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If I have enough money, I'd go over for it, YEAH!

Seriously, any reason for me to go to the UK would be worth it. I love my time spent there.

B doesn't like airplanes though



I can't wait to live there. My mom says she knows me well enough to know I'm going to step off the plane and outside and just fall in love with the country...

My mom doesn't either. She's adamen about her not flying over when we have children. CS believes she will change her mind but I don't...

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you are.. it's beaaauuutiful.. and so much to see. We were *really* poor (my parents came there when I was a year old, on student visas, literally with 1000 pounds to their name and with qualifications that didn't hold up in England - they needed to requalify) ... but I never really felt that because I was soooo many happy memories of travelling ALL around the UK on these road trips every time I had school holidays. We went everywhere and there's so much to see. Ruined castles.. beautiful countryside.. gorgeous shops with fudge and "knickerbockerglories" (like these massive milkshake/ice creams I totally fell in love with somewhere in Scotland) and all the hustle and bustle of a massive world city in London.. there's just so much. You can really make life an adventure. And then Europe is just a hop away!

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You will love it, OG. It's a very beautiful country. Of course, not perfect (nothing is), but I found it to be more peaceful and less commercial than the US. I think you'll find it to be quite the change from where you're from.


And yeah I agree with CS. She will change her mind. I mean c'mon...her oldest having kids in another continent? She says no now, but I'm sure that she'll be the first on the plane when it happens.

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you are.. it's beaaauuutiful.. and so much to see. We were *really* poor (my parents came there when I was a year old, on student visas, literally with 1000 pounds to their name and with qualifications that didn't hold up in England - they needed to requalify) ... but I never really felt that because I was soooo many happy memories of travelling ALL around the UK on these road trips every time I had school holidays. We went everywhere and there's so much to see. Ruined castles.. beautiful countryside.. gorgeous shops with fudge and "knickerbockerglories" (like these massive milkshake/ice creams I totally fell in love with somewhere in Scotland) and all the hustle and bustle of a massive world city in London.. there's just so much. You can really make life an adventure. And then Europe is just a hop away!


Happy memories!


I think it helps my mom knowing I have always wanted to live there. She's able to accept the move better knowing that I believe.


You will love it, OG. It's a very beautiful country. Of course, not perfect (nothing is), but I found it to be more peaceful and less commercial than the US. I think you'll find it to be quite the change from where you're from.


And yeah I agree with CS. She will change her mind. I mean c'mon...her oldest having kids in another continent? She says no now, but I'm sure that she'll be the first on the plane when it happens.


I def. will like the less commercial. Like you said, no country is perfect but I have never felt 'at home' in the US, if that makes any sense. I'm proud to be an American and will raise my children with the values I was raised with and they will know their American heritage but I have felt 'at peace' here I suppose.


The thing is... I really don't think she will change her mind. I truly don't. She has a grandchild here, what's so important about mine to make her get over her fear of flying to come see?

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I really don't think she will change her mind. I truly don't. She has a grandchild here, what's so important about mine to make her get over her fear of flying to come see?


Because she loves you and it will be your first child. Trust me, she will want to be there. The fact that she already had a grandchild is irrelevant. This is her eldest having her first child! I think she will be there.

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I just bought CS's Valentine's day gift! Fudgie it wasn't what you and I had discussed... I can't find them any were. If I do happen to find them for cheap I'll still get them but I can't find them in any store right now, which is odd. He sent me a link to this book he was going to get after the trip and I was like, 'well I can just buy it for you as a V-day gift' so I did! It should arrive before he arrives (hopefully!)


I also got the table cloth, napkins, cups, plates, and forks for our reception. All yellow. lol. Now I just still gotta find a cheap stool...

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Because she loves you and it will be your first child. Trust me, she will want to be there. The fact that she already had a grandchild is irrelevant. This is her eldest having her first child! I think she will be there.


I really hope you guys are right. I mean, I'm prepared to do it with out her support (in that she being right there) but I doubt she will. She has a fear of heights and therefore flying (CS doesn't like heights either but he loves flying) so I dunno. I think it's more likely my aunt or best friend would come for a week after the baby is born.

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I've just realised... Bristol?


Going to hijack your thread but CS, do you have a Bristol accent? Tom is obsessed with Bristol, it's insane haha.


Depends what you mean by a Bristol accent. There's a westcountry accent, of which mine is not as thick as many others, but you can definatly hear it. Why is he obsessed with Bristol? It's a dump!

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He has some family there. We went to Bristol airport to fly to Newcastle earlier last month and stopped at a petrol station. He seems to think it's the best accent in the country. I'm not sure I know what a Bristol accent sounds like though tbh! But I think he'd quite happily give up his Geordie accent and move to Bristol if he could!

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Bristol airport is certianly my local one, in fact when I met OG in New York I flew from Bristol. Hard to believe that little airport can handle Intercontinental flights! I have to be honest I wouldnt live anywhere else. I actually live about an hour from Bristol, on the Devon-Somerset border, and we do get the best of the weather and it's a beauitful part of the world. Oh god not a Geordie accent... there are some that just grate, and that's one!

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Haha it's not too bad. He's lived in Wales and Scotland for ages so it's all a but jumbled!


I was shocked at how small Bristol airport is. First time I went there was early last year and it's much smaller than Cardiff airport (I think anyway). But there seems to be flights to lots of different places which surprised me.


I've never been to Devon but everyone I know who has said it's beautiful around there. OG should love it when she moves over!

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I slept horribly last night. Idk why. I'm thinking I'll buy some of that Melatonon or whatever today. I only took one last week and had a normal sleep schedule up til last night. I think I can handle taking 1 per week.


I did wake up at 6 am this morning to an email from CS saying he had dropped a plate on his foot while getting ready for work and that it was swollen. He sent me a pic... it looked pretty bad. He couldn't put any weigh on it so he didn't go to work. Lazy boy.


I'm hopefully picking my dress up today! The alteration lady may have to help her MIL so she may not be there but even if she's not I'm thinking I'll go by WalMart before work.

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It's like the only place I know other than were CS lives and London, lol


I was! I hate to think I have to wait to pick it up. I may let my boss know I'll be late to the meeting tomorrow or ask how long it will be. If it won't be the two hours I'll just clock out and clock in and make up my time next week.

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