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You can't be with the person you love when this was supposed to be "your time"...it's totally understandable to be a hot mess! It's too bad that he couldn't have gotten on a plane later today once the mess was all cleaned up...or even tomorrow...but the important thing is you are still together emotionally even you are apart physically and the fact that you are still strong in your love is a testament to the stability of your relationship. I just hate to see something like this happen after all you two have been through. Talk about a tough break

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Aww hun *more hugs* This isn't fair. I wish that us girls could just come and entertain you. I hope you find a way to make this week somewhat decent.


I think the nights will be the worst since CS is asleep. During the day if I have him to talk too I don't think it will be that bad.


You can't be with the person you love when this was supposed to be "your time"...it's totally understandable to be a hot mess! It's too bad that he couldn't have gotten on a plane later today once the mess was all cleaned up...or even tomorrow...but the important thing is you are still together emotionally even you are apart physically and the fact that you are still strong in your love is a testament to the stability of your relationship. I just hate to see something like this happen after all you two have been through. Talk about a tough break


It's def. made us stronger. All petty arguments seem so... petty right now. It's only 3 1/2 months. Only....

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I'm not doing too well right now... ugh. It's kind of all hitting that he should be here, right now, asleep with me. And he's not. So I'm lying in bed, in his MU shirt snuggled to the bear he gave me in NY, crying. I don't even care that we didn't get to spend V day together or that we aren't getting married... I just miss him.


I thought you were probably in shock before. I felt kind of stunned myself and I'm just someone who talks to you on a forum so if I was feeling that way.. it is a horrible thing to have happened. Can you spend some time with your mum today and over the next few days? That's always really comforting.

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I thought you were probably in shock before. I felt kind of stunned myself and I'm just someone who talks to you on a forum so if I was feeling that way.. it is a horrible thing to have happened. Can you spend some time with your mum today and over the next few days? That's always really comforting.


I think I was. It was like that numb feeling you feel when you get cheated on or broken up with. You can accept the reality but it's like you aren't crying but you are keeping it all at bay. On the drive into town I remember I had to turn the radio off because there was just V day songs, I had to put in one of those darker songs. I knew tonight, tomorrow, and Wednesday would be super hard. I can, but my mum is the kind that wants to talk, talk, talk the situation out. Some how talking about it on here is different than real life though.

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I think the nights will be the worst since CS is asleep. During the day if I have him to talk too I don't think it will be that bad.




It's def. made us stronger. All petty arguments seem so... petty right now. It's only 3 1/2 months. Only....


It really will go so quickly - but nevertheless its ever so natural for you to be mourning the loss of the time you were looking forward to.. how is CS holding up?

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I think I was. It was like that numb feeling you feel when you get cheated on or broken up with. You can accept the reality but it's like you aren't crying but you are keeping it all at bay. On the drive into town I remember I had to turn the radio off because there was just V day songs, I had to put in one of those darker songs. I knew tonight, tomorrow, and Wednesday would be super hard. I can, but my mum is the kind that wants to talk, talk, talk the situation out. Some how talking about it on here is different than real life though.


Talking on here is a bit like talking to yourself. You arent on a response cue, you can take your time. And if you don't want to respond to a particular comment you can skip over it. And its just easier to say what you feel.

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Talking on here is a bit like talking to yourself. You arent on a response cue, you can take your time. And if you don't want to respond to a particular comment you can skip over it. And its just easier to say what you feel.


It is. And there is just somethign about having to talk about it out loud that brings the tears to bear. I have a friend I met through WeddingBuzz who her and her husband were in the same thing as us: she here, he there. They have been together five years I think and just got married last year, and she was telling me about all the setbacks they had and are still having with the US immigration.


It really will go so quickly - but nevertheless its ever so natural for you to be mourning the loss of the time you were looking forward to.. how is CS holding up?


He's taking it in stride. He knows I"m a basket case of emotion so I know he feels like he has to be my rock, and I guess he kind of does. But he knows I'm here for him too. We really didn't to talk long yesterday, poor guy had been up for 12 hours and stuck in a bus or at the airport for that entire time. But I know he was upset.

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Yeah, at least you guys don't have to deal with US immigration..


