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I do feel for you. This is one reason I do not do LDRs, too much can go wrong. I know you guys will make it, though. You will just have to be patient.


Thank you thejigsup. It's def. a risk you take (especially with the distance of ours) and out of 3 trips it's the first one that something happened that he couldn't be here so, Just gotta look at the positives.

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So I ventured out to Walmart. CS told me to get some scrapbook stuff to do tonight. Well their picture thing was done and I wasn't driving 30 mins in the opposite direction of my house just to get pictures. I may venture back out tomorrow, I dunno. So I got what I went for (mom and brother are sick so had to go get them something) and I ended up in line with the slowest cashier on Earth. No lie. I had 4 items and it took her five minutes to ring me up. And the two people in front of me had buggages slammed full so I stood in line for a good 30 minutes. FML. I was not in the mood for that.


My room is a slight tornado right now but it's mostly because of the things I packed. I'm not in the mood to unpack them right now.

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I'm just furious at the airline that they would sell new tickets online but won't swap his existing ticket over onto one of those until Fri, esp in the circumstances.


How long does he get to come over for in October? At least, on what bright side there is - you'll probably have more time for your honeymoon then .. and there will be less of a wait between when you are married and when you can start living together.

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I'm sorry to hear, OG.


Remember, one day at a time, you'll get through this. (Hugssssss)


Oh OG, we are here for you *virtualhugs*


Just one step at a time, you know?


Thank you ladies. We def. couldn't make it through this without our ENA community.


I'm just furious at the airline that they would sell new tickets online but won't swap his existing ticket over onto one of those until Fri, esp in the circumstances.


How long does he get to come over for in October? At least, on what bright side there is - you'll probably have more time for your honeymoon then .. and there will be less of a wait between when you are married and when you can start living together.


I'm a little furious myself but at least all we lost out of it was $150. He'll probably come over for the same time he would have this time, a week and a half pretty much since he has to be here at least 2 days before the wedding so we can get the license. I know we are both (somewhat) glad there won't be as long of a wait from the time we are married until I move but overall, it's still the same amount. Only I'll go over there in June for an extended weekend.

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I'm just furious at the airline that they would sell new tickets online but won't swap his existing ticket over onto one of those until Fri, esp in the circumstances.



it's a different world post 9/11. i used to travel for work back in 2000, i was standby all the time, i always was able to easily swap flights, etc... (it helped that i worked for the government). but now, sheesh, forget it. i mean, you can still get on standby, but it's a lot harder.

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it's a different world post 9/11. i used to travel for work back in 2000, i was standby all the time, i always was able to easily swap flights, etc... (it helped that i worked for the government). but now, sheesh, forget it. i mean, you can still get on standby, but it's a lot harder.


It really is. I mean sure, he could have stayed in the airport until Friday but what kind of fiance would I be if I were like, "yes, stay in the airport in an uncomfortable place for five days just to come see me' ? The thought never crossed my mind. He told me what was going on and I was like 'okay, we will shoot for the June-October mix then'

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When is the official moving date? April 2012? Maybe you should wait until April for the wedding? It seems difficult working out all the fine details when you're getting married and then "separating" long distance again...though as I said plenty of military couples do it so it definitely can work...you two are strong and determined...I think I'd be falling apart if I were in your position.

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June 2012 is when I'll move. If we wait til April that means a longer time from when I visit him in June to the wedding. I mean, yeah, it's the same overall but we couldn't afford for him to fly over him in April and less than two months later fly me over. It's not ideal but at some point we will be seperated after getting married. And as sad as it is, us getting married and thens seperating to do things the right way could look better for our visa, not like we just got married to get me in the country.

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That's right! One year went quickly, right? And a later wedding date means you don't have all the celebrations heaped up in February - and as you said its the same time you have to spend apart in the end.


I'm trying to kill time by watching The Bachelor. Waiting for episode 7 to become downloadable (I know its a crap show but I can't help myself)

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Yeah. I'm sitting here scrapbooking our NY trip. In a way it's helping and in a way it's not. It's keeping me busy but at the same time I'm looking at all the pictures of us together in NY and I ca'nt help but think he should be here asleep right now....


I watch that from time to time. I love reality shows like that.

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I'm not doing too well right now... ugh. It's kind of all hitting that he should be here, right now, asleep with me. And he's not. So I'm lying in bed, in his MU shirt snuggled to the bear he gave me in NY, crying. I don't even care that we didn't get to spend V day together or that we aren't getting married... I just miss him.

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(((hugs))) I wish we could all be there right now, maybe cook up a nice meal and watch a good movie...just take your mind off of things...I really can't fathom how you feel, so I won't say "I understand" because I don't, but I can feel your pain...I just hope it lessens as the weeks go by and you can get back to counting the days until you are with CS once again. Do you think you can sleep at all?

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