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41 days until New York!!


L and I are both so looking forward to this trip. 5 days back were it all began... We're thinking of the doing the Empire State Building at night (since we did it in our first trip during the day), The Met (and not stay all day in the Egyptian section ), maybe the river cruise again, and the 9/11 memorial/museum. And just generally wander around the city! Although this time we are going to remember to get some sun screen, haha

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It's awesome! We went last time, although we haven't fully ruled it out for this trip either. Especially since we aren't getting the Citypass and it's one of the things you can do on it.


I will def. be texting you Monday at some point as I would like to not have to tell my boss to shove it (since he is suppose to be doing this, not me)!

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Half of our psuedo family is spending the night with us tonight- my uncle's wife, her son, and a friend's son. Since we live only an hour from Six Flags they are crashing with us so they don't have to get up ubber early tomorrow. They got here about 5 and had to turn around and go an hour back to my hometown though because my uncle's wife forgot her purse in McDonalds! Luckily the good samaritan who turned it in didn't take the money or the new camera! We grabbed dinner in my hometown while we were up there - Golden Carrol, I stuffed myself silly - and came back to relax a few hours before going to bed.


Is it Friday yet?

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It's amazing how one day at work can vary. Yesterday just dragged on and I wasn't all that busy - today I am slammed. I've been working on medical records all morning long and am still not done. I have more invoices to input, I've been faxing like crazy, oh, and they decided to redo our parking lot today. We all knew about this since Monday but they completely didn't tell us the RIGHT area they were going to do (and didn't rope off all the area) so I spent two hours this morning paging license plate numbers and makes of cars to get people to move. And it's disrupting our visitors and transport picking patients up because they can't use our entrance and are having to come in through the ER (and then are having to wait around for an employee to let them into our facility that is code-entry only.



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I woke up with some beautiful big lips this morning - thanks autoimmune.


I get to go 3 rounds with my allergist on Monday. I'm fine with continuing this shot for another 3 months as we planned at the last visit but taking Prednisone every other day is not working. I don't know if it has to do with the new drug getting into my system and it's just a phase but this month has been horrible. The first month I had it I was able to keep taking steroids every other day and I was fine until like the last week and a half before my next shot. Since I had the July shot though I have swelled more (and when I say swelling I mean lips, eyes, face) in the last month then I have since January in total which means I am now taking a 10 MG steroid in the morning and night just to keep a clear head.


I know they aren't going to like that, nor the fact that I'm going to ask to be put a daily dosage of steroids if we continue this shot for 3 months. I have school in 25 days and I'm taking Macroeconomics - I don't have time to deal with a disease that makes me just want to curl up and sleep all day.

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So I get home tonight from a long, pretty busy day at work to see my neighbour's car parked directly in front of my house in our driveway spot. At this point we have been silently fuming because the neighbours have two cars, we have one. We also have the smallest driveway in the entire complex. Since they've gotten two cars they have slowly kept creeping over into what could be termed 'our driveway'. Today I was just like.... what the whiskey. I come storming in the house ranting about how I couldn't believe it (L thought he had done something wrong) and I just pointed outside. So he puts a shirt, goes and knocks on their door, and politely asks them to move the car. "Does it have to be right this second?" she says. Um, yeah. I can't park my car because shock, horror, you are in MY spot! L goes yes please and she proceeds to walk accross the street (to the known drug dealers) and the topic of racism is loudly discussed.


I was like you know what, enough of this. I called the property manager, explained the situation and she said she would speak to them because they are allowed only a certain amount of parking slots. She also at one point said 'I didn't know there were assigned parking areas'...... 0.o You have been here longer than I have and in 3 years you've never parked in front of my house. SERIOUSLY?!


That aside, I think I found us a good chiropractor. It's in our town - shocked really at that - and although they are considered a specialty with our insurance (which means a $60 co pay instead of $30) after the first visit they won't file with insurance and only charge us $40 per visit. Hoping they can do something with both of our necks. I also think I found a potential good OBGYN (for now female issues and future pregnancy) in Athens. I went to a few rating doctors sites and she's talked about well on all the sites.

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We decided to break down and get Dish. Really the only reason we are getting it is because it's the only way L can watch actual football matches - vs. simply watching the highlights - and I'm a very understanding wife. Dish was the cheapest though that $54 a month (including the DVR) whereas our own internet company wanted $85 for the same bloody package. It has Investigation Discovery so I'm happy! I think we'll cancel Hulu as the only reason we have it is to watch newer episodes of series - and now we have a DVR for that purpose. But we'll keep Netflix because it has more shows we can binge watch when nothing else is on. They're coming out next Saturday to install it so now it's just to see if they can get a signal were we are at (we're right up against a line of trees).

