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I've had both good and bad experiences with the otherworldly goings on that I believe surround us all day everyday, as long as we're paying attention. When I was a little girl, I remember my nana coming to visit me late at night in my room, maybe once or twice. I'm sure it happened. A bad experience was when I was living in a suite by myself. The land was on a native burial ground (cliche, I know) and I had some really unsettling/scary experiences there. I won't go into details, but by the time I had made plans to move out, I couldn't stay the night there by myself. And most recently (I may or may not have posted about this in my journal) my aunt had what we believe is a visit from my grandma who passed away on June 3rd 2010. There was this snow-like substance on my uncle's bedside table and there was no known cause for it. This happened a couple of days after my aunt visited grandma's gravesite and asked her for a sign showing her that she is allright. It happened twice around Christmastime and hasn't happened since. I know that it was grandma and she chose my uncle's side of the bed because they were so close and spent more time together since he was retired.

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I remember this last November when my grandpa passed away, we all got together for a family gathering. Everyone was sitting in the living room, where his bed had been in the last days of his life and there was a feeling that we weren't alone. I had my camera and was just randomly taking pictures of my cousin, grandma, aunts, my grandma's dogs, etc. Then I was looking through all the pictures I took and when I got to one photo of my grandpa's favorite dog, Mary, there was this blue spot next to her. They were very close and that dog would always be on his lap. It was just the strangest thing to see that photo. I really think he was there with us that evening, kind of letting us know he's fine and no longer suffering. I like looking at that picture from time to time, even though it's still tough at times to think about him being gone. But it's a good thing that he is. His whole body was making him miserable and the cancer was just eating at him. I know he's in a better place.

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They don't want anything OG, they are just connected there because they probably died there. They are lost souls so they just roam around. There intention is not to hurt anyone, I promise you.


I have never encountered anything dark. In the house I mentioned earlier, we would hear kids playing in the attic and there was this one corner of the house where I would always have to do a double take because I would see the image of a little boy. Everyone in my house saw that little boy at one time or another. He never did anything, just hung around the corner of the house. Someone told me once that spirits feel comfortable around me. I wonder what that really means. I guess maybe because i am not afraid and while I don't engage them per se I am open to help them feel more at ease.

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They don't want anything OG, they are just connected there because they probably died there. They are lost souls so they just roam around. There intention is not to hurt anyone, I promise you.


I have never encountered anything dark. In the house I mentioned earlier, we would hear kids playing in the attic and there was this one corner of the house where I would always have to do a double take because I would see the image of a little boy. Everyone in my house saw that little boy at one time or another. He never did anything, just hung around the corner of the house. Someone told me once that spirits feel comfortable around me. I wonder what that really means. I guess maybe because i am not afraid and while I don't engage them per se I am open to help them feel more at ease.


My aunts house was like that. The last room at the end of the hallway was where a number of people saw an image of this little girl. The room was painted bright pink and my aunt never changed that room. We all called it the girl's room. Nothing bad ever happened, she was just there...

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Ohh these stories are so interesting and I really believe in all these kinds of things!


One of my really close childhood friends had severe asthma as we were growing up. She was always in and out of hospital and barely in school because she was so ill. Then she moved to Canada for a while and we lost touch. Then when I went to college she happened to be starting on the same day as me and we became really close again. But I hated this college and the course wasn't for me so I left. And then she moved again and we didn't get to see eachother. We made plans but things came up and we didn't get to do things we'd planned most of the time.


Then her mum got in touch and told me that on her 18th birthday she was out with some friends, went outside to the loo and just dropped dead. She'd had such a bad asthma attack, her body couldn't cope anymore.


I was devastated and felt so bad that we hadn't always stuck to our plans, I felt like I should have made more of an effort to see her more often but never expected anything like that to happen.


Then for a long time after I felt like I could feel her around. It was so overwhelming that I just knew there was something. Then I'd get these dreams (and still do sometimes) that feel so real. She's always wearing a white dress and is touching me in some way (my hair, my arms) and telling me that it's OK that we didn't keep in touch as much as we probably should have and that she knows I cared and that everything for me will be OK. Then I'll wake up and I can still feel her hands like she's really there. It's hard to explain but it doesn't feel like a dream at all (even though I know it is) but I can definitely still feel her when I wake up.


I definitely believe there is something!

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I guess your right MG. My grandma told me that too, that they like me because I actually believe in them. I still think whenever I see an actual ghost that isn't a relative, it's going to tear my nerves up badly for a while, lol


One thing I don't do is watch ghost programs. I love them to death but I can't watch them alone and in the dark. I don't know, it just freaks me out so bad. And it's when they reanct the ghost part that does it, like they show this ghostly white female walking down the stairs... *shivers*

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So I woke up this morning and my first thought was it's Monday. Then I realized it's exactly two weeks today until CS arrives and I all but broke out into the biggest grin ever. TWO WEEKS! Which means after this weekend (my off weekend) the following weekend is my last weekend of work. Woohooo! So at some point that last week I have to pack and get everything ready so I'm not rushing aorund the day CS flies in. Aye.

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So you're going to be a Man U fan when you move over here? Won't have much choice? Lol.


Oh, I'm already a MU fan by default. I asked CS to give me one of his shirts and he ended up giving me his MU jersey he had. I love that shirt. But I told him for Christmas this year I was getting him a new one since I took this one (and the writing on it is faded). $100 but I wasn't able to get him anything for Christmas last year and he is most def worth it.

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Aww Tom's a Newcastle United fan (sorry CS haha) and I've been given all sorts of Newcastle bits and pieces. So I guess I'm a Newcastle fan now Which is fine by me. He bought me some Newcastle United football socks when we were in Newcastle visiting his family and they're the best socks ever!

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OMG in the Newcastle United shop in Newcastle they had a children's section! It was so cute. Tom wanted to get loads of stuff for my niece and nephew but my brother is also a Man U fan and I don't think he'd appreciate it too much lol. They had nice hoodies too, might get one when we go back!

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They def are not cheap! But American football jerseys are about the same in this country as well. Any kind of jersey, really... CS wants to take me to a game as well when I come over or def when I move over. I'm looking forward to it. I use to play football when I was a kid so it's not like American football which I LOATH watchign....

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I've never been to a football match but Tom keeps saying we should go, I think we're going to go to one in the summer with his brother, should be fun!


Have you made any plans yet for when you come over later in the year?

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I've never been to a football match but Tom keeps saying we should go, I think we're going to go to one in the summer with his brother, should be fun!


Have you made any plans yet for when you come over later in the year?


Not a lot really. We have from March-Sept to plan. I know I"ll meet his family and hit a few tourist spots (I imagine if there is a match that will be one of them) but since we'll be staying at his house it will mostly be just relaxed days since we wouldn't have seen each other for 7-8 months.

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