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It's raining here- like pouring rain. And on our roof it sounds so wonderful. I could lay down and fall asleep to it right now. One of those nights I wish CS were here and we were just lying in bed snuggled together. We are both are trying to not look past our honeymoon too much because we know what lies after that: 7 months of not seeing each other. As I said before, it helps some to know that no matter what we never would have seen each other during this time due to his work thing but it's def. something we are avoiding about thinking about at all costs right now.


And then seven months after that until I move over there. Just gotta keep looking at that final destination end point I guess. 14 months feels like a long time but in the grand scheme of things, it really isn't. And after this 14 months we never have to be apart like this ever again. I really do love this man. He's my other half in every way. Since we both wanted to do our own vows but aren't because of getting married at the courthouse we have decided to write each other a short letter to read the day of the wedding. Kind of like what we would have said if we were doing our own vows I suppose. I need to start working on that this coming weekend.


It's so weird. Before I met CS I never would have accepted anything less than the perfect fairy tale wedding. It had to be big, it had to be in the spring, it had to be this, it had to be that... and then I met him and all that married to me was marrying HIM, not whether my dress was $500 or if we got married on a mountain or if the flowers were real. My mom actually said something to me today that was so sweet. She asked me did I remember what I always had told her and nanny about me getting married in a courthouse while I was growing up. I was like yeah, I always said I wouldn't do it (my mom and grandma both got married at the courthouse). Then she told me that when I told her we were getting married in the courthouse that that's when she truly realized how special CS was to me, that I didn't care were I married him (Even in the one place I said I'd never get married at) as long as I married him. She said it helps her with my decision to move to England as well.

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Aww that's a great idea about writing a letter to eachother. Something you can keep, look back on and remember your special day too! Me and Tom write letters to eachother all the time, they're lovely to read over when I'm feeling a bit down!


I always said I wouldn't get married in a registry office too (guessing it's the same thing as a courthouse?) but after meeting Tom I've realised I wouldn't actually care, as long as we're together it doesn't matter.


It's February! Wedding month

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Why do I watch food shows like Man Vs. Food? It just makes me want to eat, eat, eat!


OMG, I love that show. It amazes me how he can cram so much food into his belly like that. I can only imagine what his arteries look like.


My best friend actually tried one of the dishes on his show. It was the breakfast benedict thingy at Hash House a Go Go.

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OMG, I love that show. It amazes me how he can cram so much food into his belly like that. I can only imagine what his arteries look like.


My best friend actually tried one of the dishes on his show. It was the breakfast benedict thingy at Hash House a Go Go.


I can't believe he isn't bigger than he is already to be honest... 0.o


Two weeks Are you running around like a headless chicken yet? Hope you're getting some rest in between!


I know, two weeks today! Not running around yet, I think the day of is going to be my headless chicken day, lol. I can feel the pressure to get everything I need before the big day and this week is packed with appointments. And I'm actually on a normal sleep pattern now. It's... weird. lol


Aww that's a great idea about writing a letter to eachother. Something you can keep, look back on and remember your special day too! Me and Tom write letters to eachother all the time, they're lovely to read over when I'm feeling a bit down!


I always said I wouldn't get married in a registry office too (guessing it's the same thing as a courthouse?) but after meeting Tom I've realised I wouldn't actually care, as long as we're together it doesn't matter.


It's February! Wedding month


That's one of the reasons we decided to do it, not only for us but something you know the kids can look back on one day.


Yeah, I think it's the same. It'a amazing what meeting the right one will do to you...


It is! 12 days now until CS arrives!

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This is going to be a busy few days. I don't go in til 4 today but I have an appointment at 3 at the health department for my birth control renewal (don't want to go on the honeymoon without those!). Then I made a appointment to get my hair cut tomorrow annnnd forgot I'm picking my wedding dress up tomorrow. Ugh. So I gotta call and reschedule that appointment, probably to Monday. But I do get to see the finished dress tomorrow! And then Friday we have a mandatory meeting at noon but I'm not scheduled to come in til 2 >.


I get paid tonight as well, so I'll pick up the rest of the reception stuff tomorrow on my way to pick up the dress.

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It is! I actually woke up this morning to an email from CS (well, a few, as he always emails me when he gets to work even if I'm knocked out, as I was) that said '2 weeks from today you'll make me the happiest man in the world'. Made me smile even in my sleep filled state, lol


Aww so sweet!

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This is going to be a busy few days. I don't go in til 4 today but I have an appointment at 3 at the health department for my birth control renewal (don't want to go on the honeymoon without those!). Then I made a appointment to get my hair cut tomorrow annnnd forgot I'm picking my wedding dress up tomorrow. Ugh. So I gotta call and reschedule that appointment, probably to Monday. But I do get to see the finished dress tomorrow! And then Friday we have a mandatory meeting at noon but I'm not scheduled to come in til 2 >.


I get paid tonight as well, so I'll pick up the rest of the reception stuff tomorrow on my way to pick up the dress.


busy busy busy... lol. you'll get it all done though.

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It is! I actually woke up this morning to an email from CS (well, a few, as he always emails me when he gets to work even if I'm knocked out, as I was) that said '2 weeks from today you'll make me the happiest man in the world'. Made me smile even in my sleep filled state, lol


Aww.. how romantic!

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Because CS isn't a cheater and a abuser, that is why my parents marriage didn't work out. And I have known him far longer than my parents knew each other. I am sick to death of other people putting their relationship criteria and judging against my own. I truly am. Who the F cares if I marry him at a year or two years? That's all people see- the numver, they don't look to see us as a couple, all they see is a number. As someone in an age gap relationship, I would think you would understand that.

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Probably because CS doesn't have the issues that her father does...


ps. I'm 100% behind your relationship because it is NOT easy to communicate only via phone, email, etc... you two must have great communication!


Thank you Sherry. He isn't like my father, and thats why I believe we will make it while my parents didn't. If my father hqdnt of cheated or been an abuser, my mother never would have left him

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It should show how serious I take marriage and that this isn't just a quickie to Vegas.


Why do I? Because I love him, he is it for me. He is the love of my life....


I know you love him, he is all you talk about. But would another few months or a year hurt you in waiting?

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sweetpea, I say this with kindness. You need to back off. It's their lives, their decisions.


Yes, it is their decision, but I ask because I would rather someone notice things now than to go through with something they aren't 100% ready for. I've sat by and watched too many friends and people I know mess up. Others can see things that we miss ourselves. I'm not trying to make her upset or angry. I just want her to be 100% and if she is she won't have a problem talking about it. Just my honest opinion.

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