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Why don't you have a look online at when the next flights are scheduled to leave OG? And maybe CS can ring the airport and let them know what's happened and that he may be missing his flight and if so can he be on the waiting list or next in line to the very next available flight out?

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Ok.. well, either way - be calm.. you are both alive and in good health and in love - so whatever happens at this point - the most it can do is cause a delay. The important things are still in place. And that's the worst case scenario.


Best is, they put him on the next available flight. I think he should call the airline and see what they can tell him.

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Do they even do that? I always thought when you missed a flight you miss a flight.


No, no - they generally put you on the next flight (even when it was totally your fault that you missed it). The only circumstances in which they wouldnt do that is if you had one of those super saver flights booked - where you get a really low price but if you miss it you miss it - no cancellations and no rescheduling. But an international flight is unlikely to have those kinds of terms attached to it. Chances are they will put him on another flight - but he'll have to wait until a seat is available. Your difficulty at this point is that there might be a lot of people missing this flight - meaning it'll be hard to get a seat on another flight. So if he calls in he Might be able to get his name on the wait list for the next flight or nab a booking on an available seat. It's worth giving them a call, either way.

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I just asked my H the same Qn - his answer too was that unless you have a "really cheap and nasty airline" - if you miss an international flight you'll be put on the next available one going out, provided there is a seat. Sometimes that can mean a delay of a day or two .. but who knows - there might be seats available on one leaving later on in the day. Did you say this is night his time or day?

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Annnnddd that next available flight is full. F.


Yup - that is the problem. He MIGHT be able to get the ticket swapped to another airline if he makes them feel sorry for him (explaining he's about to miss his wedding and showing them the rings would be a start) and then he might have to pay a small penalty for the swap or maybe not - that's something he can try and beg for if it comes down to it. We nearly missed our hike to Peru because we missed the flight and the next available was booked - the next flight was not until the next day.. which means we would have missed our hike. After begging and pleading from me, the airline pretty much let us exchange our ticket for a ticket on another airline that had seats to the city we were flying to.


My point is sometimes if you beg and are sympathetic enough they can do a fair bit for you. Tell him to keep his cool and make sure everyone knows he flying out to get married when he asks for anything. Its amazing how people who tell you "sorry there is nothing we can do" can suddenly find a solution for you if they feel sorry for you..


What is the next available flight from the same airline that isn't full - does he know?

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Ok .. in three years this is going to be a story you tell about how you two made it through some of the world's biggest obstacles.


Can he get himself placed on a wait list? People don't make flights for all kinds of reasons - he might get lucky if he's on a wait list. I think he needs to do everything he can to get there.. if nothing can be done then he files a travel insurance claim, get the money back and fly out as soon as its affordable, right?


I know nothing can be said to make it feel better - I'm hoping for you that something miraculous happens and he gets a flight because you really don't deserve this - neither of you do.

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Right now it feels like the end of the world.


Well the thing is he would have to come before April because he has a training thing at work, he can't leave the country during that time from April-Sept. And I can't ask off for work anymore (used all my available PTO up this time) and he would have to ask off as well...

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