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You don't have to eat veggies - you can just eat exactly what you currently do and cut the portion sizes - but if you do it that way you have to deal with feeling hungry for a while (esp as your stomach shrinks as it gets used to having less food - thereby requiring less food to feel full in the first place). Whereas if you do eat veggies (without the rich dressings etc) you can fill yourself up no problem without worrying too much about the calories.


There are also certain foods that make you feel full on smaller portions (like eggs, tuna etc - the stuff thats high in protein)..

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Start by mixing veggies in with pasta sauce and soups to acquaint yourself with the awesomeness of veggies. Ooh and then eat a mango!


This is a really good idea! I was super fussy about vegetables (I'm just fussy in general though). I'd only eat tomato pasta sauce. But then Tom started hiding different veg in pasta sauce (yes, I know, like a child haha) and I really enjoyed it. Now I'll eat loads of different vegetables that I wouldn't eat before. Last night I was eating turnips and celery TOGETHER which a year ago would have been a no no lol.

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^If someone doesn't tell me something I hate is in the food, I'll eat it. I'm such a child in that way.



CS got his tooth temporarily filled and will have it pulled on Friday. I imagine he'll be super loopy that day, lol. I think I need to get in touch with a dentist myself. There's this really rough feeling on one of my teeth on the left upper side of my mouth. I dunno but it's bugging me. I get two free cleanings with my dental insurance, might as well get some use of my $25 a month insurance. I forgot today was a holiday - Presiden'ts Day - so every were is closed. Of course.

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Eating healthier is so much harder... and confusing.


I find it easier actually because of the simplicity - I found a high fiber bread I like and some high fiber cereals (mostly for snacking), I make sure I eat some fruit and veggies every day -usually avocoado, tomato and oranges, sometimes broccoli. I make sure I have some protein like eggs, tuna, cottage cheese, white meat chicken and I take vitamins daily. It takes some pre-planning and some readjusting but you get into a routine and it gets easier. I am not on a diet -I still eat sweets - but I try to keep it to a reasonable level (I have small pieces of dark chocolate with high cocoa content -that is more satisfying/filling for me than other chocolate treats) and never as a substitute for a meal. Oh and I make sure to have breakkfast lunch and ddinner.

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I really, really hate veggies. I just simply can't eat it. And my mom did try to force them on me when I was a kid but I really just HATED it. I was a really fussy eater when I was a kid and now I eat everything - except the healthy stuff.


I'm the type of girl who goes to McDonalds and order a PLAIN cheeseburger because I really can't deal with pickles, onions and whatever else is there.


However, like a lot of you guys, I can eat when it's hidden. I just can't serve myself some veggies or salad and enjoy it. I just can't.


What I tend to do is focus on what I can control. Instead of eating white bread, I eat the black one, and it really tastes the same. Try to reduce your portions and in between them, have a cereal bar or a yogurt.


I'm obssessed with Coke as well and what I did to reduce the intake was focus on water and green tea. Have you tried iced green tea? It's tasty and really good for you. Water is really good too. Once I started drinking it all the time, I was able to substitute Coke with it a lot of times. Of course some meals still crave for Coke, but on my day-to-day, I try to stick to water.

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^That's me. I'm a picky eater. I got sick as a kid and would only eat chicken nuggets and drink milk until my mom strapped me into my high chair and force fed me shapghetti.


I had a bad experience with yogurt a few years ago but I may try it again.. I think I got the Blueberry kind and it was just awful to me.


I have never had green tea before. I know I can drink orange juice and cranberry juice so I'm def going to buy some orange juice. I'm goign to start buying ONLY can sodas and taking one to work with me and slowly ween myself so the only soda consumption I'm doing is 1 can. Better than 7 20 oz!

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Diet soda is REALLY bad for you. If you must have it, at least drink the ones without aspartame. Try to drink a lot of water and fresh, 100% juice...if you need that "fizzy" taste, seltzer water is pretty good. Really though, try to avoid diet soda.

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Diet soda is REALLY bad for you. If you must have it, at least drink the ones without aspartame. Try to drink a lot of water and fresh, 100% juice...if you need that "fizzy" taste, seltzer water is pretty good. Really though, try to avoid diet soda.


I'm a pepsimax addict. I drink sooo much of it. I've been trying to get off it (because it is meant to be so bad for you) but it keeps sucking me back in!

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I've convinced myself soda is "gross" unless I eat it with food. That way I don't go through a lot of it. Like I won't drink soda at all unless I'm eating something. WOrking in a restaurant, it's easy to grab a quick few sips of Dr. Pepper (my fabvorite) but if I haven't eaten even a bite of something, the sugar and carbonation in it tastes awful to me. It took a lot of weaning myself that way but it works for me now. So i can't just grab a can of soda and be out the door. I only drink it with food, and I allow myself just one soda per day with a meal.


That's the extent of my healthy eating. Anything else is open game.


Diet drinks are worse for you than other drinks, mostly. Be careful ont hem. the "diet" in the name means crap.

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^This is what I"m going to try to do, ween myself down to only have soda when I eat, and allow myself 1 can or 1 glass - if eating out - I"m the world's worst of grabbing a big glass of Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, or Mountain Dew and drinking it while doing NOTHING.


Well I went to the store. Can I just say eating healthy is EXPENSIVE??? Not too much but still... :s I got a couple of things I normally don't eat to try - if I don't like them mom eats them at least - and I even bought some yogurt to try. Now I just gotta stay away from fast food!

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