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if you have any white soda around (ginger ale or sprite), that can help with your queasiness and upset tummy.


Yeah, I'm munching on saltines and ginger ale now. It was funny, I walked into the kitchen to grab them and my mom looks at me and says, "You're not pregnant, are you?" to which made me nearly knock the whole bottle of ginger ale over. :s I was like no, mom. No.

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So I just got back from the doctor. I love how when you are a woman in a sexual relationship and you tell someone you are nauseated the first they they tell you is to pee on a stick. :s


She said I had a virus though and prescribed me Phenergan which thanks to Wal-Mart's pharmacy only cost me $4. Still sucked I had to walk around Wal-Mart for an HOUR waiting on it to be filled. Geez.

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So I just got back from the doctor. I love how when you are a woman in a sexual relationship and you tell someone you are nauseated the first they they tell you is to pee on a stick.


She said I had a virus though and prescribed me Phenergan which thanks to Wal-Mart's pharmacy only cost me $4. Still sucked I had to walk around Wal-Mart for an HOUR waiting on it to be filled. Geez.


Glad you were able to get meds for your nausea and $4 for meds is way cheap. I spend over $100/mo for prescription meds (even WITH insurance)


Sorry u had to wait so long. I hate waiting for meds to be filled.

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To begin with I feel like someone redecorated my home while I was gone on here. I mean, I like everything but the main page. I miss our main page. Hers is right though, we are just a bunch of big babies.


Work was... yeah. Long. And of course it rained before I left work which meant I got soaking wet on the walk to the car. At some point I will remember to put an umbrella in the car. Or a jacket at least. At least it's raining hard, I love the sound of rain. Unfortunately that means it's thundering and Jasper HATES thunder. He is literally curled up in my lap and trying to get closer to me.

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First day off in six days has been... well. Not the best.


CS and I argued earlier. Of course it was over something stupid that should have just been dropped but no, I had to keep pushing. I stand by the fact it caught me off guard but it's not like he did it on purpose. I know for a fact he didn't. *sigh* I hate arguing with him. Arguing just makes the distance feel like 8,000 miles instead of 4,000.


I just wish the next 16 days would hurry the Hell up and get over.

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Just ordered CS's birthday gift! He already knows what he's getting (since men are so damn hard to shop for!) but meh. It also didn't cost me anything because I had a gift certificate from best buy and I used it, even covered the shipping. SCORE!


A woman who had her baby a few months ago stopped by work to show her daughter off. I of course held the baby (can't get a baby within 20 feet of me and me NOT hold it) and I could literally hear my biological ticking away. Not sure if that's normal at 22....

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^^OH shush you.


I hate how my days off fly by. Really do I hate it. I don't want to go back to work tomorrow. On the bright side though that means I only have to work two days before my next off and it's only 12 days until CS arrives!! Which means 8 working days for the two of us. God I'm so ready to see him. We always seem to argue more the closer we get to seeing each other and I know it's just because we get fed up with talking and just want to SEE each other but I hate arguing with him. Even if he says I start 80% of the arguments, I hate it.


I am loving my new keyboard though. Jasper spilt drink on my old one and the backspace button didn't work anymore. Working on our wedding website was a pain in the ass without a backspace button. I did finally get that done though after I found a site whose wedding website I liked.

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I just had a brunette moment. So I took a hot, relaxing bubble bath tonight. Felt great. Put bubbles in, scents, lit some candles, played some music. Relaxed. Washed my hair, all the normal stuff. So I'm sitting here, about 3 or 4 hours afterward and my hair kind of feels weird. Like it's dried but really stiff like instead of all soft and fluffy like it normally is. Then I try remembering if I washed my conditioner out of my hair before getting out of the tub. I don't think I did.

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I got to babysit my nephew today. After going to the health department, getting my tag for my car, and getting my hair cut (finally!) him and my sister came over for a few hours. So while mom and Brittney ran to the grocery store I got to feed, burp, and change him and have some aunt-nephew time. Eventually he passed out on my chest while I was lying on the couch and before I knew it, I was passed out too, lol. And this is the result of that:


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Yesterday was mine and CS's 7 month anniversary. Unfortunately with both of us working constantly, me being under the weather, and both of us just ready to see each other, we both completely forgot about it. I suppose it shows we both need this upcoming holiday BADLY. But nevertheless, it's been the best 7 months of my life. I can't believe it's been almost a year since I got my heart broke by a scumbag yokel and ended up finding a wonderful, wonderful man to share the rest of my life with.


And we are down to ONE WEEK til CS arrives.

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