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Well he had been married once before and it ended in divorce (he's about 6 or 7 years older than M) and always declared he would never get married again. Him and M had just gotten back together after a break up and she got pregnant. He was pretty much pressured into marriage by his religious MIL. I remember on the day of her wedding as her MOH asking her was she 100% positive she wanted to do this (I'm completely against getting married just because you get pregnant) and she said yes so I kissed her cheek before walking down the aisle and bawled my eyes out (happy tears) as she got married. He was always a late 20 year old man stuck in an 18 year old mindset I believe.

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Are some of you just blind? THE ISSUE HAS BEEN EXPLAINED TO DEATH. FFS just appreciate that noone can understand someone elses financial situation, noone understands or knows the intricacies of their lives better than them - they could NOT have gotten married if he came the next day (as OG's family couldn't have made it - they had to take the day off to be there on the original day) and we've MOVED ON. This is now just rudeness.



I agree with you. Why look for trouble when the two people most closely involved are OK with the result.
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I can never drop that much! To me I spend like $50 and that's over spending to me. I do love jewelry though. And for me it doesn't have to be expensive but I love wearing rings, necklaces, earrings, braclets. Make up I buy at Walmart, shoes I won't spend over $20 on a pair and clothes I go for what is comfortable. I have no style, lol


You bet! I love Walmart jewelry. I bought a really gorgeous ruby necklace there for about $150, but I am a sucker for the cheap stuff, I really am. The only pricey jewelry I ever buy is Jade. I have a weak spot for Jade. The rest, Walmart, definitely!

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You bet! I love Walmart jewelry. I bought a really gorgeous ruby necklace there for about $150, but I am a sucker for the cheap stuff, I really am. The only pricey jewelry I ever buy is Jade. I have a weak spot for Jade. The rest, Walmart, definitely!


And a lot of the walmart jewelry thought less expensive is just as durbale! They do have some grogeous stuff though. CS and I agree to hold off on any jewelry buying til I move over because we do not trust the postal system that good. At all. lol I have a weak spot for Kay's, I have to admit.

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OG, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before: did you inquire to ship your things via a container with a moving company? - I did that when I moved accross the ocean. I had to pay by volume, regardless of weight (which came in handy, since I have so many books!). I also got an extra reduction since I agreed to share the container with other people. The bigger the container and the more is inside, the less the volume price. Sure it took some weeks till I had my things, but they picked it up from my door and delivered it to my door. It cost me less to move my things trans continental than within the US.

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Wow - yeah.. it sounds like his heart was never in it and maybe he resented the situation (even though he helped create it). It looks like everyone is better off now (although it's so sad for C).


I like deep, dark blue saphires - although I don't have any.. I think they are beautiful. Even more so than diamonds. In fact I think a saphire flanked by tiny diamonds is just the most stunning thing to behold.

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OG, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before: did you inquire to ship your things via a container with a moving company? - I did that when I moved accross the ocean. I had to pay by volume, regardless of weight (which came in handy, since I have so many books!). I also got an extra reduction since I agreed to share the container with other people. The bigger the container and the more is inside, the less the volume price. Sure it took some weeks till I had my things, but they picked it up from my door and delivered it to my door. It cost me less to move my things trans continental than within the US.


I hadn't heard of that, no. Do you have a link or name I could look into? I mean, I have a lot of stuff but most of it is breakable (I was prepared ot leave it behind) and the thing I'm concerned about shipping is my scrapbook stuff.

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Wow - yeah.. it sounds like his heart was never in it and maybe he resented the situation (even though he helped create it). It looks like everyone is better off now (although it's so sad for C).


I like deep, dark blue saphires - although I don't have any.. I think they are beautiful. Even more so than diamonds. In fact I think a saphire flanked by tiny diamonds is just the most stunning thing to behold.


It is but I'm a firm believer that parents have to be happy and her being in a houe with feuding parents would hurt her more than the way they did. I know, I went through it with my parents.


Oh I agree, sapphires are GORGEOUS. I told CS I will always be partial to Amethyst (the birthstone of Feb, the month we started dating in) but I love Emeralds and Sapphires. I hate my birthstone- diamond. lol

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If you google "international moving" you are bound to find at least an address (and many other helpful hints) in your area. I had asked multiple companies for a quote, I packed everything myself to save some more and to be sure that everything was packed properly. I literally shipped everything (books, kitchen utensils, painting equipment, clothes, dishes, ... ) except one little suitcase. Nothing broke! (I invested quite some time in packing optimally, there hardly was any wiggle room). Since you have some time before you'll be moving, you could manage to pack up everything properly and send it, so that it is there by the time you arrive.

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If you google "international moving" you are bound to find at least an address (and many other helpful hints) in your area. I had asked multiple companies for a quote, I packed everything myself to save some more and to be sure that everything was packed properly. I literally shipped everything except one little suitcase. Nothing broke! (I invested quite some time in packing optimally, there hardly was any wiggle room). Since you have some time before you'll be moving, you could manage to pack up everything properly and send it, so that it is there by the time you arrive.


