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Wow - she is really pushy, huh? That's so rude to ask for a swap that would put you at a disadvantage and then get huffy about you turning it down when she already lets you down in terms of helping out when she's supposed to.


Exactly. I didn't HAVE to work yesterday, I really did it as a favor to my boss. I suppose the girl who worked today could have worked yesterday as well but I offered to work.

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Yeah, just something small, you know? If we were doing the big wedding I guess we would have sent each other cards but this way we can still say what we would if we were doing our own vows.


That's a great idea.. we wrote ours but they were.. kinds long.. and read like a mini speech. And then we memorised them and the comment we kept getting was "did you have a teleprompter??" lol I was terrified I'd forget and was meant to have them written on palm cards so the celebrant could give them to me if I forgot but I forgot to bring the palm cards. Luckily I did not forget them..

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That's a great idea.. we wrote ours but they were.. kinds long.. and read like a mini speech. And then we memorised them and the comment we kept getting was "did you have a teleprompter??" lol I was terrified I'd forget and was meant to have them written on palm cards so the celebrant could give them to me if I forgot but I forgot to bring the palm cards. Luckily I did not forget them..


Drat, I forgot to ask him when he wanted to read them today! lol. I'm thinking as we are getting ready, kind of that last thing before we get married, you know?

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Oh my gosh.. it's like he's pining whistfully for the bright, beautiful day outside.. the breeze in the air.. the grass.. whatever lies out there - if only he could be bothered to get up and go for a walk. Nah.. I'll just wait till mom comes and opens up this cat food can for me.

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Oh my gosh.. it's like he's pining whistfully for the bright, beautiful day outside.. the breeze in the air.. the grass.. whatever lies out there - if only he could be bothered to get up and go for a walk. Nah.. I'll just wait till mom comes and opens up this cat food can for me.


lol! I think he saw a bird out there too and he about went CRAZY! He always loves to sunbath and look goutside but every time I try to take him out (because vets say it's good for them to eat real grass every so often) he refuses! He'll sniff around and run back inside as fast as he can get in.

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And it got me thinking. I always said I couldn't be in a profession in which helped other abuse survivors but maybe I can. I dunno. A thread on the abuse section got me to rethinking about this. Who better to council someone through the trauma of abuse than a survivor of abuse? I'm sure there would be times I didn't think I could handle it but.. I dunno. Maybe a child advocate or something?



Hey, that's a really, really, really great idea. It would take a great deal of emotional strength to be able to do it and I bet you have it.


And - I think the training for much of that would be really feasible.

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lol! I think he saw a bird out there too and he about went CRAZY! He always loves to sunbath and look goutside but every time I try to take him out (because vets say it's good for them to eat real grass every so often) he refuses! He'll sniff around and run back inside as fast as he can get in.


Yeah - it cleanses their stomach apparently! Aww that's so cute - it's like he's afraid you're tricking him and he won't be able to come back once he's out there

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Yeah - it cleanses their stomach apparently! Aww that's so cute - it's like he's afraid you're tricking him and he won't be able to come back once he's out there


I think it comes also from were we got him from. He was like four weeks old when we went to this house advertising free kittens. They had been born under the trailer and the girl one (his sister) wouldn't come out. Jasper did. So he was born and somewhat raised out doors for the first four weeks and he has never set foot outside since I bought him home except to go to the vet (which was an adventuer in itself really).

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10 days until the wedding! Less now haha.


Egyptologist, I had forgotten!


I know!!! I have got to take some sleep meds in the next few mins. I'm so hyper right now thinking this time next week I'll be with CS.


Yep, that's the dream job. Of course the bigger dream of being a mum out weighs the dream job.

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I think I have created a monster, lol


I told CS I still wanted that 'bended knee' moment with a proposal. Now, I LOVE how we got engaged. It's 'us' and nothing about this relationship has ever been conventional but at the end of the day, I'm a woman. I have been dreaming of that bended knee moment since I was a girl and engaged already and getting married two days after he lands or not, I still want 'that' moment.


So he agreed. I have to give him my e ring when he arrives at the airport (I'm not looking forward to being without that. *pout*) and he will give it back when he does the bended knee thing. He was like 'I am not doing it at the airport' and I, jokingly, said 'well when are you going to do it? Pizza Hut?' (because we are eating there after I pick him up from the airport.


Oh boy. He LOVED that idea. All I asked was that I not get the ring in some kind of food or beverage, lol. And then he goes 'well, I could do it then or at lunch the next day OR at dinner at the pub the next day'. So apparently I get surprised. lol

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I really loved how we got engaged-- via email--- mostly because it's 'us' but like I said, every woman wants that bended knee moment.


I just checked the weather for our wedding day. The forecast can go for 10 days and granted, I'm sure it could change in the blink of an eye but as of right now (and I"ll check it regularly the closer we get) Feb 16th forecast for my home town is sunny with ZERO percent chance of rain and a high of 57 degrees (which is about 14 degrees for you guys who use C).



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No - you should totally have the traditional down on bended knee thing. We had a "second proposal" too because I was finally the one to say "I want to marry you" to my H - and then he took me to get a ring.. but people kept asking us how he proposed.. and so he drove me to this lovely bay, asked me to take the ring off.. and got down on one knee. Honestly - I think it was a bit silly in our case (because I didn't personally want/need it - and I don't think he did either - I think we did it because he got sick of people being all snooty about the untraditional way we got engaged). On the other hand - if you do have more traditional feelings on the issue and used email because of the circumstances - it would be lovely to do it again when in person

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Yeah, for me it doesn't have so much to do with tradition as it is me just wanting that moment in person, face to face I guess. For me, the first time we got engaged will ALWAYS be the story we tell because there is no way this arranged proposal will make me feel anything like I did that moment I read the email that said 'OG, will you marry me?'. I remember I literally skipped into work, lol

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Ah, that reminds me Annie, gotta get that photobucket account ready. I'll post the link in my journal and PM those I know read my journal the password. If you read my journal and want to see them and I don't know (and we know you) please PM me or CS and we will send you the link. Those of you on our facebooks we are just going to assume you will look at them on facebook (which in all honesty you guys will be the first to see them

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I got my hair cut today. I got the sideways bangs again. Not COMPLETELY thrileld with them (I'm just convinced no one can cut my hair the way I have it visioned in my head) but it's not horrible. I'll post a pic tomorrow. I washed it before going and then she sprayed it with water to cut it and because of that it's just blah today. Having a bad hair day...


I bought these velcro rollers from WalMart ($8) so I"m going to fiddle with those this week and see if I can get that slight curl I want to my hair for the wedding. If not, not going to worry about it, lol

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