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Jared and I were watching Friends the other night where Chandler and Monica were getting engaged. Jared got it in his head he wanted to re-propose to me since he didn't get to do the one knee thing, so he made me give him my ring. Keep in mind, I'm sick right now and I've been coughing nonstop. And Sheila was in one of her annoying moods so she was all over us anyway. So anyway, he comes to me on the couch and gets down on one knee, and he starts to give some speech. Meanwhile, I start laughing, whcih causes me to cough, which causes Sheila to come over and get all in our face. Jared finally gets out "In 64 days, will you marry me?" My response? "It's 62 days but sure".


I guess that was my moment!

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Jared and I were watching Friends the other night where Chandler and Monica were getting engaged. Jared got it in his head he wanted to re-propose to me since he didn't get to do the one knee thing, so he made me give him my ring. Keep in mind, I'm sick right now and I've been coughing nonstop. And Sheila was in one of her annoying moods so she was all over us anyway. So anyway, he comes to me on the couch and gets down on one knee, and he starts to give some speech. Meanwhile, I start laughing, whcih causes me to cough, which causes Sheila to come over and get all in our face. Jared finally gets out "In 64 days, will you marry me?" My response? "It's 62 days but sure".


I guess that was my moment!


Awwwwww but it's so YOU guys! With Shiela getting in the way and Jared getting the number of days mixed up.... I think that's one of the sweetest moments I have ever heard of, no lie.


All I asked of CS was not to put my ring in any kind of food or beverage.

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I stumbled accross this picture when I was shifting through the pictures I want to move from my computer to CS's lap top:

image removed


When we were in NY we went out to eat one night. We would just get ready and hit the pavement, no destination in mind, no idea what kind of food we wanted, we would just walk the lower east side and look at the menus of all the resturants. Toward the end of the week we stumbled accross this resturant. I don't think it really had a food 'theme' (although I remember the waitress having like 80's teased hair, a short skirt, and like 5 million silver braclest on her wrist) but it was extremely small and intimate.


That was also the latest we stayed out at night (you know, fear of being mugged and all after dark). When it got really dusky outside they lit candles and this was a picture CS's friend snapped. It was just a wonderful meal, very intimate, and we sat there for at least an hour after eating just talking.

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NYC isn't that scary! You don't have to worry about being mugged


I never did ask...why did CS bring a friend with him the first time you guys met?


I was, I won't lie. lol. But honestly, I think you scared CS when it comes to Atlanta! No lie. I think he's more afraid of being mugged in Atlanta than he was in NYC.


Honestly? To cut costs. There was no way he and I could have handled that trip just the two of us. His friend and CS split the apartment cost and it took a load off. That and the friend wanted to see NYC as well and in a way it was nice to see how he acted around someone, especially a friend, you know?


It was so cute though. About the 3rd day in I started realizing that no matter were we went, the guys were on either side of me. If we were walking side by side I was ALWAYS inbetween them and if we had to move from that side by side walking style (As you normally do in NYC to accomdate people) one would fall in front of me and the other behind me. I felt very protected.

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Oh we stayed in the city, lower east side actually, near the Williamsburg bridge. It was cheaper to go through this company that rented out apartments (not ones people live in) but it was like a hotel only I guess the owners of the business owned a lot of apartments and they rented them out at a cheaper weekly rate then say a hotel room would have been for a week. I'm sure CS could explain it better than I am, lol.


Um, we handled it, lol. We had some alone time during the trip and nights you know. I guess because of the noise of the city the friend bought ear plugs and I"m sure that helped in concealing noises.

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It is. I have given up on it for tonight. I know when I'm hitting a wall with my writing and that wall won't move. I think I try to force it and not let it come naturally. When it comes naturally it's amazing (so not tooting my own horn here!) and when I force it...


It's so hard to explain. It's like I"m sitting here, trying to write this letter and I start off with something and I'm like 'is this too romantic?' 'is this too mushy?' and then 'this isn't portraying how I feel'... annnddd I"m left sitting here staring at the computer screen trying to WILL the words to come, lol

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This happens when I write letters to Tom! I always know what to say in my head but then it sounds all mushy (and I don't do too mushy haha) but I write it all down anyway and give it to him and he seems to think it's the best thing ever and I'm just like CRINGE... even if I do feel that way hah! As long as they like it!

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