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Oh and it's national express. It helps that Ive been sitting just behind the drover as spouting my tale of woe


Oh big thumbs up to the National Express guy, I vowed to never travel with them again lol.


Definitely not your fault! These things happen even though of course it sucks, really sucks! But I can see that that would be better now (OG coming over in May or June) so you could spend a bit more time together and have more money. Oh I really hope everything works out OK for the both of you sooner than you hope!

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CS - why didn't you try to get on standby?


Because I would have had to stay either in a hotel- which would have cost us our food money- or at the airport til Friday. And on top of that, less time together. OG and I made the decision together. It was not an easy one by far and both of us would have preferred it turned out differently but it didn't.

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My mom is... yeah. She called me wanting to knwo what was going on. I told her. She asked if I wanted anything from McDonalds (I'm sad, of course I do). So I go out in the living room to get it and she hands me a bag of Reese Cups, my favorite candy and tells me everything will be okay and I just start bawling again.

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Thank you Sherry. It's going to be a tough week. You know we made a decision the best we could but neither of us is liking it and it's just going to be hard. We will get through it though. It was bound to happen at least once, you know? The first time we met that stupid Iceland volcano erupted and shut down air travel like weeks before our scheduled trip and then last October the workers at London went on strike from the airport CS was flying out of! So I guess I kind of have to look at it as out of 3 trips we have only missed 1, although I still would have preferred it not be our wedding one. -.-

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I just got off the webcam with CS. I don't know why but being able to see him (even through a webcam) made me feel so much better. It's so weird. You know how when you break up with someone that after the break up for a while you can't do things because they remind you of your ex? Like certain places, certain songs, certain shows, and you don't have the emotional capability to watch them or go to those places? That's like how I am now only obviously we aren't broken up but with the trip being cancelled and all that it's like that.


Take for instance I just don't want to talk about the incident anymore with anyone in real life. Every time it's brought up I start crying and I have gotten to that point (like you would in a break up) were you just are sick of talking about it and crying. My sister wants to talk to me but right now I'm just no emotionally steady to talk about it without breaking into tears. And unpacking. My bag is still sitting on the edge of my bed packed because unpacking it means the trip really isn't happening, so that's another thing I'm not emotionally ready to do. I'm avoiding any and all clocks for the next 3 days because I know I'll be thinking 'oh, we should be doing this and this right about now' and that's just not going to help. My best friend is coming down Wednesday to do some shopping with me so maybe that will distract me the day of.


Even tentaively setting a new wedding date I don't want to do right now. I told CS, "I'm engaged and in a relationship, I shouldn't be using break up coping mechanisms that I learned on ENA right now!" . Obviously we did talk tenative dates, more so I think to give us something to look forward too. My trip over will more than likely be the first week in June (which, incidentally will be a complete year from the first time we met in NY) and I should have gathered enough PTO days take a good amount of trip. We are also going to try to schedule it around a bank holiday weekend and hope it coincides with my weekend off (I get every other off) that way that's less PTO time I have to take but means more days I can stay, you know?


As for the wedding it will either be Oct. 8th or Oct. 15th. Both dates work for us, just a matter of making the final decision. Which I laughed when we said Oct. 8th because when we got engaged the very FIRST wedding date we set was Oct. 7th, 2010. I thought to myself, 'Thanks universe, you could have found a more subtle way of telling us we were suppose to get married in October instead of Feb'


CS will go back to work next week (no use in using up his PTO days when he can use them for the wedding) but he's staying off this week still. I feel better than I did when I first found out (although CS said I reacted much better than he was prepared for me too) and it's just gotta sink in in the next few days. I suppose the only up side is we already have a whole bunch of stuff for the wedding in October... except engraved wedding flutes which now have the date of our none wedding. >.

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You are both handling this really well. It must have been a tough decision to make (postponing v hanging at the airport till Friday and having less time) - OG are you getting some sleep? I think you should force yourself to. Have a few glasses of wine or whatever is around and knock yourself out if you have to.

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It was. I mean, you can say 'oh, you guys could have had a week vs. not seeing each other' but financially it made more sense. And sadly life isn't like the movies were things magically work out. Believe me, I'm shocked I'm handling this this good....


I slept for about 3 hours earlier, from none until about 3 when I got on webcam to talk to CS. My mom and brother are sick (wonderful) so I'm having to run out and get stuff. CS told me to print off some pictures while I was out and scrapbook tonight (to keep me distracted). It really is like having to deal with a bloody break up at this point. I went to get dressed to go into town and I had the clothes I was going to wear to the airport laid out last night. I didn't even want to wear the shirt I was going to wear. I'm a hot mess, lol.

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OMG...haven't been online much today and read this I'm very sorry to hear this OG & CS.


Thank you Sidehop. The next few days will be the hardest since we had things planned by the hour, you know? Just gotta keep busy until Thursday and while it'ls still going to be a sore point, it won't be as bad.


I'm sorry that happened, OG. =/ Just give it a week or so and I'm sure you'll start feeling better.


Thank you. I know, I know that within a week how I feel now will pass and at least I"m bettter than I was this morning.

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