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Is it easier getting VISA and residency there compared to him moving to the US? Wife and I looked at moving to France awhile back and didn't realize how difficult it is for an American to just 'move' there let alone find a job unless sponsored through a company.

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It really is. I don't have to go through a whole medical exam like he would if he moved here. One of the main factors that had us decide for me to move there was when you move to a country you have to make x amount a year to show you can support the foreigner without them becoming a burden on the government. I made no were near that amount. CS does it make over there and there is just no way he could make what he makes now over here so for us in the longer run financially it made more sense for me to move there. That and I always wanted to live there.

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KH26- Honestly, I just thought you could rock up to a country and move in. :s Learned very quickly you either had to be a) married b) engaged c) a student or d) have a skill the country desperatly needs.


Sidehop- having the NHS is def something I'm looking forward too. I'm tired of not being able to afford medical insurnace.

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And I thought spending equivalent of £0.49 per liter was expensive...(and people moan and groan about it too).


Seriously????? I was in Florida a few years ago and had to see a doctor, he said the petrol was something like that, I was shocked! Petrol went down to something like 1.15 at one point (I think, was quite a bit cheaper anyway) and I was excited haha.

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Welcome to the wonderful world of Nuclear power.... we're a small country, we only need 7 Nuclear power stations to power the entire country... our power bills arent that bad. A typical tank of fuel right not I would say would sot about £70, so about $47. On the flip side, our minimum wage is considerably higher, I think its about $8.

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I think that's about the same here for minimum wage, depends on the state of course as some are in the $5's.


I know there are many risks with nuclear but I'm all for it. We have one half built not too far away from here but for political reasons it got shut down in the 70's. Look at France, they've been running them just fine along with other countries. £70 is actually $112. I'd seriously buy a road bike at that point! When the price soared to $4/gallon people were abandoning their SUV's and actually buying small Honda Civic's and hybrids. There was a time couple years ago when Geo Metro's (really small but fuel efficient) and Honda Civic hatchbacks were going for thousands used.

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I dont deny youd struggle to live on your own, but then there are plenty of shared houses. Im afraid if you have a low paid job (and lets be honest, most people doing these sorts of jobs are young people) then you have to live to your means, as we all do. OG would struggle to afford to live on her own with her job.

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