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My mom said she walked in and I was asleep on my back and I had my left arm curled under him and wrapped around him. He was faced toward me and had one of his little leg thrown over me. lol


I just realized I have never posted a picture of my niece, my best friend's daughter. :s I'll post one now for a little while. This was last Easter I believe....

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I woke up feeling slightly worse than the last few days. My throat really hurt and I was coughing and stuffy. I quickly took some nasal decongestion and loaded up on my first round of vitamin c for the day. 4 days before, come on!


I have to work tonight and tomorrow night and then I'm OFF for two weeks. So ready for this vacation... at least it's the weekend. They are always easier than a weekday.

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Yeah your niece is adorable .. just read the love story post - it was so sweet..


How are you feeling now - is the cold gone?


I'm still battling it. I'm coughing this morning but it's not too bad. I think it's worse when I wake up and then as I move around and get medicine in my system for the day it's not bad, I don't remember coughing at all last night.


It took me FOREVER to fall asleep last night. It was at least 3 am before I fell asleep and I layed here for like an hour in the dark with nothing on. I was SO tired but I just could not fall asleep. And then my mom woke me up this morning by coming in my room and asking me a questino and I would have been able to fall back asleep but Tyler kept crying... >.


He arrives tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Is officially on VACATION!!! Woohoo!!!


Ah, so much to do before CS arrives tomorrow. I need to finish packing, last minute cleaning, I gotta help mom clean the living room tomorrow (ugh), and get everything for the wedding ready and in one place. Yay. I'm also playing a video game with some friends later on tonight (zombie game, lol) so my last game of that as an unmarried woman.


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Here is the link for our wedding pictures! I'll post it again when we get them uploaded. For those who want to see them just PM me and I will send you the password for it.

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Is officially on VACATION!!! Woohoo!!!


Ah, so much to do before CS arrives tomorrow. I need to finish packing, last minute cleaning, I gotta help mom clean the living room tomorrow (ugh), and get everything for the wedding ready and in one place. Yay. I'm also playing a video game with some friends later on tonight (zombie game, lol) so my last game of that as an unmarried woman.


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Here is the link for our wedding pictures! I'll post it again when we get them uploaded. For those who want to see them just PM me and I will send you the password for it.


Pm me the password. I can't wait to see. I can't believe your day is almost here.

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Pm me the password. I can't wait to see. I can't believe your day is almost here.


I sent it to you! You may see them before I upload them to photobucket since they will go on facebook first, lol. I know! I'm just so ready to be married and not have to worry about a wedding. I haven't scrapbooked or worked on my novel in like two months because I have been SO focused on wedding stuff.

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Thank you Sherry! Less than 24 hours til I see him. I can't sleep right now. Blah. I took some supplements to help get me sleepy. On the up side I played a few games with a friend, I got everything packed (I believe, lol), everything for the wedding in one place and accounted for, and my room straightened up. I also managed to eat and shower as well, lol. I also remembered (the hard way) why I do not shave my who ha. I got impatient, had already been in the shower for like 20 minutes (it's so hard being a woman sometimes... why must shaving your legs take FOREVER?!) and instead of using Nair like I normally do I decided to shave.


Annnddd I was quickly reminded why I do not shave. When you are digging for your brother's after shave after a shower, it doesn't get more embarassing than that, lol.


God I just had a heart attack. I have a purse I use to carry my shmapoo and stuff and had it hanging on my shoe rack. It just fell and hit the floor and OMG me and Jasper both jumped five feet. Dangit.


Last I heard from CS he was on the bus headed to London. It's cold there this morning and what does my fiance do? Wears a t shirt in freezing cold weather and then refuses to dig his jacket out of his suitcase. And he says I'M the stubborn one..... His flight will leave at 8 AMish my time. God i hope I'll be in bed by then...

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