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It is nerve wracking .. hope you can get as much rest as possible over the next while - its hard when you're working all the way up (I did that too - wedding Sat - worked on Fri) and you don't realise how much you need the rest until right before the wedding day sometimes ... but then it's so hard to rest at a time like this!

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And I think we will be up about 7:30-8 on the day of the wedding (i will be at least) so I can eat and go with my best friend to get our nails done and will be going til about 7 that night when we leave dinner. Whew. My best friends wedding was worse. I worked the night before, got off at midnight and didn't fall asleep til three, got up a5 eight. To perform my maid of honot duties and had to work that night as well from 7-12. When i told her I wanted to be at the salon by 9-9:30 she was like what? I said remember how early I was up for your wedfing? She went yeah, okay, I gurss, lol

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LOL - yeah.. hopefully on the day itself it will be everyone else running around and you can just relax. You'll probably be up even earlier than 7:30 though.. you know on those day's you are looking forward to heaps (like Christmas, or a special birthday - or some kind of special day) you always wake up so early. I always try to go to bed early so the day will come sooner.. end up tossing and turning for hours unable to sleep.. then I finally drift off, and when I wake up eyes wide open, feeling bright and ready to go.. I look at the clock and its like 4am or something

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I'm exhausted, ugh.


Work wasn't bad again today, I'm just tired of having all five day rooms to do myself. I'm suppose to have help a bunch this week but I'll believe it when I see them.... there was this one incident at work, had my heart pounding. Now, before I start I have to say that I believe ghosts. I believe that when we die we don't just disappear, that if we have unfinished business or someone we want to look after, we come back to do so. The hospital I work in doesn't have an active OB wing (shut down years ago) and the wing that use to be it is used for storage and spare rooms for the doctor's to sleep in. For some reason they told us we had to start storing out carts on that wing. I HATE going on that wing. It's never used so it's quiet and so damn eeire. It doesn't help that I have heard multiple stories about the OB wing being haunted: doors shutting, hearing babies cry... *shivers*


Anyway, I was putting my cart up and had the door open. As I pushed the cart in and went to grab the door the door kind of naturally fell open more. No biggie. But as I was leaning out from the room I just got this sudden over whelming sense of not being alone on the hall, like I could literally SENSE someone standing next to me on my right side. It freaked me out, no lie. Usually I would write it off as my paranoid imagination working over time but Idk... it's hard to explain but I could literally just sense something standing next to me and then the next instance it was gone but not completely. I got that hair on the back of your neck standing up that I was being watched. Yeah... I practically ran out of that wing. *shivers*


Now I'm going to have a damn ghost dream tonight, just watch.

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Er... I don't believe in ghosts .. but I'm scared of them. It's like I don't intellectually believe in them .. because I can't understand what can possibly come back, in terms of substance and matter, once you die - or how.. but yet, I'm absolutely terrified of them and all things creepy. I love horror movies but can't watch them. If something like that happened to me I'd scream and run (while continuing to scream) all the way back to human company.. That's soooo creepy.


Maybe you can just tell people that you'd rather have company in that wing if possible because it really creeps you out? Or is that just not gonna happen?

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Have you ever done any research on the place where you work? You might find some interesting stuff.


Hard core research no but I have asked a lot of people who have been working there for years. Every floor is pretty haunted. 0.o One hall in the nursing home use to be the mourge. Yeah, took me a while to get use to that one. Another floor they say has activity A LOT. They have this saying that when the elevator comes up and opens with no one it, you can always see this large black shadow lurking around corners afterward and a resident ALWAYS dies the night it happens. It's weird. And the CNAs will swear the residents see things as well. A bunch of them (and I have heard them) talk about making the little kids sit and down and listen... and there is no kids on the floor visiting. :s


another weird moment I had was I was cleaning the dayroom. I had the radio going and was moping. And then I went to walk toward the door (away from the radio) and the radio kept getting louder, like the volume was being turned up. THAT freaked me out. Then one of the CNAs told me one night that after I get done moping (I always push the chairs under the table when I'm done) she will hear scraping in there and go and look and certain chairs are pulled out from the table. o.0

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Er... I don't believe in ghosts .. but I'm scared of them. It's like I don't intellectually believe in them .. because I can't understand what can possibly come back, in terms of substance and matter, once you die - or how.. but yet, I'm absolutely terrified of them and all things creepy. I love horror movies but can't watch them. If something like that happened to me I'd scream and run (while continuing to scream) all the way back to human company.. That's soooo creepy.


Maybe you can just tell people that you'd rather have company in that wing if possible because it really creeps you out? Or is that just not gonna happen?


It terrifies me too. I think in order for you to be terrified or afraid of them, even the thought of them, you believe to some extent. Otherwise, even the thought of them wouldn't scare you, you know? I know there are good ghosts and bad ghosts and all that but seriously, every time I'm on that wing I keep looking at the area were parents would look in on their newborns and my over active imagination is just WAITING for some ugly white ghost face to show up in the window, lol. If it did I won't lie, I'd crap myself. Right there.


