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I had forgotten about room-mates. Retail and food service here tends to be ages all accross the board, whether it's middle-aged people going back to school and supporting a family at the same time, or someone fresh out of high school. One thing I know is that the lovely old woman who is ALWAYS at the local coffee shop, looking exhausted, deserves to make more $$ than she does.

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In my state minimum wage is $7.25 but that's only been raised recently. For decades it was $5.50. I couldn't live on my here with what I make, I would need two jobs. My old two bedroom, two bath was $550 a month. I use probably $120 a month on gas.



Today has been such a good day. My co workers game me a card they had all signed and a lot of them came up and hugged me, wishing me luck. My boss even put on our schedule that I was getting married. and then rihht before she left my boss handed me a card from her with $25 in it. I thought that was so sweet.

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Aww that's so lovely!


Are you done with your letter?


No, lol. I haven't tried writing it again. I'm kind of inspired tonight so I may try to get it wrote.


For those who have our marriage blog link I'll be making a post tonight or tomorrow night (really just an excuess for me to write in it kind of our 'how we got here' story. And for anyone who doesn't have it and wants it, just PM me.

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Normally I am. I mean, as long as nothing is wrong with them, at some point they have to learn to fall asleep on their own instead of being rocked to sleep.


I ended up getting up and getting him. My aunt heart couldn't take it, lol. I think he only cried for like a minute. I gave him so Pedialite, sung him a luluabye and he was out. He slept with me thorugh the night.


I don't live with her, no. I live with my mom but my sister will occasionally come and spend the night.


And my nephew so just sucker punched me in his sleep. >.

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An airplane theme for a babies room sounds fun!


I think so too! And I love creating things so it will be pretty cheap for me to do it. I'll just print off a cute kid airplane template and use it to paint on the walls and then just get a plain white lamp and put the template on there (no need to spend $30 on an airplane lamp when I can create one for $10). I need to stop now. lol! And I'm thinking for our second son's it will be a football theme. Easily do that as well.

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Exaclty! Have his name in blocks hanging on the wall.. have a few of CS's planes on shelves for decoartions... I think the only thing I would spend money on decoration wise was an airplane mobile, and I'm sure I could easily create one (maybe not easily but cheaply, lol). I really think about baby's too much... our first girl's I'm going to do a butterfly theme in purple and yellow. I loath pink. It's too girly, lol.

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Yeah, exactly! I have a niece and a nephew and a few small cousins. All the fancy stuff gets bought but then easier ways of doing things are thought of and all the expensive stuff just gets forgotten, total waste of money!

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Yep. Probably the two things I would not go cheaply for are the crib and a stroller. They have a stroller nowadays (my best friend has it) that when they are babies you just pick the carseat up out of the car and sit it int he stroller and lock it. Then when they get bigger (like toddler age) you just pick THEM up and put them in the stroller. So instead of having to buy another stroller when they get to that toddler age, you still got the same stroller you had when they were babies.

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