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I called the park people today. We are alloweed to use the area I had in my head and have been to a few times AND they don't charge a fee. However, it's a first come first serve bases. But if someone is there we can bring our own table to use as long as we take it back with us. And my mom's best friend has a table (same one my sister used at her wedding) that will be just perfect for the cake and punch and stuff.

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Yeah, he's down in the south west. The hottest it gets here is like 37 degrees C during the summer.


98 degrees is still pretty hot...


I know this last summer wasn't much of a summer for where I live. I want my sunny Socal weather back. lol. I'm hoping it's nice and hot this summer, since I promised V I would teach him how to surf. I don't want to go swimming in the ocean if it's too cold out.

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My mouth has felt weird the last few days. It's hard to explain too. It's like you know how when you try to put Orajel on your tooth it gets on your tongue? I guess it kind of feels like that. I can still taste and everything but there is just something ON it. And it hurts. Not like the hurt were I can't stand it but the annoying something is wrong. Like scrap your tongue along your top teeth. That's what my tongue has felt like for 3 days, even with it just sitting in my mouth. And now it's moved to the corners of my mouth. Like the places you can sometimes accidentlly bite when you are eating (the inside of your cheek) feel weird now. Ugh. I just want whatever it is to go away! The employee nurse said it could be stress, hormones, or I'm simply doing something in my sleep I haven't normally did. Yeah, well, it needs to stop!

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And now I have one more thing to worry about. >.


I got my second W2 form today from the the company I worked for before the hospital hired us. Not what I was expecting. It says they only took our like $120 from March-end of Sept in Federal and $85 in State. 0.o That just doesn't seem right to me! I have been working for the hopsital from Aug-Dec and they took out at least $100 more than they did! What the H? Did not working from Jan-March REALLY hurt me that badly or is this a screw up?


I called my tax person and they said the only way to verify was to look at my last paycheck stub... which I have no clue were it is at and am pretty sure I don't have it. >.

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Me too. Stupid lowered tax bracket... not working for 3 months at the beginning of '10 probably didn't help either. Gah. I won't get back as much as I thought I was but it will be enough to pay some on my student loan and get the ball rolling with getting some other stuff paid off before I move to England.

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I clean for a living and now I'm cleaning on my day off. >.


I'm watching a documentary on the DaVinci Code (not the movie but the plot behind the movie). Very good documentary. I LOVE historical documentaries.


Have you seen "Rome" the TV series? There are two box sets .. after two seasons they stopped - it was really popular but the budget was too high and they were spending far too much on costumes and set etc so they had to wind it up - you might enjoy that. It's not a documentary - it's a dramatised performance of the years of Caesar and Antony .. and young Octavian up to the point where he becomes Augustus - but a great show..

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Have you seen "Rome" the TV series? There are two box sets .. after two seasons they stopped - it was really popular but the budget was too high and they were spending far too much on costumes and set etc so they had to wind it up - you might enjoy that. It's not a documentary - it's a dramatised performance of the years of Caesar and Antony .. and young Octavian up to the point where he becomes Augustus - but a great show..


I never watched it no, which is odd because my fav part of history is ancient Rome/Egypt/Greece. I did watch The Tudors on Showtime (my favorite era in English history made into a tv series with hot actors? Yeah I'm watching it!, lol).


You know - over here.. if you move overseas you never have to pay your student loan/HECS? Strikes me as quite unfair to those of us who stay and do!


That's not like that here. CS had an American room mate a few years back and she still had to pay her's even while living there. I figure we will have it paid off in about 8-10 years. I'm def using some of my tax money to pay it and I"m thinking I"ll make a few extra car payments with the rest of my taxes, get my car paid of quicker.

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