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RW- I hear you on the clothes not fitting. Mine isn't height but it's how curvy I am. If I get jeans to fit in the waist they are too short length wise and if they fit perfectly length wise they are too baggy in the waist. And people wonder why I run around in PJs all the time...


Make up I like wearing. Today my hair and make up was PERFECT and literally all I did was put some powder foundation on, eyeliner (smudged), masscara, a little eye shadow, and I straightened parts of my hair. And it looked great, I spent maybe 3 minutes on it. Ugh.


My purses I get from walmart, no lie. Over $20 I feel like I have made a mortal sin.


I mean, I hadn't htough of shipping my car but I'm not even sure if it would run over there... :s


I was going to have to use something before I fuond out about the containers. It's $50 through the postal system to ship boxes but I really didn't check FedEx or UPS rates.

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Hm. Not sure how to feel right now. Cs forwarded me a message that was sent to him via facebook by an old friend of mine. This is the one that while we parted on not a negative note I always left a place open hoping that friendship would come back. She was a really close friend when I was in HS and was there for all of my ex's crap. We (more so I) let men get inbetween us in a way. My ex confided in her boyfriend (his best friend) about him cheating on me the first time and his best friend told my old friend (his girlfriend). She didn't tell me and I took that betrayal very hard, even more so than the betrayal of my ex. But, in looking back, I forgave him and should have forgiven her. That is a reget I have, a major one, in my life.. that I forgave him but wouldn't forgive her.


Anyway, over the years we tried the friendship thing again but I was so jealous of her relationship with her husband. Looking back it was because I saw what it was like to have a guy love you and not cheat on you (unlike my ex) and I knew he and I would never have that and it made me insanely jealous. And it caused me to push her even FURTHER away. At some point she defriended me on facebook and I hadn't heard anything from her in almost a year. I think I sent a message six months ago apologizing for never forgiving her, for not listening to her sooner about my ex and for putting him before her. I never heard a response so I thought well...


So Cs forwards me the facebook notification from her message. It was actually a very heartfelt, kind message. She pretty much told him I was an amazing person and that I had been hurt so much and that when I give myself to someone I give everything, and to not hurt me. I know some would see it as very forward and presumptious but in reading it, I saw the old friend I knew from before everything bad happened. So I sent her a facebook message and we both agreed we weren't on bad terms.. or good terms.. just, no terms. One can almost say too much happened for us to bring a friendship up again but who knows...


we won't ever be super close but I feel like that chapter on my life is completely closed in knowing that I don't have an enemy but someone who does care but cares from a safe distance.

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Ah! And I met M to exchange bags and she had my niece with her. We stood there for a few minutes and I chatted with them. At one point C looked up at me from the car, smiled, and said, 'B' (the first letter of my name- it's quite long) and I was just estactic. I had never heard her call me anything before and it completely made my day.

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Why do you think you can't renew the friendship? I know things may never be the same, but many times friendships evolve and are still worthwhile. I have a friend who used to be my best friend. We did everything together, called each other 'sisters' etc. I don't feel that way about her now. We're just too different now. We were roommates for awhile too and that really put a strain on our friendship. Plus, while I was going through my breakup with my ex-gf, I felt she wasn't there for me when I was really hurting, so I built up a lot of resentment from that. So when I moved out, I stopped hanging out with her. It wasn't hard to do because we live about 2 hours away from each other now. For a whole year I never spent much time with her, but lately I've started to spend time with her again, and I've realized how much I miss having her as my friend. Like I said, it's not the same as it used to be, but I appreciate her in my life just the same.

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^Mostly because I will not be the one to make the first move. I have tried renewing it in the past and I didn't get the tone from her messages that she was interested in renewing it and I have put myself out there to renew and have it fall flat and I don't want to deal with that again... if she were to come to me and say lets give this friendship another go I might. Like I said, I think I will always hold a place in my heart for that friendship but anyone can say anything in a facebook message.. for all I know she was just prying. I hope she wasn't and the tone in her message to CS was not that but.. you never know.

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It is but I'm a firm believer that parents have to be happy and her being in a houe with feuding parents would hurt her more than the way they did. I know, I went through it with my parents.


Oh I agree, sapphires are GORGEOUS. I told CS I will always be partial to Amethyst (the birthstone of Feb, the month we started dating in) but I love Emeralds and Sapphires. I hate my birthstone- diamond. lol


I am an Aries and dislike diamonds as well. When my bf and I had been together about 3 years, he bought me a ring. It's a 2 carat cobalt blue sapphire with small diamond on two sides. I've had this ring for 8 years now and I still love it!

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I love diamonds (and I'm not an Aries) lol. I like that they go with anything. I love Princess Diana's engagement ring. Never saw it before but only saw it when I was watching a programme about William and Kate before Christmas. It's gorgeous!

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I love diamonds (and I'm not an Aries) lol. I like that they go with anything. I love Princess Diana's engagement ring. Never saw it before but only saw it when I was watching a programme about William and Kate before Christmas. It's gorgeous!


I always loved Princess Diana so I remember seeing it while watching like the programs they did after she died and when I saw that William gave it to Kate I was like 'ahhhhhh!' It's just very unique.

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Poor Di


I have a question! I've always known about blood diamonds but I am learning even more about slavery, unethical work situations, etc... and I have come to realize that I could give two hoots about having a "real" diamond. I'd much prefer a lab-created diamond. Am I within my rights to tell Alex this?

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Hi, sorry to butt in, just sat down with a coffee to catch up on how it all went, I'm so sorry but I'm a big believer in stuff happening for a reason. Good reasons! Your new Autumn wedding will be fantastic!!! Best of luck to you both and OG, you handled it amazingly x

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Hi, sorry to butt in, just sat down with a coffee to catch up on how it all went, I'm so sorry but I'm a big believer in stuff happening for a reason. Good reasons! Your new Autumn wedding will be fantastic!!! Best of luck to you both and OG, you handled it amazingly x


Thank you Superfox. As sad as it is it did work out for the better in some ways.



CS and I had date night tonight for the first time in.. well, forever. We watched Days of Thunder (hmmm, Tom Cruise when he was young...) and tomorrow we have plans to watch Air Force One (it has a plane in it, it's clearly CS's choice, lol). We have a few other movies planned out for the rest of our time off. I need to clean tonight, my room looks like a tornado hit it. I still haven't unpacked. Kind of like with wedding planning, I'm just not emotionally ready to do that yet. So silly I know.


We have done somewhat good about not talking about the wedding but it's slipped in a few times. Mostly we kind of have to talk about that time period in a way in order to plan what days to be off and such. We are toying with the idea of going to the beach for our honeymoon (what we originally wanted) and since it's off season it will be cheaper. Probably won't take Jasper since that's a five hour car drive and he wouldn't love me if I kept him in a carrier for that long.


Mom is cooking something, I can smell it. I'm about to starve!

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