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Well the reasons for CS not being able to come this time around just keep piling up. My mom and brother were both sick last week - like running fever and chills sick - so no way could they have been at the wedding even if CS had been on time. On top of that CS's tooth which gave him trouble in Gatlinburg - had since then he has had NO trouble from - acted up today and he's having to make an emergency dentist appointment tomorrow. So if he had been here and it happened, he would have had to waited a whole week to get it seen.


Yes universe, we bend, ends up for a variety of reasons it was a good thing CS couldn't come this time around. Still could have told us in a less subtle way....


So CS caught an early night due to his tooth pain. Poor guy. I don't like it when he's in pain and I'm 4,000 miles away and can't do anything. I didn't like it when he was in pain in Gatlinburg and I was right there and couldn't do anything about it! I think I'll try to do something productive day - doubt it though.

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CS has started this model airplane collection - not surprised it graduated to this really - and it's so cute when he gets to talking about them. And he's so proud of them. He even talks about when we have kids having to put them in a glass shelf that's bolted to the wall - CS himself had an experience with expensive collectibles when he was a kid. So some men like cars... some are video game nuts... at least mine just collects model airplanes.


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Ah, and he's a newer picture of Jasper doing.. well, what I can only describe has a hang glider mimick...

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Wow - at least you'll never have any problems deciding what to get him for birthdays and x-mas


I know, he said, 'I want nothing for the next few years but these'. Well, I'm still getting him a new United jersey for Christmas but yeah, def. know what to get him for his birthday. A couple he can't order over there so I have to order them and then I guess he'll take them back with him when he comes over.

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I'm starting to not feel as depressed about the prospect of wedding planning as I was. I really haven't done any, I have just been mulling over some issues in my head that I know will have to get worked out and writing them down as they come to me so I can tackle them all when I do start planning again. Slowly getting back into it has helped I believe. CS has been nothing short of amazing as well about it.


One of the issues he raised was my dress. I planned on hitting the gym hard after the wedding and trying to lose weight for health reasons and I still plan on doing that - of course that means the dress will have to be altered again at some point. CS told me to just get a new one but I quickly said no. I love this dress and so far have only put $150 into it.. another $100 and it would still be cheaper than most dresses you buy right off the rack. I'd have to take it some were like DB or something because the lady who altered it for me to begin with could only go so far down before going into the beading and she didn't feel comfortable doing that.

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don't worry about it. just focus on getting healthy, losing weight, making good lifestyle changes. if you have to get a new dress then, then cross that bridge when you get there. the dress can be taken in, or you might be able to find the same dress at a good price in a smaller size.

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