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They might even be able to give you a refund for those two days.. Having two days less when you don't have heaps of time to begin with is total crap and I honestly can't even imagine how heartbreaking this is but you will both get through this .. and hopefully people around you will be as understanding and accomodating as they can be to help you guys out. I'm so sorry .. I don't even know what to say.

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I'm so sorry hon. I have no doubt if he can find a way to you, he will do it. Just don't fall to pieces yet, anything could happen.


They are like inching along. They are move five feet but then stopping for 2o minutes. He can see the planes taking off, he thinks they are about 15 miles from the airport but his flight leaves in 40 minutes. It's just so ridiculous.

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I'm praying there's a long take off delay and the traffic continues to get better. Maybe he should be prepared to ditch all his luggage except hand luggage maybe so he can save time on check in. After a point they close things off. Sometimes if you arrive after that point they can make an exception ESP if you don't have to worry about luggage.

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I'm so sorry - If he can be placed on a wait list it's still possible he might get a flight today or tomorrow. I'm praying for a two hour delay on his flight. As metro said anything can happen btw now and what we know is the worst case scenario .. That he comes on thurs

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Tom's turned up about 10 minutes before the flight is due before and has managed to get on. I'm so sorry OG, really crappy situation, can only imagine how you must be feeling. Even if he had to come a bit later, if you had to just not go on your honeymoon for now, would that be a possibility? Like if he came a week or so later, you just got married and didn't get to spend as much time together but got to do your honeymoon another time? I know this must be devastating and that's no help though, I'm sorry.

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His flight takes off in six minutes. No miracle this time. It's honestly at that point were I don't even want to plan a 'what if' scenario because what's the point? He isn't coming. There are no guarantees for the Thursday flight. Sure, I'll take him for a week rather than nothing but why even get my own hopes up? I went to bed so happy and excited... amazing what 4 hours can do to a person.

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I wish I could give you a ten hour hug. When he finally gets to the airport it should get much clearer and much more concrete re: whether he can come. I know you don't want to get your hopes up but please don't lose all hope just yet.. I know it's easier said ..

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There are plenty, the problem is with them being booked already and they always over book flights (in case of no shows). If he were to get on a waiting list he would have to stay at the airport, and that could be until Thursday. I"m so sick of the situation that it's made me sick, literally. My stomach is so upset and I would love to just be able to sleep the next few hours away and dream of a miracle but I can't sleep.

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