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lol that's not enough! 2,000mg is usually the daily dosage some homeopathetic docs recommend. For colds you may have to go above 5,000mg.


The worst that can happen with overloading with C's is upset stomach, mild headache, etc. It just can't kill you. I'd bombard it. I take 2,000mg on top of multi-vitamins on a daily basis and have taken up to 15,000mg. I think around that 15,000mg mark I started to get a headache. Wiped out the cold in 24 hours though with a good rest

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Vitamin C's are underrated to the point it's a well kept secrecy what C's and overloading specific nutrients can do to the body. It's been proven to reverse terminally ill cancer patients and even fibromyalgia but it's not documented as it's illegal in the US to publish anything that's not 'medically proven'. Most of those types of therapy exists outside the US. Look up Gerson Therapy in YouTube. It'll explain the theory better.

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Which vitamin supplements do you take sidehop? I need to get on some kind of multi vitamin because I know I don't intake the kinds of vitamins I should but there are so damn many of them. :s



Also, I tried to get Jasper in his cat carrier today to make sure he could still fit. I got him half way in and then literally had to SHOVE him in. He does NOT like that carrier, at all. CS is def. going to have to pet him through the door and give him treats on the hour and a half drive to Atlanta. :s And once I let him out, he wouldn't stop showering me with attention. I guess he was afraid I would put him back in, lol

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This one & from this store which is the cheapest (their shipping is a bit slow...): link removed


It's basically from raw foods. I can take this first thing in the morning and not feel sick as it's literally straight nutrients from the food. For 3-month supply the price is great. Most stores sell these for about $90.


Does Jasper howl at night? OMG our Jasper-looking cat is not all there lol. He reminds me of my old roommates cat. He howl and meow while when he's sleeping on the couch he'll randomly fall off.

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Are the vitamin supplements at like Walmart the same? Or not as good?


The only time Jasper meows is when he has run out of food or water or when he wants attention. It's very rare really. He has never howled really. Oh Jasper isn't completely all there either... I have to put his water bowl in a plastic tray because he knocks it over! Every time and it's one of those watering ones. He'll move it around the bathroom until it falls over and then meows because of it. At least with the plastic tray it catches the sloshed water.

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Oh he doesn't sound so bad then lol. Ours (we've been boarding him two other cats for about a year now!) just flips everything over and plays with it. He freaks out for nothing sometimes.


There's a controversy with supplements as it's not regulated by the FDA so you don't know what's exactly in them. Most of the cheap vitamins you can buy at a stores and yes including Walmart is mostly fillers and nutrients are generally extracted synthetically. Some researches say there are no difference but try taking them on your empty stomach. I wouldn't.


Although I do like "Emergen-C". They're like $9 for 32 packs or so at Walmart and each has 1,000mg of Vitamin C with other nutrients. The orange tastes just like juice so it's easy to mix and drink. Usually I take them especially in winter time if I'm going anywhere out in public. And one after I get home. See what works for you.

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The only weird thing Jasper really does is every now and then he gets like a wild hair up his bum and will just take off through the house at full speed (Which sounds like a herd of elephants), come to a skidding stop, look at you, and then run back the other way and he repeats this process several times. I have no idea why he does this. I wasn't even giving him cat nip when he did it! And Jasper scares easily as well. He never hisses but turn the vacum on and try to bring the hose near him and he will hiss and bat at it.

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Vitamin C's are underrated to the point it's a well kept secrecy what C's and overloading specific nutrients can do to the body. It's been proven to reverse terminally ill cancer patients and even fibromyalgia but it's not documented as it's illegal in the US to publish anything that's not 'medically proven'. Most of those types of therapy exists outside the US. Look up Gerson Therapy in YouTube. It'll explain the theory better.


We got told by our lecturer last year (a psychology lecture) that this was a complete myth. He said the guy who said the Vitamin C could help with the cold also said it could cure cancer. The man had won a nobel prize (or maybe even two) previously so people believed him. My lecturer said its a complete myth that Vitamin C can do either. He says all that happens is that you liver processes it and you pee it out. He says what's proven is that it does not help cure anything. On the other hand taking too much can actually harm your organs as they try to process and get rid of it.


Now I haven't read anything on this personally so all I'm doing is literally quoting what our lecturer said. The point of it was not to fall for the argument from.. oh what is it - I can't remember the phrase - basically not to believe something just because someone who has great experience or expertise says it. The only thing we should believe is what's proven. Anyway this was just last year that he said this.

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Yep I'm keeping all my ideas open as there's the medical vs. natural while there are so much conflict of interest when it comes to medical industry in general. Plus in the US finding documentation to prove such research is non-existence as they made it very difficult and I heard it's illegal (not sure about this claim) to publish anything that's not scientifically proven.


But there are so many treatments now including Mayo Clinic and other private clinics that combine nutrition therapy to reverse serious illness like heart disease. If type II diabetes can be reversed which is documented all over the net while bottom line, our body basically needs nutrition really makes sense rather than relying on medication alone. I just tell people to try and see what works for them. It's how deep you want to go into the rabbit hole. Mind boggling really when it comes this sort of topic.

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I won't go crazy with the Vitamin C but I'm def. going to take at least 2,000 mg a day up until the wedding. I'm just not running the risk of having a stuffy nose on the big day.


Today was CS's last day of work! I know he's super excited. He's stopping by a department store and going ahead and getting him a pair of dress pants for the wedding with the gift card his co workers gave us (I can't exactly use it anyway I on other hand have tonight and 2 more days. Ugh. I'm suppose to have help tonight (I say suppose because it's the one who always seems to be sick or has something to do when we are suppose to work together) so tonight shouldn't be too bad. And then I just have two more days. It's slowly getting there, lol

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I called my insurance company to set my payment to automatically withdraw from my account (which gives me a $20 discount) and since we are getting married before this month's payment is due they were able to go ahead and set up the policy so that CS is on it, it'll just take effect the day after the wedding. God it pays to be married, no lying. Just changing my status from single to married lowered my monthly insurance payments by $30 some odd dollars!

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You have a lot of stuff to move CS? When I left I had two boxes shipped and crammed my computer and clothes in the car. The rest of the big stuff like the couch and other furnitures were either sold or given away. Lightest move ever!


He isn't moving here, he'll just be here until the 24th then he'll fly back. Next time we are able to see each other is when I fly over in October for a week's vacation.

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