I think you should just be bed-bound until you feel better. I know that's where I'd be. Some people need to keep busy.. I'm a mope and mope until I'm done with moping kind of person.

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If you can, you should try to sleep. Hold his t-shirt near you, maybe under your head as you doze off...that has helped me in the past when I am away from my significant other. I really feel for you...I hope these next few days are not too painful.

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Thank you ladies. No tears for the last 20 minutes, lol. Thejigsup, you are right, he would do anything in the world for me and I am SO lucky to have found him. I think we will take this week to get re intouch with each other. Sometimes you lose sight of the small things in the day to day of a relationshpi, especially when a wedding is involved so I think we will spend the week going away from wedding talk and just spending time together.

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I'm doing ok- in a funny way I came to terms with it alot earlier because I was sat in the queue. A I said to OG though, my bus was 25 minutes late, and the accident was 30 minutes in front of us, so perhaps it was the universe keeping me safe. Of course I'm sad, but well be ok, and we'll set a new date soon enough. I take these things in my stride- the poor bus driver was having people shout at him who were missing their flights too, one poor guy was American and was flying home on the same flight as me. He'll be here till Friday now. It's him I feel sorry for.

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Had to go out yesterday but I hope you're both OK today! I know it's not much right now but I'm pleased you'll at least get to see eachother a bit sooner than October. And I'm sure in years to come you will look back and laugh at it and appreciate eachother more because you haven't had everything easy, it must be really difficult being in a LDR and having something like this thrown at you.


CS, probably not a good thing to say but I believe everything happens for a reason and what you said about the bus being late and things does sound like it was the universe was keeping you safe in a way. But definitely doesn't help thinking that in a situation like this, I know.


Anyway. I hope you're both OK, I'm thinking about you. I'm glad you get to talk in the days (and watch some films together). Probably is best to not talk about wedding stuff at the moment if it's just going to upset you.

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one poor guy was American and was flying home on the same flight as me. He'll be here till Friday now. It's him I feel sorry for.


eh, don't feel too sorry for him. of course it sucks, and now he has to find a hotel, but london is a super exciting city, so much to do. besides, he might have gotten on a standby flight!

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I noticed the wedding is postponed and just wanted to say I'm really sorry your day can't go as planned every time I've panicked, cried even, because I was scared my flight would be canceled when going to see my boyfriend (strikes, volcano, snow! UK airports suck!), it feels stupid in comparison to missing your wedding.


There isn't much that can be said to make it better, I'll just say what I think of when I'm really upset about something relationship-wise. I think that the world is filled with people who are heartbroken by the one they love, who are greiving their SO's death, who don't have anybody and are painfully lonely, etc. When I think of that I realise while things are bad now, I am so lucky to have what I have even if it's not going to plan right now. You guys still have eachother, if you want it enough you'll make it one day and all this will just be a memory of the past which doesn't matter anymore.


You guys look out for eachother, help eachother through this week and get planning on a trip to see eachother it'll help a bit. Perhaps try to work out an official date for the wedding in October when you can, again it may help to have it set. Good luck to you both

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It is hard but we both knew going in this wouldn't be easy and that anything could happen. It def. has only strengthened our resolve to be together really. Wedding talk doesn't really upset me but I think it's good for us if we take a break from it since it's been the core thing we have been talking about the last few months.




Thank you Unknown. We had panic attacks before with the volcano and strikes at London so I'm looking at it as 1 out of 3 trips missed isn't that bad.


We kind of already have a set date for the wedding again but since we aren't doing any wedding talk the next few weeks we won't announce it but it will be the first part of October. We both agreed this happened for a reason so we are axing all wedding talk during this vacation and just strengthening 'us'. Might as well get something out of this diaster.

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I KNEW CS had something up his sleeve yesterday by the way he was acting. I just knew it. So I was sitting in my room watching The Bachelor and my mom knocks on my door. I'm like what?? She looked at me and smiled and said, "Close your eyes." I'm like what in the world but I do it. So then she said open them and what did I see when I did?


image removed


First words out of my mouth were, "No he didn't!" Sneaky little devil... lol. Completely made my day.

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