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Are you practicing new signatures? I finally applied for my formal marriage certificate (we only get decorative ones on the wedding day - you have to pay $45 and make an application - providing 3 forms of ID - to get your formal one) .. and that's what I need to change my name on my drivers license and credit cards and other important docs. So after going back and forth on the name change and trying to discern exactly what it is my H would prefer I did (he point blank refuses to weigh in on this decision.. I've been trying to figure it out by asking sneaky qns .. but I can't! I know before we got married he wanted me to keep my name.. a year in.. I think he would have preferred I change it.. and now he's not so sure. He pointed out that if I change it - my name will look exactly like his brother's name except with a couple of letters difference. BIL and I have the same amount of letters in our first name and the first two are the same and the third is very similar.. and when you see our names on FB - the only place I have used H's surname as mine - you have to look twice to confirm that it's me or BIL's name you are looking at).


But I just can't be bothered figuring out what he'd truly prefer if he abandoned this "it's your decision, it's not something I want to influence" annoying as all h*ll outlook about it ;-) So - it will have to be entirely my decision. And I'm changing it!

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I have been! Lol I love CS's name, its just so.... English. my first name is 9 letters (there are shorter versions but mom and dad decided to give me the longest) and my maiden name has 4 letters. So short. CS's last name has 7 and it balances my name out. That and it just sounds perfect together.


We pay $50 for the application before we get the license (there is a 24 hour waiting period between you filing the application and you are able to get married) then we get a certified copy the day of. For us I can't change my name until I change it on my social security card (at least, legally change it).


So you ate going to change it?!

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I'm not changing my name in the future for professional/personal reasons but I wanted to say OG, CS's name is awesome. I think it fits your first name a lot better than your maiden one, if I may say that.


Definitely start working on a good signature that is hard to copy!

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So you ate going to change it?!


Yup - gonna do it. It's funny.. I make a lot of "big decisions" after I've debated them to death.. gone back and forth 100 times.. and finally come to the conclusion "you know what Circe.. it really doesn't matter that much so stop treating it as though the survival of the species depends on this decision" - and its when I get to that point that I can finally see clearly what it is I want. It's how I finally decided to change careers.


Went back and forth for five years. FIL died in a horrible way. Made me realise "you know.. really doesn't matter all that much to the world if you remain a lawyer or not.. just make a decision" - and then it was clear what I wanted and there was nothing in the way.


So it is quite exciting.. just waiting for the ceritifcate to arrive in the mail.. then I have to go to the city one of these days and line up at the RTA (for my license) and the banks (for my credit cards) and uni (for my student card) and medicare (for my medicare/health card) and everything else (a total pain in the neck but I just have to suck it up and do it ;-))

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Lol, I agree, it does fit my name better than my maiden name. And I think its awesome too, I have never heard it before I met him.


CS sent me a pic of his signature and it looked like an alien had done it, no lie. There was no semblance of a first letter or last letter, lol. He said mine was too 'flowery'

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Awwww. I mean, I can understand why some women wouldn't want to and I do believe it's the individual choice. For me I just never saw it as losing a part of my identity.. if anything I was gaining more of an identity, if that makes any sense... lol Oh God, all the things you have to do to change it too... I told CS he had it lucky. He didn't have to do anything. I have to change it at work, at the bank, at the insurance companies, on my driver's license, on my insurance (although being married gets me a discount! and I'm sure there is more I haven't thought of. It's weird but the most exciting thing I can't wait to change is Facebook. I can't wait to be OG w/ CS's last name on there. That's so teenagish. lol

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Wow, what a day. Well I found out the meeting is only an hour and I already talked to my boss and I'm going to duck out at 1, go pick my dress up, and come back at my normal scheduled shift of 2. So, got that out of the weigh. I also have to pay my car payment tomorrow so that I don't have to do that this weekend and waste gas. I was suppose to have help at work but alas, she didn't show up. Didn't call in either. I wish I could do that. I mean some people just amaze me. How can you not look at your schedule and know when you are coming in? This isn't the first time she has done it either... she NEVER grabs a schedule, she always tries to memorize it. Apparently that isn't working. So I got stuck with all 5 day rooms. I was determined to get them done by 9-9:30 (I was scheduled to be off at 9) and didn't take a break between 3 of them. Then my co worker, J, came down and asked me a question about some rooms he was stripping and found out the other girl wasn't working and asked if I wanted a hand in the big dayroom. I was like YES!!! So I managed to get out on time.


CS and I had a great talk today though on my lunch break. His foot is feeling better (he can put his weight on it) but he's taking a taxi to work in the morning just so he doesn't aggrvitate it. Poor guy. He's my klutz though. We also planned out our day before marriage while we were talking. I don't remember how we got onto the subject of pubs but we did and he was telling me about English pubs and everything and I happened to remember there is this adorable Irish pub in my home town (were we will be getting married). I suggusted we go there for dinner the night before our wedding. Took some persuaion (the whole Englishman going into an Irishman pub but he agreed. So we will get up that morning and eat breakfast at my house, head to my home town, file for the license (there is a 24 hour waiting period), eat lunch at my fav Chinese place in the local mall, check into the hotel, then go for dinner! I'm really looking forward to the dinner too. I loved this pub growing up, they always have live Celtic music and had some of the best food.


I stopped by Walmart as well on my way home. I ended up spending $20 over what I wanted (I grabbed a few things I hadn't planned on but that I needed) so that wasn't too bad. I have to get my eyebrows waxed beginning of next week and that's all the cash I'm spending (all I can, really). If I have to leave my debit cards at home I will! lol. Let's see... I got some shampoo (because I'm about out), I picked up some deodarant, some of that sleep stuff, and some new ear phones-I washed my old ones. Major fail. I also got some eye shadow for the wedding. It's a purple palete (has 4 different shades from very dark to light). Cover Girl brand called Ice Princess. I'm going to work with it this weekend and see if I can do my eye shadow the way I want for the wedding. Not too dark (I want a natural look) but just enough color so that it's not too plain. I also picked up some bubble wands. They were only $3 for 24 of them and dammit I want a posed picture of everyone blowing bubbles at us as we 'walk away'.


I also figured it was time I picked Jasper up a toy. I usually don't buy him any because he never plays with them (he's a lazy cat). But I figured I'd try a cat nip toy. I bought him this little mouse that opens on the side and you can fill it with as much catnip as you want. The catnip comes in this tube and I SWEAR it looks like weed. I'd hate to get caught with that in my car... So I fixed it up for him and tosses into the floor and OMG my cat went crazy! He started rubbing his head on it while laying on his back, shaking it around in his mouth and he was actually playing with it! I was so happy! Def. going to keep that toy up.

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British pubs are so good! There's a pub by Tom's brother's house and all these women were dressed in, like, traditional old English costumes and playing old instruments and there were random things (signs and things) hanging from the ceiling etc. It was so small but completely packed, the atmosphere was lovely.


I'm glad you got your dress back OK, any pics?


Aww that's so cute with Jasper and the catnip lol. I so want a cat!

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I haven't picked it up yet, I'll pick it up today at 1 between the meeting and my actual shift starting. Ughhh I didn't sleep well again last night. :s I didn't take that supplement, I darn well am tonight. I mean, I fell asleep about 1ish I guess and slept but i dunno.. it just wasn't very restful.

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