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Ohhh so pretty! And I like how the straps are simple, don't change it that much but definitely lift it up a bit more at the top. It's really nice! Will we get to see any wedding pictures after the wedding??????

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I agree, it def lifts it up and I absolutely love it now. I'll have to post a view from tge side I took. The corset def does its job, lol


What we are going to do is post the pics to a Photobucket account and password protect it. Ill post the photo link in my journal and whoever wants to see them can pm me or CS for the password. and if your friends with us on Facebook with us we will upload them there as well.

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WOW! I love that dress! You look amazing in it!


As for nicknames, I answer to: honey, bint (Scottish slang for "girl"), saucy bint, wee hen, sweetheart, love, and MISS (my last name)


B goes by: honey, Sir (his first whole name, which he hates teehee), and cutie. I sometimes call him a "dirty old man" when he makes improper jokes.

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Thank you Fudgie.


Lol, CS answers to hunny, baby, amour (his fav, which is French for love or lover, can't remember), and when he complains about being tired he is my old man, lol


We never call each other by our names. The only time we do is when we are being serious, and even then we only use the first letter of our names.

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So my helper went home 'sick' tonight. $#?! I was not happy at all. She ALWAYS does this when she is suppose to be giving me a break from all five dayrooms. Every time. And this is her weekend to work and mine too be off. I asked her would she be able to work tomorrow and her response? "i doubt it with this starting, it takes three days to get over it." O.o


So I told my boss that if she called in I would work. My boss then asked me did i just want to go ahead and work tomorrow and see if the other woman calls in Sunday (i know she will). I said yes (its over time and hey, might as well have the extra money for the honeymoon) but still. Damn. Maybe ill still have Sunday off. Hopefully.


CS's foot was hurting him again today. Do you thinl he put ice on it when i told him too? Nooooo. He is the.worst pati3ntt, ever. Lol

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Dooo it. It would really work on you Would you get highlights too? It would look so nice for the wedding!


I'll try to find a pic right now of me a few years ago when I had them... No, no highlights. a) don't have the money for them and b) I had blonde highlights for years (as you will tell by the picture I find I'm in my 'dark haired' stage at the moment, lol.

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I found these pictures (while looking for the one above) and I just had to post them. Can you believe these are of Jasper?


This was the day I bought him home. look how TINY he was!

image removed


He was asleep in between my legs, another baby one

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And this was Jasper and Leroy, the other cat my ex and I had. My ex got Leroy in the break up.

image removed

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I go through phases. Usually I think red is the best, but it's just too much work and upkeep. Either way, you definitely have the hair type for that cut. I first "met" Moe when he was a kitten, when Alex and I had just gotten together, but I only really remember the big feet he had. I really want kitten pictures of him, and of Java

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Awww so cute! He looks a lot smaller there!


I like your hair like that! I really want highlights but ah I've been umming and ahing over it for years lol.


I hope CS's foot is better soon! Men are not very good patients (sorry CS!) Tom broke his foot last year, probably the worst few weeks of my life, no lie lol.

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Awwww. I mean, I can understand why some women wouldn't want to and I do believe it's the individual choice. For me I just never saw it as losing a part of my identity.. if anything I was gaining more of an identity, if that makes any sense... lol Oh God, all the things you have to do to change it too... I told CS he had it lucky. He didn't have to do anything. I have to change it at work, at the bank, at the insurance companies, on my driver's license, on my insurance (although being married gets me a discount! and I'm sure there is more I haven't thought of. It's weird but the most exciting thing I can't wait to change is Facebook. I can't wait to be OG w/ CS's last name on there. That's so teenagish. lol


I don't think being excited about changing it on FB is weird or teenagerish - it's the first thing I did change. It's because an FB change has the whole "public declaration" aspect to it - and after all, that's one of the big reasons we even have wedding ceremonies - to make a public declaration.


I think I feel like there is at the very least a shift in identity that comes with the name change. Obviously we are who we are and a rose by any other name smells the same and all that - but on a purely symbolic level.. I feel like there is going to be a bit of an identity shift.. but one I have decided I am comfortable with and look forward to. Also I have a good opportunity in the sense that I'm in the retraining phase of a career shift - so I'm not hurting my career by changing my name..

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Well I didn't think mad cow was appropriate for that sentence


I think she's in the wrong country for that nickname. I was told I couldn't give blood because I lived in England for a certain length of time between a certain period (when mad cow disease was around) and my friends started saying I couldn't give blood because I was a mad cow ;-)

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