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You will have a much more memorable ceremony in October! More of your family will be there and that will be a great memory! Do it right! I have never liked JP weddings. Kind of like they call, "Next!" and you walk in and get married when it is your turn. I did that and I barely remember it.

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Thanks ladies. It will be better since more family can be there. I guess just having planned everything and gotten to that point, I'm not in the mindest of planning a little bit more. I feel like I'm in the 'married mindset' oddly enough...


I guess it's just this wedding has changed SO much. This is what... the 6th time we have had to change our date? And oddly enough it's one day after the day we ORIGINALLY had planned. Universe could have picked a more subtle way of telling us not to go the cheap way....

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Why has it changed so many times, aside from the last two or three?


The first time was due to finances... second time my family bulked at us getting married out of State... I think the next time was finances as well... then we accidentlly set the date in the middle of his training time... then we had it set for Sept 10th... then we wanted a smaller wedding so we changed it to Feb 16th.

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Aww - I hope you start to feel better soon. It is only human to feel the way you are feeling about the whole thing - but those feelings will pass and all the excitement will come back again..


As for kids.. I've never had and still don't have a ticking clock. However, while I spent my life disliking kids and actively not wanting to have them and wondering how I was ever going to make the decision I wanted to make for my H (i.e. to have them) when I felt that way - over the last few months I really have changed my mind. I talk about kids with him often now. We plan for them .. we talk wonderingly about what they'll be like. I get excited when I think about them and I really hope we are lucky enough to have them. I think it's because the thought of having them with him and raising them with him and having new additions to our family that are half me and half him - has become an incredibly appealing thought and something that I would make the sacrifices of lifestyle, time, effort, $ etc to have in my life. And now when I hear about friends getting pregnant I get reeaaally excited and look forward to a few years from now when its us.


So I do think people change.. not everyone perhaps - but some people do.

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Awww, I'm so excited that you are getting excited!


I think a gradual change like yorus is understanable though. It's not like you woke up one day and was like 'I WANT KIDS!!!' it's kind of happened gradually over the course of a few months. That's more natural to me than someone just waking up and having a desire to have children that didn't before.

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CS and I chatted for about an hour just now. It's odd but our early morning/middle of the night talks (early morning for him, usually about 4 am for me) are always the most deep. I think because neither of us are distracted with ENA or the computer, both of us are still in bed and just have the company of each other. Much like if we were to wake up on a Sunday morning and lie in bed and talk.


We touched on the wedding again- this time with the details we planned on chaning- but it was brief and more to just start formulating what kind of wedding we wanted this to be. I promised CS after we hung up I would take some sleep med and try to get a few hours rest.

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Much like if we were to wake up on a Sunday morning and lie in bed and talk.


We touched on the wedding again- this time with the details we planned on chaning- but it was brief and more to just start formulating what kind of wedding we wanted this to be. I promised CS after we hung up I would take some sleep med and try to get a few hours rest.


I love Sat morn/Sun morn talks.. although they are never very deep for us - just extremely silly with much laughter, mirth and teasing involved.


Yeah I was wondering if you are sleeping at all. Normally you go off around noon-ish my time and I assume that's bedtime for you - and these days - your green light is on all the time - which made me think you aren't sleeping at all

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I love Sat morn/Sun morn talks.. although they are never very deep for us - just extremely silly with much laughter, mirth and teasing involved.


Yeah I was wondering if you are sleeping at all. Normally you go off around noon-ish my time and I assume that's bedtime for you - and these days - your green light is on all the time - which made me think you aren't sleeping at all


That's how ours is too... we never argue or have disagreements during those morning talks. But we tend to touch base on deeper aspects of conversatoin than normally.


I have battled insomnia my whole life so it's never a normal pattern. It's 5 am here now and I'm wide awake. I never log off ENA- ha, shows I have no life- but usually it shows me as having stopped activity for a while. But yeah, lately my sleep patterns are mucked up. I slept from seven to 11 pm yesterday and have been up since. I KIND of stayed up tonight because CS told me if I were up at four we would talk and I wasn't sleepy anyway so I jsut didn't try to sleep. He assumed I had been up all night and would be tired when he called- he wasn't too happy that my sleep patterns are out of wack again. I know he worries...

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Yeah it must be hard to function without much sleep - and when you start working and driving again it'll be so tough on you if you aren't sleeping well. That said it is hard to sleep properly when you have holidays and are at home. I don't have insomnia but back when I lived on my own I used to regularly make the decision not to go to bed. To just put off going to bed till like 2am. I know i could have slept if I went to bed - but I couldnt make myself go.

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Insomnia is awful. I've always suffered from it. I'll only sleep through the night once a year. Last night was horrible (but I was ill too so can't really say it was because of insomnia) I didn't sleep a wink. It's so frustrating! And no matter how hard I try to get to bed earlier, get a proper pattern etc it doesn't work. I sympathise! It's really hard to focus and be normal too when you're tired

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Insomnia is awful. I've always suffered from it. I'll only sleep through the night once a year. Last night was horrible (but I was ill too so can't really say it was because of insomnia) I didn't sleep a wink. It's so frustrating! And no matter how hard I try to get to bed earlier, get a proper pattern etc it doesn't work. I sympathise! It's really hard to focus and be normal too when you're tired


It is. And CS is the complete opposite, no matter how much he sleeps during the day, he can still get a good night's rest at night.



I slept in today - WAY in. CS is watching a United game anyway so we woudn't have been able to talk. We are at 2:30 on web cam but I tend to not email him while he's watching a game - especially United - I try to be a accomodating fiancee.

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I hate being on vacation at home. Literally nothing to do. Groan.


I COULD clean my room but I'm being ubber lazy this week.. I know- I'm complaining about not having anything to do and I won't even clean. I'm such a procrastinator...


I was showing CS some pictures from my senior prom today while we were on webcam. I was like ubber skinny back then- about 135. I hold up a picture and he says, "Yeah, I don't like you that skinny. You look much hotter now." And he wonders why I don't want to lose weight now...

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