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I've had similar pains after eating really fatty fried foods. Did you eat something fried last night?


Not last night but I did this morning. >.


I do get ovarian pain from time to time (cysts) and it feels like a pin pr1ck. (edited to bypass swear monitor - not a penis!) I know pain isn't the same for everyone but do you feel pain like that?


It was more of a stabbing pain, very similar to the type you feel when you've held your bladder for long and your body is telling you you've got to release it now. It hasn't happened for a few hours now so maybe it was just my breakfast.


Slightly disappointed in that. Bummer.

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I think I'm finally growing into my job. I don't feel like a housekeeper 'pretending' to be a receptionist anymore. I feel a lot more confident in what I'm doing and they continue to give me more and more to do. They are advertising for an administrative assistant to do filing for our Administrator so I don't know how much of my extra work will go to them once they come in. And I'm not too keen to go for that position right now because we know Administrators are changing, the next one may not see a need for an administrative assistant but they will always need someone to man the phone/door.

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Left work a little early to have my deep cleaning done at the dentist. Holy Christ that hurt. She put a topical ointment on my gums but I was still squirming. She offered to give me a shot to completely numb it but I refused - no needles in my mouth, thank you. My teeth feel amazing though! We discussed my sensitive gums in relation to the fillings I'll have on the 25th of Sept. At first she suggested the gas but insurance doesn't cover that (of course) so she wrote me a prescription for Valium. I've got to take one the night before my appointment and one an hour before hand. Since L is going to have drive I went ahead and set it up for him to have xrays/general exam at the same time I'm having my check up/fillings. He's not looking forward to it, haha.

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I woke up with a slight headache today, ended up caving about 9:30 and taking two Ibuprofin and putting some Icy Hot on my neck. I hate putting Icy Hot on my neck because it then gets in all the rest of my hair (because putting my hair into a ponytail is a headache trigger). First world problems and all that. The rest of the day was fine until an ex co-worker (one of L's employees) stopped by my desk and asked could they ask me a question. I was like sure, expecting them to ask were L was or something like that. Nope. She said, "So when are you and L going to have a baby?"




It really infuriated me more than it should have. She's brought up us having kids before when L was 4,000 miles away. It was just the way she said it, like because we haven't had a human child yet in almost 3 years of marriage we are failures. And I have no idea why it upset me so much. We're in the beginning stages of starting to expand our little family. I'm off birth control, we just aren't trying (because it would be pretty fruitless right now). It just really made me feel like I am a failure for not being able to snap my fingers and have my fertility return. Which in turn would mean I could snap my fingers and we could instantly start trying. Although looking back at those feelings/statements, maybe I am starting to pre-PMS. I haven't felt like that since before I went on the shot, haha.


So I just went to the gym and belted an hour work out. Still only going a speed of 2.0 or my back starts to ache. I'm still shooting for an hour workout 5 days a week though. I didn't get any sodas when I went to the store after my workout (L was out) and I didn't grab any snacks. Although right now I'm craving some damn gummy bears like nobody's business....

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She said, "So when are you and L going to have a baby?"


ugh. I hope you told her it was none of her business!!!


Have you ever tried these heat warming pads that are sticky? Instead of icy hot, you put that sticky warming patch on.

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She said, "So when are you and L going to have a baby?"


ugh. I hope you told her it was none of her business!!!


Have you ever tried these heat warming pads that are sticky? Instead of icy hot, you put that sticky warming patch on.


Yeah, I've tried those in the past. They are good for large areas like your shoulder but my pain in my neck is into my hairline so they don't work well on my headaches. I used them all the time during marching band for sore shoulders though.


yea what did you say to her?


I gave her what I hope was my best 'go to Hell' look and told her we would when we were ready. She seemed like she wanted to add something (probably 'when is that') but my resting witch face must have work. She quickly left my desk.

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What a freak! Who does that? Does she have like 5 kids herself or something?


My co-workers know that we’ll buy a bigger house before we have a baby, so they are constantly asking about the real estate situation or suggestion other realtors. Bah. OG, at least you guys get to start trying soonish! That’s something

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I know she has at least a son. And I know she lets him walk all over her.


Yeah, it is something. It could be up to a year before we get to start trying and we're okay with that timeline right now. I apparently had the beginning stages of PMS coming back into my system today, haha I was explaining to L how what she said made me feel and he just looked at me like, 'oh God, she's back!!!"

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So tired this morning. I need this 12 oz. cup of coffee with it's 12 calories to start today. I slept okay, just ended up falling asleep late (like after midnight). And then I wake up at 6:45 AM to a text from L that the reading lights were on in the car and had been over night. I walk to the living room window and do you think he turned them off on his way to work this morning? Nope. I could have murdered him in those 30 seconds. Pure murder.

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I ran into Eli's other grandma (his dad's mom) yesterday after my gym workout. She had him with her and God is he the spitting image of his dad. Every now and then he would look at me a certain way and he'd look just like Tyler as a baby. I got him to smile and chat at me. I've yet to see Lily in person.


They are still planning on trying mom on amoxicillin since it's the cheaper option for her H. Pylori and crossing their fingers she isn't allergic to entire -cillin family. If it does wipe it out she won't have to have the light ran down her throat in November. Her BP is still not were the doctor wants it to be but considering certain things people won't do, I'm not surprised.


And here I am feeling like a pharmacy company with all the bloody pills I'm taking. I literally take so much during the day I have two of those daily medicine things you can put medicine in, one for my morning meds and one for my nights meds.

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Yeah, it's the life of this disease. Any disease really. I'm sure I don't have to be on all the anti-histamines I'm on and I'm hoping at some point they accept that I'm not responding to 'normal 'procedure and see what course we take then.


I don't know the person who is taking care of her. She's related to her dad some how, I've never met them... so it's mostly opportunity. Mom has only seen her once in the almost two months she's been here.


I woke up with another bloody headache this morning. Roll on 4:30.

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Hm. I may ask my allergist to check my thyroid when I go for my next shot on the 4th. I know I had it checked a few years back before the hives started (and I'm sure it was one of the things they checked during all those tests) but I had it done at our hospital and.... well, yeah. Our hospital is the hospital who told my old co worker her daughter had a crayon in her nose when in reality it was a battery and it was leaking acid. And every year I have a physical done something strange comes back from my labs only for me to find out it was 'something in the lab'. The hospital my allergist is aligned with is much more reputable.

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We're currently looking into pet insurance for the kids. When it was just Jasper I really didn't see the need but with three of them.... Yeah. Especially Shadowfax. Shes going to break something by the time she's a year old with the way she runs around. It looks like it'll be roughly $30 a month for all 3. Not too bad.


We are also looking at saving up and getting another car after New York. Something not already 10 years old but not brand new. The big things it has to have is AC and a passenger cup holder (that's L's requirement, haha). We're thinking of looking at the place were I bought my car from.


L got to pick Friday night movie (its become a thing to watch movies on Friday and Saturday nights instead of TV shows). War of the Worlds was his choice. Boring. Tomorrow is Robin Williams tribute night starting with my movie choice, The Birdcage. Love that movie!

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