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Never mind the cats, my jaw freaking dropped when I saw that pic of you. Holy hottie!


Er yeah - my thoughts exactly!!


Dress looks perfect now with the straps...


The white cat is gorgeous though ... and Jasper was such a gorgeous baby - I can't believe how big he's gotten!!

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I hope CS's foot is better soon! Men are not very good patients (sorry CS!) Tom broke his foot last year, probably the worst few weeks of my life, no lie lol.


Oh I know your pain. CS's tooth acted up the last few days we were in Gatlinburg... *shakes head* I wanted to give him the world's worst patient award after that.


You wrote that CS said this in another thread a few days ago- "There would be much cheaper people to axe murder over here."


I'm sorry but LMAO, it's so mean but that's tickled me!


*backs out of thread*


lol, he did in retaliation for my mom calling him an 'axe murderer' before we met. It was kind of our running joke for a while...


I think she's in the wrong country for that nickname. I was told I couldn't give blood because I lived in England for a certain length of time between a certain period (when mad cow disease was around) and my friends started saying I couldn't give blood because I was a mad cow ;-)


Oh no, we have mad cow disease over here too.


No Circe, you mean 'fat' he's gotten


Don't call your son fat.

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I"m so glad today is over. I was suppose to be off but worked for my co worker (who ALWAYS leave early or calls in when she is suppose to give me a hand. So she calls up to the hospital today and tells me she can't work tomorrow (figured that) and that if I worked for her this weekend she would work next weekend for me. ......Um, F no. I told her if she worked for me Sat then this pay check would be a normal paycheck, no over time paycheck and she can't work for me Sunday because our pay period starts over on Sunday and I won't be here AT ALL during the next pay period except for Sunday and my PTO days only cover so much. So F no! She wasn't too happy about that...


Talked to CS on my lunch break. Poor guy was suppose to work four hours today and ended up getting talked into working a full day (we are both such shmucks!). His foot is MUCH better now though. Doesn't hurt and the swelling has gone down. We got to talking about my hair at lunch and I"m def going to cut it like I have in that picture but I'm going to wait until after the wedding to highlight is blonde again.


CS's Valentine's day gift arrived today as well after I had come to work! It's a aviation book (how am I not surprised?) about the guy who landed the plane in the Hudson river. It's in a bag and all ready to hand to him when we come back to the house that night.


I have a few things still I have to do for the wedding. I have to finish the picture list (now that I have a better idea of who all is coming), send that to my photographer, text my photographer to figure out were in my hometown she knows so my mom can meet her the day of to bring her back to my MOH"s house, and clean my room (which will be done tomorrow on my day off. ugh).

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I always liked the idea of wedding vows and I know in the future, I'll write my own someday (I have NO idea what I would say - I'm sure I'll know when the time comes). I think I would have to tell them to my partner in private though. I tend to "tone down" emotions in speeches when I know that they are made public. So I would have to keep them private, lol. The letter idea is stellar.

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I always liked the idea of wedding vows and I know in the future, I'll write my own someday (I have NO idea what I would say - I'm sure I'll know when the time comes). I think I would have to tell them to my partner in private though. I tend to "tone down" emotions in speeches when I know that they are made public. So I would have to keep them private, lol. The letter idea is stellar.


Oh yes, we will read the letters in private. I'm thinking we will do it while we are getting ready (he at the hotel, me at my MOH"s house). We really haven't discussed when we will read them really. I tend to ramble when I get emotional so I'm like 'must reign that in' lol.

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And you don't know what I have been through in life. Not only did I endure having to watch my mother get beaten on a daily bases by my father but I too was beaten. On top of that I was sexually molested for 3 years and on top of THAT endure even more emotional abuse form my father and left home at 17. Getting to know someone takes time but we have taken the time we decree acceptable to get to know each other before entering marriage. For you that 2-3 years. I find it hard that someone in an age gap relationship which comes under just as much fire as LDRs do would be so persistent in this. I really do.


So I'll say it this time because I'm tired of being nice and it's 2 weeks before my wedding. Back the F off.


Good luck.

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I have a headache. Blah. It's not even really a headache, it's just that achy feeling. Too much sleep probably, lol.


You know i"m not a perfect person. I try not to judge people but who base judgements on our life experiences but the difference is I keep my judgements to myself unless asked for my opinion. So with that statement I truly feel sorry for people who live their life in that they think everything has to be in a 'certain' way'. And yet at the same time I respect that right for them to live their life the way they want. They want to do everything 'right' by all means do so but I also can't help feel they are shortening themselves somehow. I dunno. I also believe that people who let others dictate their live or what they do aren't living their life. But they are my own personal opinions. *shrugs*


I walked into the kitchen today and saw this:

image removed


He's so adorable!

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I have been thinking a lot lately about what I would like to do for a living once I move to the UK. Granted I want get my 'dream' job right out of the ball park, it'll be about helping CS make ends meet in the beginning. I was talking with a nurse the other night at work about a news cast that had been on (the 40 year old mother who let her 13 month old son drown in a bath tub while she played facebook games) and we got onto the subject of abused children. In a round about way we both divulged we have been survivors of abuse (she physical, me sexually and physical). She brought up that at one time she thought about being a pediatric nurse but knew she couldn't handle the first case of an abused child that came her way.


And it got me thinking. I always said I couldn't be in a profession in which helped other abuse survivors but maybe I can. I dunno. A thread on the abuse section got me to rethinking about this. Who better to council someone through the trauma of abuse than a survivor of abuse? I'm sure there would be times I didn't think I could handle it but.. I dunno. Maybe a child advocate or something?


It's weird. Talking about my own abuse (the details anyway) never makes me emotional. I may choke up but I can never remember openly crying when telling the few people that know about them. I guess for me I have walled that part up. I dealt with it long ago, no need to cry over it now... I guess it's something to think about. Or I could just volunteer as a Samartian I suppose.

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Ohh do you have Samaritans over there? I was a Samaritan (and I've also gone through sexual abuse). I came home and cried so many times but it's been the best thing I've ever done! I only stopped because I wasn't getting along with some of the people but I'm hopefully going to go back in the next few months (to a different branch probably). Helping people who have been through similar things definitely helped me!

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Oh right lol thought I hadn't heard of Samaritans in the US. Yeah, I'm the same. I don't need help myself, never have but I've always wanted to do something to help people (not just because of the abuse) and thought it was a really good way. Even though I didn't get along that well with some of the people it was really good and I'm glad I did it. Might be worth having a look at when you move over here if you want to do something like that!

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I"m so glad today is over. I was suppose to be off but worked for my co worker (who ALWAYS leave early or calls in when she is suppose to give me a hand. So she calls up to the hospital today and tells me she can't work tomorrow (figured that) and that if I worked for her this weekend she would work next weekend for me. ......Um, F no. I told her if she worked for me Sat then this pay check would be a normal paycheck, no over time paycheck and she can't work for me Sunday because our pay period starts over on Sunday and I won't be here AT ALL during the next pay period except for Sunday and my PTO days only cover so much. So F no! She wasn't too happy about that...



Wow - she is really pushy, huh? That's so rude to ask for a swap that would put you at a disadvantage and then get huffy about you turning it down when she already lets you down in terms of helping out when she's supposed to.

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