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OG - if you do patch things up with the ex- friend you should take it really slow. A mistake I once made was to try and jump right back in to a friendship that had been broken - acting as though nothing had happened and the feelings could be exactly the same. That just lead to disaster. It does sound like a sweet email from your friend and I do hope it was heartfelt too.


I am an Aries and dislike diamonds as well. When my bf and I had been together about 3 years, he bought me a ring. It's a 2 carat cobalt blue sapphire with small diamond on two sides. I've had this ring for 8 years now and I still love it!


Oh my gosh - that sounds like the perfect ring.


hm. i'd be afraid of the bad juju from that ring. then again, i'm not really superstitious and william and kate seem to be genuinely in love (unlike charles and di).


Hey, don't blame the ring!


Poor Di


I have a question! I've always known about blood diamonds but I am learning even more about slavery, unethical work situations, etc... and I have come to realize that I could give two hoots about having a "real" diamond. I'd much prefer a lab-created diamond. Am I within my rights to tell Alex this?


Do you mean cubic zirconia? If you do - you should be careful with that. I've heard that if you get the ring wet the stone clouds - it doesn't really sound very durable at all.

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I bought myself a CZ ring a few years ago and people are all the time mistaking it for a real diamond. Granted if you have your eye ball to it you can def see it's not a real diamond but from afar, no difference. The key is to not get a gaudy one, something that looks real. I wear mine in the shower sometimes and it honestly seems to clean it up a little bit, lol

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I'm thinking of finally getting the tattoo I have wanted for a while now with my tax money. I love CS's tattoo's (simple and no images) and I have always wanted one, just never could figure out what. I found some last year but I was trying to wait until after the wedding- CS wasn't too happy about a tattoo being in a wedding picture).

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I'm thinking of finally getting the tattoo I have wanted for a while now with my tax money. I love L's tattoo's (simple and no images) and I have always wanted one, just never could figure out what. I found some last year but I was trying to wait until after the wedding- L wasn't too happy about a tattoo being in a wedding picture).


That's cool. Go for it. Where are you going to put it?


I failed the dive because I messed up my leg position and my instructors couldn't let go of me and let me fly on my own (I was wobbling when they started to let go). I am going to try again this weekend (I think), but I am going to request a specific instructor to jump with me (he deals better with my anxiety).

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That's cool. Go for it. Where are you going to put it?


I failed the dive because I messed up my leg position and my instructors couldn't let go of me and let me fly on my own (I was wobbling when they started to let go). I am going to try again this weekend (I think), but I am going to request a specific instructor to jump with me (he deals better with my anxiety).


I want it to go on my left shoulder, not anything big either. Just a simple black Welsh dragon and next to it a dark blue butterfly.


Well it sounds like it was a fluke thing, you know? Every dive can't go smoothly. Is this the instructor you mentioned before?

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I want it to go on my left shoulder, not anything big either. Just a simple black Welsh dragon and next to it a dark blue butterfly.


Well it sounds like it was a fluke thing, you know? Every dive can't go smoothly. Is this the instructor you mentioned before?


Yeah, it is. The dive that he did with me (and another instructor) was the ONLY dive that I passed on the first try. So he is "good luck" in a way. I dunno.


Annie, I'm getting better at it. At least when I jump outta door of plane at 12000ft, I am not catatonic,


OG, I think those would look great on your shoulder. Are tatts expensive?

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Shoot yeah, if he's your lucky charm! lol


Depends on what you get, how big and such. I'll upload the pics of what I want. I don't know if it will be more expensive with me bringing in my own design (that artist has to draw it to the size I want and then give me a price quote) but shouldn't be since I only want it big enough for the left shoulder.

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I bought myself a CZ ring a few years ago and people are all the time mistaking it for a real diamond. Granted if you have your eye ball to it you can def see it's not a real diamond but from afar, no difference. The key is to not get a gaudy one, something that looks real. I wear mine in the shower sometimes and it honestly seems to clean it up a little bit, lol


Really??? I always knew they looked exactly the same but was told they would damage easy - wow - if they don't damage easy why on Earth does anyone bother with a real diamond? You could get a HUGE CZ for a fraction of the cost..

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Really??? I always knew they looked exactly the same but was told they would damage easy - wow - if they don't damage easy why on Earth does anyone bother with a real diamond? You could get a HUGE CZ for a fraction of the cost..


Exactly. The one I have has a sterling silver band and the ring itself cost me $50. The band has kind of rubbed a little on the bottom (I use to work in a plant when I wore it). I just bought it to make myself feel better. I have no quams with telling people 'nope, not a real diamond' and they are always surprised. I have seen people with CZ rings and you can tell they aren't real because the stone is SO huge. The key is to get something of normal size.

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I have seen people with CZ rings and you can tell they aren't real because the stone is SO huge. The key is to get something of normal size.


Yeah - that's a good point.. hmm really does show how much we get ripped off with jewellry. I mean - yes a diamond is one of the most durable rocks you can get - but it's not like you are trying to carve lead with your e-ring or jewellry. As long as it lasts as a piece of jewellry, there's no problem. CZ do look exactly like diamonds - I doubt anyone but a jeweller could tell the difference.

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Believe me, if we could end the distance tomorrow we would. I guess we view it as a by product of having to be together (which it is) and that it's not forever... I def. don't support all LDRs, I think they work for certain people and certain things have to fall into place in order for them to be healthy. Both parties have to be willing to move, there has to be constant communication.. I can honestly say being in this relationship has strengthened my communication skills. And in a way since you don't have that physical connection on a daily bases, you connect more deeply on an emotional level because it is all you have. And when you connect on that emotional level when you are together physically it just all falls into place.

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