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Shoot yeah, if he's your lucky charm! lol


Depends on what you get, how big and such. I'll upload the pics of what I want. I don't know if it will be more expensive with me bringing in my own design (that artist has to draw it to the size I want and then give me a price quote) but shouldn't be since I only want it big enough for the left shoulder.


Hi again!

I designed one of my own, as far as I can remember the tattooist resized it using a photocopier type thing so resizing shouldn't cost more - I think!

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Just be really sure you want the tattoo. I have one that I got in March 2010 and I love it...feels like I was meant to be born with it, but most people regret getting tattoos. Also, you might want to wait until after your wedding since you're wearing a strapless gown. I got a gown with a high neckline because though I love my tattoo, I feel it's somehow not appropriate to have them showing as a bride. Though of course some people show them off on their wedding day and they look great I'd say go for it if you are really sure!

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There's my tattoo about a month after I got it. Reversed tho since I took it with Photobooth. It was designed by Layne Staley from Alice in Chains shortly before he went into hiding due to drug addiction. He died in 2002 and ever since I wanted something to commemorate him and the music I love...figured there's nothing better than something he drew himself. I actually made my own contact sheet by tracing and shading his design. I didn't want an artist to do it since I wanted to be sure I'd be happy with the results...and I am! Make sure you choose someone reputable and yes it does hurt to get it done...to me it felt like someone was scraping my skin with a burning hot knife. Most people say that the shading is less painful than the outline...not for me. I thought I was going to pass out when he started shading. I made it through tho cause my friend kept me talking...definitely bring someone with you! Overall, with a tip, it cost me $250. I actually even got to make it into the Layne Staley tribute video for 2010 that is played in Seattle on his bday...tattoos can be a good thing . Good luck! And of course post pics if you get one.

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And aww I hope you're OK! Any more DVD watching planned or anything for today?


Oh and the tattoo designs look good. I have a purple and dark pink butterfly on my ankle, I LOVE it!


Yeah, we are watching Airforce One today (CS's pick) and we have a few more planned through the week.


Just be really sure you want the tattoo. I have one that I got in March 2010 and I love it...feels like I was meant to be born with it, but most people regret getting tattoos. Also, you might want to wait until after your wedding since you're wearing a strapless gown. I got a gown with a high neckline because though I love my tattoo, I feel it's somehow not appropriate to have them showing as a bride. Though of course some people show them off on their wedding day and they look great I'd say go for it if you are really sure!


Oh I know. I have been sitting on the idea of a tattoo for a few years now and this particular one for about six months. Obviously if things had gone as planned I wouldn't have to be worrying about it showing in a dress so I'm at that point I'm like 'screw it if it shows', we can find a way to hide it if we have too. I plan on going to this one shop in my home town that I know is reptuable, my best friend has used them for all 3 of her tattoos and a few other friends have as well.

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I feel... I don't know yet.


We aren't doing any wedding planning the next two weeks as to give us a break from it since it's been a huge thing we have been doing for the last 6 months and to get back to basics with us but being an engaged couple in an LDR, wedding stuff slips in every now and then, mostly having to do with us trying to figure out what dates in October CS will come over on.


But I just don't feel ready to start planning again and that sounds so silly. The wedding wasn't cancelled, we didn't break up, it's just been moved. I guess I can only explain it as for those who are planning a wedding or have you know how you at some point in the wedding planning process get tired of planning? You just want it to be over with and married? I had reached that point long ago. And now suddenly I'm not married and I have to do a little more planning since some things are changing about our wedding. It's like I'm emotionally drained of wedding planning right now.


Since we are sure our wedding date will fall on a Saturday now I inquired in the bride-to-be thread about how to find someone to marry you (instead of a priest). I got some great advice and all it would have taken was a simple google search and I just couldn't do it. I didn't want to. I thought about re working our wedding site - not now but in the future- and the thought just really depressed me.


I don't know... I know to give it a few weeks and I am. What wedding talk we have done has been centered on having to structure a time line for CS's trip over (kind of has to be done).. no details at all really. I think I'm just burnt out on wedding planning right now and it will pass. I just had to get how I was feeling right now out, you know?

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I disliked the wedding planning I did for the 4 months I was engaged many years ago but that was partly because I was unhappy in the relationship. Partly it was because I find party planning stressful and it has nothing to do with marriage -other than perhaps creating unneeded stress for the couple getting married. I planned my wedding in about 5 weeks - it was a simple breakfast and ceremony followed by lunch at a restaurant for about 10 people. It still had elements of stress but I can't complain about five weeks worth . I think it took us a day or maybe two to plan the honeymoon. I was excited to be getting married -as far as planning, I enjoyed picking out my dress and shoes, my husband's wedding band, getting the veil from my friend and booking the hotel for our honeymoon.

I think it's fine if you decide to shift to a far simpler wedding -how about just finding an appropriate officiant and taking your vows in front of your immediate family, then having a meal together either out or at someone's home?

