stay away from coke. I love how they put coke with a lot of ice and a straw... yummy. I don't like soda directly from a can... but the way they do it here in the US... SO yummy. With a lot of ice.


I LOVE frozen yogurt. Did you try yogurt with cereal?? I like the plain yogurts or strawberry ones...

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What I do is buy those bags of pre-cut veggies. Yes, it's more expensive, but it saves dishes, saves time, and I can eat them like potato chips right out of the bag, maybe with some salad dressing. Mixing muesli into yogurt is really good too, but don't be fooled by the McDonald's fruit and yogurts. You may as well eat McNuggets!

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I'll look at the pre cut veggies. I got some fresh broccoli and baby carrots (I know I eat those) and some fresh lettuce to make salds. I even got fat free ranch -ha. What I don't know if I like yet is I picked up some bannas and apples - I'll try those over the next few days. I also picked up some oragen juice and 2% milk and some cereal bars to have a quick snack at work. And I grabbed some eggs so I'm not stuck with instant grits or cereal for breakfast every morning. I did pick up one bad thing - Ruffles Cheddar Sour Cream chips. I'm not dieting.. just eating healthier. Ha.

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I used to drink only whole milk. Now I can't drink it. Its so thick that I feel like I'm eating it. Now I drink just skim milk. Used to hate it. Felt like I was drinking milk flavoref water. Now its the only kind I like. Tastes good. I'll drink the hell out of it.


Wean yourself off of full milk too. Skim is much better for you.

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That's one thing I slipped on is milk. I buy the lactose free kind (skim or 1%) because I'm weird. I can have ice cream, yogurts, and cheese, but if I have a glass of regular milk, it's like trying to digest glass. Also, the fat-free/low calorie dressings seem to be a crock (imo) because people actually eat MORE of things that are lower calorie. You think oooh low fat/cal dip...I'll load it on and it won't matter. Presto, you've just consumed the same amount of calories that you would have with a dip that actually tasted good. I always get fooled by labels and the light versions are never very good... except for weight watchers desserts and skinny cow desserts. Now THOSE are a good treat.

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I love weight watchers. i don't know who your medical insurance is, but you might be able to get reimbursed for some of the expenses. it's $40 a month for the monthly plan. once you hit your goal weight, it is free. note: your goal weight has to fall within the WW range for your height. (BMI of 20-25). So, you can set it at the high range, and once you maintain that for 6 weeks, you become a lifetime member and have free membership, as long as you don't weigh more than 2 lbs over your goal. you can continue to lose weight if you want.

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^^ But what does weightwatchers do for you other than teach you how to count calories? (or count "points" which is effectively the same thing - if you can use a calculator - but over a smaller range of food?) What are you paying for? Is it for motivational talks or something?


We have something here that my mum used called Jenny Craig - where they give you the food you eat all week. It definitely worked. Until she stopped eating the food.

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I like the idea of WW. I think counting calories is important but I can't STAND their point system. I don't like how that's set up. I would rather just count calories.


OG, I know you (like me) use an Android phone. There are bunch of free or cheap calorie counters on the Market. The best thing is, you don't have to put in the calories. Just search for what you eat (brand names included!) and it even will "remember" your commonly eaten items. You just add it to your daily list and it tallies it for you and lets you know how many calories you have "left" (out of your daily limit for yourself, whatever that is).

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I don't have medical insurance. I just found a weight watchers BMI calculator. For my height and weight I have a BMI of 35 - yikes - The target weight for WW for me - and my height - is like 140 and that's the weight I was in HS, I don't want to go near that.


We have Jenny Craig here too - if it all wasn't so expensive it would be great!


I loath counting but to some degree I have to, at least to teach myself portion control I guess. I do have a counting calorie app that I stopped using.

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Eating healthier is so much harder... and confusing.


I would focus on eating healthier slowly. You have to get used to the taste like anything else and if you're switching to something you're not used to I'd give it few weeks. It'll get better


And speaking of calorie counting, don't focus on it too much. What's going to ultimately matter is what kind of nutrient you're taking in; after all that's what your body needs. Not calories. So in that sense get adequate amount of protein/carbs in about the same ratio and do consume good fats like nuts (great for suppressing appetite between meals without overloading on calories).


