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Awwww... what a gorgeous message. He is such a romantic! I'm looking forward to seeing the new hair cut pics btw.. and can't wait for the wedding photos..


You could pay for a "late check out" but I guess that doesn't really solve the problem of what to do with Jasper..

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He is, I told him he was a sweet heart. ah, I forgot to take them! I'll take one after I shower tonight, I'm yucky from cleaning all day. Although the room looks awesome now!


I had thought of that. Check out is 11, I would leave CS at the MARTA station about 4 or 5, I can't remember exactly what time he checks out. Although it would still probably be better for me to cry my eyes out in the hotel room instead of the car ride back considering last time I was almost in a fair amount of wrecks because of the tears.

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I will. I'll have to wear it to work since I work every single day this week (poo) but I gotta see it in natural daylight.


My skin is being super awesome this week. usually I break out in a pimple or two on my chin or forehead and I have been like religiously washing my face and putting Clear Zit on ANY thing that looks like a pimple, lol Just like I'm taking any kind of cold medicine when I feel a sniffle or something come on.

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Today is ONE WEEK until the wedding! And 5 days until CS arrives!


I have to get my eyebrows waxed today before work (fun, fun!) and I'm working every day the rest of this week. Whew! At least I have help tonight (which I know will show up, she just had a baby right before Christmas) and Friday (this is the one who called in last weekend soooo we will see if she does come). So Thursday, Sat, and Sun by myself isn't that bad.


I'm just ready for this week to be over!!

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You look so gorgeous!!


I have a question, why can't you move to England after the wedding? You aren't allowed?? But aren't you going to be MARRIED to an Englishman by then? hehe.


Just curious about the bureocracy of this all...


Even just marrying a native of the country you can't just move over. You still have to meet certain immigration requirments (which I suppose for the fake marriages is a good thing). The one thing that is holding us up is the rule that the sponsor (my husband) has to show he has like $400 extra a month that can be said to be solely to support me (so that I don't become a burden on the government). He makes the required amount yearly now but with us living on our own and me not having a job the first few months, that extra $400 isn't there. And that's one of the rules immigration won't budge on.


Which is why we have to wait until April 2012 when he gets prompted (and will have that extra $400 a month ontop of only him working) for me to move.

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Well you are never guaranteed a six month visa (they reserve the right to only allow you three months visa). I could but I have a job here and bills to pay here and CS can't save up for everything by himself. I'm visiting him in October for a week so we have a little break in the 14 months.

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For sure... like I said... 14 months will go by SO quickly... in the blink of an eye...!


I'm kind of seeing a guy LD and it's so nervewrecking! I find it amazing that you guys made it!! I actually met him in person in Miami on NYE and am going to see him tomorrow in NYC!! I live in Brazil!! I already had this trip planned, to it worked out really well. We've been talking everyday since New Years but I'm so scared the closeness won't translate in person, you know?


How did it happen with you and CS? Were you nervous? Afraid there wasn't going to be chemistry, etc...?

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That sleep supplement I'm taking once a week helps. I'm on a normal sleeping pattern.


I got my eyebrows waxed today. Ouchie! The first pull still brings tears to my eyes but after that one I'm fine. I hate how red they get though. I'm also having a PERFECT hair day. No lie. If my hair is like this the day of my wedding ill be super, super happy!


4 more days.... and I still have to.write his letter! And pack. O.0

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