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That was pretty much how our wedding this month was going. We were getting married in the courthouse with immediate family, having a small reception at the local park (mostly for pictures), and then us and a few people were going out to dinner. The only reason I have to do a little more planning this time around is the date is on a Saturday (more family can come) and courthouses aren't open. So we have to find a a place and someone to marry us. We may not go so cheaply on somethings (like get a proper wedding cake).

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That was pretty much how our wedding this month was going. We were getting married in the courthouse with immediate family, having a small reception at the local park (mostly for pictures), and then us and a few people were going out to dinner. The only reason I have to do a little more planning this time around is the date is on a Saturday (more family can come) and courthouses aren't open. So we have to find a a place and someone to marry us. We may not go so cheaply on somethings (like get a proper wedding cake).


I understand -I meant to simplify it even further if that is what is stressing you out. Perhaps you'll feel differently in a few weeks - I would let things settle and see how you feel then. Hang in there.

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I understand -I meant to simplify it even further if that is what is stressing you out. Perhaps you'll feel differently in a few weeks - I would let things settle and see how you feel then. Hang in there.


No, I don't think it's having to plan a little more that's stressing me.. just thinking I was almost over with it and not is what's depressing me. I guess my fear is I'll be so worried something will go wrong in getting him again the next time I won't properly feel excited like I did this time around and it will put a damper on whatever more planning we do.

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I am not really looking forward to the ceremony. I am looking forward to being married, having our honeymoon and having our picnic that we planned for after the ceremony. But the ceremony itself? Blah. Can't wait till it's over and FH feels the same way. All brides/grooms are different when it comes to what is important in terms of their wedding day...a lot of brides love the idea of walking down the aisle will all eyes on them...I personally can't think of anything more mortifying than that Well...maybe other than being in public naked.

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I am not really looking forward to the ceremony. I am looking forward to being married, having our honeymoon and having our picnic that we planned for after the ceremony. But the ceremony itself? Blah. Can't wait till it's over and FH feels the same way. All brides/grooms are different when it comes to what is important in terms of their wedding day...a lot of brides love the idea of walking down the aisle will all eyes on them...I personally can't think of anything more mortifying than that Well...maybe other than being in public naked.


lol, I'm the same way a little. I mean, I look forward to the ceremony BECAUSE we become husband and wife but as far as that itself... no. I'm a control freak and I hate when I can't control everything... case in point. I guess I'm expecting too much of myself too soon.

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So sad. One girl i went to school with posted on her facebook today that her baby died, apparently it was SIDS and the baby girl was 10 weeks old. So sad.


And then another girl I went to school with whose baby just celebrated his first birthday announced she was having a girl (which I'm guessing means she's at least five months)...


Everyone is having babies.

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So sad. One girl i went to school with posted on her facebook today that her baby died, apparently it was SIDS and the baby girl was 10 weeks old. So sad.


And then another girl I went to school with whose baby just celebrated his first birthday announced she was having a girl (which I'm guessing means she's at least five months)...


Everyone is having babies.


Not everyone and that is very sad about SIDs -I checked on him very often before he was a year old and we followed all the recommendations for preventing SIDs. I thnkFB makes it seem as if everyone is doing whatever it is -getting engaged, having babies, etc.

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Not everyone and that is very sad about SIDs -I checked on him very often before he was a year old and we followed all the recommendations for preventing SIDs. I thnkFB makes it seem as if everyone is doing whatever it is -getting engaged, having babies, etc.


It really does. But seriously, I'm like one of five people of my graduating class of 80 that does not have a child or is at least working on their second one. Kind of depressing at times but *shrugs*


I know the woman who lost her baby girl the baby's father died before she was born, can't imagine going through that double loss.

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SIDS is sad. One of my professors is actually studying the causes for it and I have to say, it's interesting. I think it will always be a mystery for a while but hopefully we can find out why it happens.


I think it's key to not put too many pillows/blankets in with the baby. They say to put the baby on its back too. At the time when I was born, they were telling parents to put them on their stomachs, which is what my parents did. In retrospective, geez, why would they tell them that? Glad I turned out okay.


OG, don't feel about about not having kids yet! To be honest, I am familiar with several classes who graduated from my school (~40 people in each, we knew each other well!) and it seems that only the ones who graduated in '02 or earlier are having kids at all! Not everyone is having kids. We've only had 2 "known" pregnancies at my school and one was recently, in her senior year. And everyone was mortified so no one said anything.


Of course, I'm in the Northeast, and I think it's a bit different here, depending where you are. In my circle, if you have kids before your late 20s, people are kinda like "ohh....uhh, that's young. What are you doing?" haha. I think it really depends on where you are and really, it's very subjective.

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I know, I'd be so scared of it happening the kids would only have a blanket and maybe one stuffed animal....


I think the mentality is different down here in the South- as sad as that is to say. For a lot of us our parents went to school together so they were having kids at this age. In my graduating class we had 10 people who were already parents. My mom was just happy I graduated unpregnant, and unmarried, the one wish she had for us. I'm kind of coming to terms with you know we will have kids and it's not that far off really.. just kind of makes you stop sometimes when you realize someone your own age has 3 kids.

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