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We need a new one too. We bought the box springs a few years ago bc for a while we had jus the mattress on the floor. They cost us about $200 brand new.


The mattress is a used one a friend gave me when I moved back here 5 years ago. We are thinking of getting one of those 3" gel toppers. Jared said they have them on link removed all the time for about $200 or so (but you have to watch the site every day bc they're only daily deals). Maybe look into something like that?

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We currently have a memory foam mattress (I think I paid $300 for it when we first moved in). And it was a good mattress but after so long it's not very memory foam in the places we sleep (especially my side because I've been sleeping on it for 2 years now). We've even flipped it to the other side and it's okay for about a month at a time. So it's put L off any type of mattress except the proper kind. But even when we get one I'll get one of those memory foam toppers for myself.


We really need a new bed frame as it's broken in a few places (won't go into how THAT happened!) but the broken rails won't be such an issue with a proper mattress. And even if we did replace I'd just get the same kind again (I paid $100 for it).

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Lazy, lazy, lazy Sunday. I woke up and cooked us breakfast, which I really shouldn't do while half asleep and with no coffee because I found out my husband just pushes my buttons. I cut L's hair and now we're watching Bruce Almighty while I finish up laundry. One more week and school starts!

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I'm seriously thinking about taking the 10th off from work as well. It'll be another day unpaid but we aren't landing in Atlanta until 6 PM. Add another hour to get from the airport to the Chamblee MARTA station plus 1.5 hours to get home, it'll be almost 9 PM before we even see home. I really don't want to do that and then have to get up the next morning for work.

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I'm seriously thinking about taking the 10th off from work as well. It'll be another day unpaid but we aren't landing in Atlanta until 6 PM. Add another hour to get from the airport to the Chamblee MARTA station plus 1.5 hours to get home, it'll be almost 9 PM before we even see home. I really don't want to do that and then have to get up the next morning for work.


Can you just take the morning off? I don't know if that's an option for you. That also give you time, if, hopefully not!! but your plane gets delayed or grounded and you can't fly until the morning.

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Is this because you came off the shot? I had my last one in May last year, and I started having periods about December, they got back to normal around February. Though they're still not quite the same as before. When did you come off it?

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Yeah, my last shot was in April.


I slept horrible last night, woke up with an aching neck. And this stupid bathroom alarm has been going off for no lie 10 minutes and it's slowly turning my neck ache into a headache. Christ. L is going home early because he has a headache... we're both just falling apart the older we get.

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I don't think so. The last negative pregnancy test we had was in April when I got the last shot (since you have to take one before you get the shot every 3 months). It would be nice if that was the reason I've gained some weight recently, haha. I highly doubt it since I never had an ovulation between not getting the shot and any time we've had sex but I have a few pregnancy tests at home I can take later.

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I think if your period is late by at least a week, or more, because you two are off of birth control, it may be good to keep some urine tests on hand, just to see.


Well with the shot you don't have a period, so I haven't had a period since December 2013 (not including a few weeks in Feb. were I spotted randomly). So at this point I'm not even late, my body just hasn't righted itself from 7 months of not having one. Which we knew would happen when we went on the shot. On average it can take 5 months after your last shot to get your period and then (average) 5 months after that for it to become normal again.

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I came in late to work today so I could pick up my school books. $500 later I'm ready for the semester! I can't complain, financial aide paid all but $40. I had returned my Art book from last semester and got $50 for it, although I had to turn around and use $40 of that for what I had to pay towards the books. Booo. My calculator alone was $130 - I'll be selling THAT at the end of the semester.


L was out of work sick again today, poor guy. I'm staying as far from him as I can because I do not need to be sick right now!

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