I guess when the floor techs work with me I could get one of them to come with me but on the weekends no... I'm by myself.

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Noooooooo.. you'll just be even more scared!!!


That's pretty much what started it for me. I had no clue about any of these things until I was making a bed on the OB wing and someone came in and was like, "oh! have you encountered anything?" I'm like, 'ummm, what?" And they then told me you could hear babies crying from time to time. yeah. Thanks old lady...


And just now my cat decided to open my door extremely slowly and my door creaks. He gave me a heart attack. >.

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I love ghost stories, I really do. I love hearing them but at the same time I'm freaked out for a few hours later, I think because I believe in them. There are some nights it doesn't even cross my mind about it but something like this will happen and that's all I can think about as I'm walking down the hallway by myself, looking into rooms expecting for something to jump out at me. Only other experience I ever had was growing up and I will swear on every holy book in the world, I saw my grandpa. He died when my dad was 14 (WAY before I was born) but I swear on more than one occasion I'd wake up in the middle of the night and someone would be sitting there accross my room smoking one of those old timey pipes... which only grandpa smoked in the family.

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I guess it's the "what if.." that makes me scared. With all those things you can't see or perceive with your senses (including god, I suppose), you can't really be certain one way or the other whether or not it exists - unless you take the line that ONLY things I see and hear and feel and smell can exist (which is not a line I take - and we already know that's not true with some gases etc) then anything's possible...


creepy, creepy, creepy. I would not survive working there alone - I'm the biggest baby about these things.

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I love ghost stories, I really do. I love hearing them but at the same time I'm freaked out for a few hours later, I think because I believe in them. There are some nights it doesn't even cross my mind about it but something like this will happen and that's all I can think about as I'm walking down the hallway by myself, looking into rooms expecting for something to jump out at me. Only other experience I ever had was growing up and I will swear on every holy book in the world, I saw my grandpa. He died when my dad was 14 (WAY before I was born) but I swear on more than one occasion I'd wake up in the middle of the night and someone would be sitting there accross my room smoking one of those old timey pipes... which only grandpa smoked in the family.


Did you scream the house down?

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I guess it's the "what if.." that makes me scared. With all those things you can't see or perceive with your senses (including god, I suppose), you can't really be certain one way or the other whether or not it exists - unless you take the line that ONLY things I see and hear and feel and smell can exist (which is not a line I take - and we already know that's not true with some gases etc) then anything's possible...


creepy, creepy, creepy. I would not survive working there alone - I'm the biggest baby about these things.


It gets to me on nights like tonight. Others it doesn't. There are a lot of things I don't believe in but I def believe people come back or they just get stuck somewhere. They don't always come back in a physical form, sometimes it's just a sensation, a sixth sense almost.

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Did you scream the house down?


I didn't actually. I don't know why but whenever it happened it was always right after an emotional event (my dad hitting me, my dad hitting my mom, them divorcing, my sexual abuse) so it was almost this calming effect. I knew it wasn't something bad. I never saw the face full on since there was only half light but yeah... I remember when I was a teenager and when I had just told everyone about the sexual abuse it happened. I woke up, saw the figure, saw the LIGHT of the pipe. I think I mumbled 'Hi Papa' and rolled over. Ten seconds later I rolled back over and whatever was there was gone. But I never felt scared during those times. I felt comfortated.

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Yeah, that's kind of how I look at it. That is the only time I remember not feeling scared when something would happen, lol. It's odd, I haven't seen him since I left home at 17. Kind of sad.... But my grandma is still there and not in the best of health so I'm okay with knowing he's comforting her.

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I remember shortly after my father passed away, his favorite coffee mug went crashing down to the floor in the middle of the night. It was in the cupboard and no where near the ledge where it could fall off. My daughter had distinctly heard his voice saying the word "coffee" and then the mug hit the floor. It didn't break thankfully, I still have that mug. I think that was his way of letting us know he was around.

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Aw, that's sweet MG. Would scare the crap out of me mugs flying every were but it's sweet, lol. If I remember my uncle's house is haunted as well. It's his wife's family home and apparently her grandma is still there and she isn't fond of males.


smart lady! LOL

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You know come to think of it, I haven't really felt my father around me too much lately. It's actually been a while now. He would usually show up when I was in some kind of turmoil and now my life feels like it is out of control and I don't feel him. Hmmm.. I hope he knows that I still need him.

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It's weird. I remember one time after seeing Papa I went downstairs and my grandma was on the couch in the middle of the night. I asked her what was wrong and she just said she could sense Papa there in the house with us and she couldn't sleep. Her favorite story to tell me was that when they bought me home from the hospital (I was the oldest grandchild) that that night she kept hearing something in my room and when she got up and came to the door she swore she could hear Papa's voice humming the lullabye he hummed to my dad.

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