That is an awesome idea, thank you so much Pen! I have a lot of figurines but as you say, if you pack right there isn't any wiggle room. Do you have to get your own container?

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So I just went to grab my Rue 21 bag to get my stuff out and I have M's Rue 21 bag (we both bought stuff there). So I called and we planned to meet half way to exchange stuff tomorrow and then my mom FLIPPED OUT because I agreed to help her watch Tyler tomorrow while my sister takes her driving test. I didn't think anything wrong with 30 minutes to meet M and exchange but apparently I am the world's worst daughter for even thinking it was okay. Ugh.

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No, you don't have to get your own container. I am not sure if you have seen one of these huge container ships. The containers come in different sizes. Unless you are moving a whole house, it's quite unlikely that you'll have enough stuff to even fill have of the smallest unit. What happened with my move was, that I picked up proper moving boxes from the moving company (they are really, really sturdy; and they have specialized ones for special items + sizes; my clothes for example I could hang into a specific box with a rack. I filled up the rest of the box with towels and pillows etc). Once I was packed I called them to pick up everything. They then took the things and stored them at their facility (free of charge) until I told them the get go (I was still waiting for my visa to get approved). Once I got all the paperwork, they loaded up one of the containers (I said I was willing to wait till they could fill up a container with other people's stuff who had to move things into the same direction; for a higher price you can chose that they ship your things at a specific time regardless if the container is full or not). Once they had filled up the container to the brink, they had it transported to the next harbor (which admittedly wasn't that far, but the distance had nothing to do with the price) and onto the next ship. On the US side, they chose which harbor would be more suitable for them (dependent on which harbor has more traffic I guess) and once the things were through customs they packed it onto a truck and delivered it to my door. - Quite simple.


What is useful in order to get quotes is to have a rough idea of how much stuff (volume-wise) you have, but it is not necessary. (I actually had more in the end, than I ever imagined I possessed - when you put it all together in one corner of your house-, although I thought I had gotten rid of a lot of things before packing).

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I'll def be getting the proper boxes when the time comes. Most of my stuff is breakables like figurines and stuff. All my clothes I can git in a suitcase going over (no problem with that). A lot of the bulk of my stuff I have already given away (huge things from the apartment like washer and dryer) so it will mostly be like decoartions and what not. I'll def. check into it though! Do you get the stuff insured in case it's lost in transit?

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I think I had an insurance - the minimum (I took my laptop, most important personal papers, the bit of jewelery with me), since I made an extensive inventory, but I can't remember the details. I only know there are different options/ versions/ levels of insurance.


About your personal documents: make sure you have copies of everything and maybe leave a copy of everything with a trusted person, such as your mother I assume. I also asked for additional notarized copies of all my degrees, birth certificate etc.

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Oh I agree. I'll def bring anything of personal value with me on the plane ride like jewelry and personal papers. Good suggution about getting additional copies and leaving some with my mom. I'll google that tonight and look into it, it could mean I could bring a good bit into the house as well. Did you move any furniture or anything?

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i haven't moved overseas (Yet!) but one thing to consider is to find out if it is cheaper to transport furniture or if it is cheaper to buy it there. i guess when you get the estimate, you can balance that out.


Exactly. I wouldn't have much furntiure. I have one of those storage things you can buy from walmat and I keep some things in that but it can be used as a small drawer for clothes if need be. I don't think I have anything in storage furniture wise I would want to bring. I think I gave the dresser my mom gave me to my sister when I moved out of my apartment....

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I didn't take too much furniture, mainly because I didn't have much of high quality, but it would have been totally possible to take literally everything, including my car, but unfortunately the US had specific features they required, that my car didn't have, so I sold it. The one thing I was a bit upset about not being able to bring was my spice collection (since they were opened) and my plants.

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That's cool that you guys had a good shopping trip.


Like you, I'm not typical. I hate shopping. I CAN'T stand spending a whole day at the mall going to different stores looking for stuff. I usually just hit a few stores, get what I want, and then leave.


Shopping is also hard for me because of my height. I have a hard time finding clothes that fit me and most of what I buy, usually has to be altered, so I can never wear the pants I buy, right away. I also hate makeup and rarely wear it. I do love shoes and purses though. I will spend a pretty penny on purses if I find something that catches my eye (which is rare though).


I agree with the others, look into shipping containers. that would help, and there are companies that will come, drop off a small shipping container, you pack it, they come back to pick it up, and transport it (along with other containers) to ship it to your destination. Not sure on the price though (since I have never moved overseas).


Are you going to ship your car over too?


Also, if you are not shipping a lot, maybe you can ship a box or 2 over, via UPS or Fed Ex, or something along that line. U can insure your contents and they are pretty good with shipping overseas.

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