The problem with strict calorie counting is that not all calories are created equal. You'll burn more healthier excess calories & fat in your body including liver/blood vessel if you're eating healthy 2,000 calories vs. 2,000 calories filled with junk.


Try to find things you can tolerate now and work your way up The last thing you want to do is just focus on the number on the scale or feel guilty for eating something bad. We all need some treats. You're not going to eat perfect but if you can make a good choice, your body will start to crave less junk.

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OG, I just started on my weight loss journey, and it's really not as expensive as I thought it would be. Yesterday I went grocery shopping and I got some tasty light Yoplait yogurt that comes in dessert flavors (raspberry cheesecake, boston creme pie, etc), and they are yummy. I also got some Progressive light soup that's also very tasty. Bumblebee makes some yummy tuna spreads that are lemon pepper and tomato basil flavored. It comes with crackers you spread it on, and they are really tasty. I'm not a huge fan of tuna, but these are really good. Also, Nutrigrain makes a low-fat whole wheat cereal bar that is really a lot tastier than it sounds.


I just wanted to give you some more ideas. I have failed so many times because I didn't have enough tasty options to lose weight. If it tastes like crap, I'm not gonna eat it.

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Actually I find eating healthy to be less expensive because I bring a lunch with me daily instead of eating out. I personally enjoy healthy options for eating though at first I didn't. One thing I love that is quick and easy are veggie steamers. You can buy them in bulk, freeze them and then throw them in the microwave...voila! Steamed plate of veggies. I also drink tons of filtered water now which is free from my fridge. I have never felt better! I am slowly losing weight...though I am at a healthy BMI to begin with. I want to get more into exercising but unfortunately I have always hated it. I do walk several miles a day since I work in a major city and I walk from place to place...but still, I'd like to really get in shape. I can't find any form of exercise I enjoy...shame too since I have a free YMCA membership through my employment there.

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I would avoid the yoplait yogurts because of all the sugar - it won't help in training your taste buds to like natural sweetness from fruit (obviously better than a full fat dessert but not a great part of a daily healthy diet where you're trying to change habits). Same issue with the diet soda- will trigger your sweet tooth (I also love diet orange crush). I wanted to add that exercising is a huge motivator for eating healthy -when you feel that good tired feeling after a workout, when you're more thirsty than hungry and when you (often) feel like you've gotten rid of the bad stuff (toxins?) by sweating, moving,etc it's easier to choose healthier foods. I try to make my exercise routine as simple as possible -I have a few pairs of sweats/leggings of various thickness depending on the weather, a jogging bra with the sweat-absorption material to wear under an old t-shirt and I do a 30 minute cardio walk every single day (or 40 minutes on the treadmill since I am not pushing a stroller lol) plus I walk another 2-3 miles a day at least, usually quickly (the power walk is a bit over 2 miles on a jogging path and in a park with various small hills/inclines).

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The only problem I see is not being realistic. Someone who has gone from eating horribly (like me) to try to eat nothing but healthy food will struggle, and struggle and struggle. Eating a light yogurt every morning keeps me sane, and more willing to eat healthy the rest of the day. I'm less likely to have a sugar craving and fall off the wagon. I've never even been a big sugar person, but if I try to cut it completely out of my diet, I crave it like mad.

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The only problem I see is not being realistic. Someone who has gone from eating horribly (like me) to try to eat nothing but healthy food will struggle, and struggle and struggle. Eating a light yogurt every morning keeps me sane, and more willing to eat healthy the rest of the day. I'm less likely to have a sugar craving and fall off the wagon. I've never even been a big sugar person, but if I try to cut it completely out of my diet, I crave it like mad.


I don't believe in cutting it out completely. I think a lot of people make the mistake that lowfat yogurt is a good diet food but since sugar turns to fat it's good to look at the sugar content. For me starting the day with a high sugar yogurt would make me feel unsatisfied and a bit lightheaded/icky because there's not enough protein and a huge dose of sugar. And it triggers me to want refined carbs/more sugar. The OP just needs to find what types of foods that are healthy keep her full and satisfied.

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