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I go to a support group once a month for people who have gotten the same surgery I have and we talk a lot about "head hunger". It happens to everyone really, surgery or not. Your stomach isn't hungry but your "head" is. I don't have too much head hunger but I am stressed out over a stupid test lately so I really want chocolate but I don't have any here, thank goodness.


It is a very strong impulse. About 5 days after my stomach was out, I had the most AWFUL hankering for eggs. My stomach was in tatters and I could have easily caused my own death if I were to eat eggs at that point but that's all I wanted. I spent 1-2 hours reading about toads in the hole (egg cooked in the middle of a piece of bread) and scrambled egg recipes. It was ridiculous.


There are so many stories out there about "head hunger', some funny, some not.


I wish I had more advice other than hang in there. It really is a lifelong struggle.

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Thanks guys.


I went to the gym after work for an hour. Managed to get up to a speed of 2.0 which felt pretty good compared to my 1.7 yesterday, lol. I'll probably stay at that speed for a week, give my back time to adjust before going up any more. I managed to hit 2 miles though. Came home and L and had fish and chips (yum!)

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Like ibuprofen. Ibuprofen works for my tensions headaches because it relaxes my neck muscles (which is were I get my tension headaches). But for a while now I've been popping 4 tablets at a time for them, multiple times a day.


For now I'm regulated to Icy Hot and Tylenol for them and Tylenol does nothing.

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I woke up with a friggin' headache this morning. I had a somewhat big breakfast and that seemed to calm it down so I didn't have to use Icy Hot.


I'm just so glad it's Friday. And it's Date Night! We're going to see Into the Storm tonight. It's going to be so horrible but so good.

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Mom has another severe UTI/kidney infection. She has got to start taking care of herself. Her BP was also up at her doctor's appointment this morning but that isn't too surprising considering the events of last night. And she still has a stomach infection. The medicine they want to put her on she can't afford ($300) so they are going to try her on amoxcellin. She's allergic to penacilian (sp) so I guess they are trying the other in hopes that she isn't allergic to the whole family so she can afford to take something for her stomach. And she still has the light running down her throat appointment in Novemeber.


She's just got to get better.

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Yeah, I think that's it Fudgie. I just know something is going down her throat and being my mom she's freaked out so I'm going with her (that and she can't drive afterward). The doctor also wants to rule out a tumor on her intestines but mom is popping positive for H. Plyori

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I've had one of those. They wanted to rule out H. pylori because my surgeon wouldn't sleeve my stomach if I had it. To be honest, it was the easiest thing ever. It's not like anesthesia at all. They give you some nice strong benzos and you are just sleeping through the whole thing and wake up peacefully. Not in pain either, maybe just a little bit of a sore throat and that's about it. If your mom has ever been on anti-anxiety meds like Xanax, well, it feels a lot like that, only they give you enough so you're sleeping. Kinda groggy afterwards but not bad.

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I'm just ready for her to get better. I know she hasn't looked after herself in a long time (20 years between a pap smear? Hellloo???) but she has to. And this drama my sister is wanting to start needs to end or mom is going to have a stroke/heart attack. It's to the point my mom knows I don't care what my sister thinks. She can hate me, she can ban me from seeing Tyler (which won't happen), I'm not going to let her put our mom in an early grave because she's.... well, she's our father made over.

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Into the Storm was, of course, horrible. Haha. No where near Twister. Loads of special effects which got a tad ridiculous at the F20 tornado... There were many nice shots of Richard Armitage's butt though. And his British accent.


After the movie I grabbed sushie to go (Mmmmm!!!), L had McDonalds, and we came home to binge watch Judge Judy and Pawn Stars.

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I had my first tension headache-that-turned-into-a-migraine today without any NSAIDs. I took it for as long as I could, I really did. At one point L had the ibuprofin in his hands and was threatening to force it down my throat (I think me rocking back and forth with me crying and holding my head scared him. Like legit scared) but I still refused. But when the pain started rolling into my temple area I saw screw this and down 5 of them. And then promptly fell asleep for 3 hours. And that was a light migraine, normally a 3 hour nap doesn't get rid of them....


L's in bed and I'm up binge watching The Nanny. I love that after 9 it's just me and The Nanny or me and the GGs.

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omg 5 Ibuprofen? If you need that much to kill a migraine, they really need to get you on something stronger. Doing that long term will destroy your liver. Have you tried Naproxen? It kills pain but doesn’t stay in your body for years afterwards. I swear by it now and I actually have less pain with one or two pills and less frequent headaches than when I ate Ibuprofen like it was candy.


GG’s- golden girls?

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I very routinely take 4 ibuprofen at a time for my tension headaches. I was given Naproxen by my GP for my tail bone but this past week my allergist wanted me to go off all NSAIDs (including Naproxen) to make sure this bought of not being able to take less than 20 MG a day of prednisone for the hives is due to a drug allergy of NSAIDs medication (because last month I was able to survive on 10 MG every other day). Which I was fine with going off them but today, nope. While I was taking Naproxen for my tailbone I didn't have a single tension headache. But I have noticed since I stopped taking the Naproxen, I don't have as much pain in my tailbone when I stand up (weird). I still have that clicking sensation back there but there is no pain. Right now the only time my tailbone gives me genuine pain is if I'm in the car for a long period of time.


Yep, Golden Girls. I've never actually watched the Gilmore Girls come to think of it!

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I used to take 4-5 ibuprofen for my migraines. That was the only thing that worked. Taking too much ibuprofen (more than 5 pills for me) hurts your kidneys, not your liver. Taking too much Tylenol, that's what hurts your liver.


I haven't taken an NSAID in almost a year now and can never again unless I want my sleeved stomach to ulcerate. Praying I never have a migraine again or else I'm screwed.

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I'm doing okay today. Headache never returned after my 3 hour afternoon nap but it took me forever to fall asleep last night. I don't think I actually fell asleep until 2 am. And then I woke up at 5 am feeling like I had twisted my ankle - literally however I laid it it had a throbbing sensation. Just a blah kind of night. L's neck is giving him trouble today though. I really need to go to the gym today as I know I probably won't get there tomorrow (I've got a dentist appointment) but I just can't find the energy. That and I'm in the middle of doing laundry. hahah

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Ugh, awful sharp pain in my lower left abdomen (like in my ovary area). Not sure if it's ovulation pain (I highly doubt I've already started ovulating this soon after my last BC shot in April) or if it's something else. It seems to come and go so we shall see. I'm trying to hold off on going to the OBGYN until after New York.

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