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Hope you guys are able to get a good signal. I pay $90 total for internet and cable TV and it's definitely worth the money for me. I own my DVR though (older Tivo model) or else I'd be paying like $120/month...too much! My TV is almost always on Investigation Discovery.

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Yeah, we noticed our next door neighbours have Dish so worst case scenario is they will have to mount it on top of our apartment, which our apartment allows as long as we call them first. We'll be paying about $120 for both internet and Dish (although our internet is through a separate company. We looked at putting the internet with the Dish but it cost even more than $120 a month).


We went and had dinner at Cracker Barrel tonight to celebrate mom's birthday. My BIL and Tyler came but they ended up leaving before we had even ordered drinks. Tyler was just completely over stimulated with the environment and although he wasn't screaming or anything he just wouldn't sit still and kept trying to wander. So my BIL made the decision to just take him home which although I was disappointed I didn't get to spend time with my Munchkin, I completely understood. The dinner itself was really good and mom loved her present from us - an Eeyore night gown.


Afterward I was craving chocolate so L and I popped over to Dairy Queen to quench that craving. Mmmm, oreo brownie earthquake! Now L is playing his alien game on his computer and we've got Bad Boys on in the background.

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That's really nice that your apartment lets you mount it as long as you ask. Everywhere I have lived, I've never had a landlord "let" you do that. Now, they aren't legally able to stop you but they outright said "install a dish, and we won't renew your lease". Kind of crappy, right? LOL. I'm in a downstairs apartment though. But $90 for both internet/cable is not that bad so I guess I can't really complain.


DQ is so good!

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Yeah this is the first place I've ever lived that has let you mount on the building as well. I don't think they'll be able to mount it on a pole in the backyard because we are up against a line of trees and it has to shoot over our apartment so on the apartment may be the only way.

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I had my monthly appointment with my allergist for my third Xolair shot. She was shocked I hadn't taken a steroid this morning and in less than 12 hours was already starting to swell from the hives and the amount of times I had swelling in my lips and eyes. However she wants to give going off all NSAIDS of any kind a try for a month just to make sure I'm not actually having an allergic reaction without us knowing it. The swelling happened before I fell on my tailbone but I have to admit the constant hives started about the time I started taking the Neproxan (sp). So that's were we are. No NSAIDS, relying simply on heat and neck rubs from L for my tension headaches and we'll reevaluate at the next shot appointment.


She did recommend going to a chiropractor for the tension headaches (which we were going to do that anyway after New York). I'm just so frustrated with this disease. And I understand they want me to try every option other than being dependent on steroids but even they say I have the rare kind of this disease and they've never seen anyone who doesn't respond to typical treatments like I do. Shouldn't that mean that, I don't know, you may not want me on steroids but it may be the only way I ever get constant relieve? I know the biggest side effect is osteoprosis but I think that's a lot less in the long run then possibly needing a kidney transplant with being on cyclosporin!


I don't know... just so frustrated with my own body. I know they want what is best for me. And you know it's bad when your doctor sits there and says they wouldn't want the diagnosis of the disease you have.

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My allergist called me at work. We're going to bump me up to a high steroid dose and work me down while my body gets rid of the NSAIDS - which considering I've been a chronic user for years means there is no telling how long it will take to get out of my system. Once I finish 10 MG after 4 days in 16 days I've got to call her because we're going to do this weird 10 MG one day, 5 MG the next for a while and then rotate it to only 10 MG every other day. Probably right in the middle of our New York trip. >.


I really wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

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OG, did you ever get an allergist to do a "panel" on you?


I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope your sake it's something really simple like "Oh you're allergic to NSAIDS!!" and then the breaks just go away...


Although I must say, I gave up NSAIDS about a year ago. Can't take them anymore after my stomach surgery unless I'd like a bleed. Oh, I do miss 'em.

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Yeah, that was the first thing my allergist did when I came to see her. Not allergic to anything (I was so worried I had like developed an allergy to cats! haha).


well they won't ever completey go away. We do think my onset of not being able to survive on 20 MG every day was triggered by me taking Nepraxon though. I told her I'd be willing to try anything to try to get a much lower dose as we're not on birth control right now.


My tailbone is feeling me not having any today. thankfully she said I could still take my muscle relaxor the doctor gave me. the real test is going to be my first tension headache. Aye.

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Steady day at work today. I went to the gym after work since I can't manage to get up at 6 am to go. I stuck an episode of Once Upon a Time on and just walked for an hour. It was the first time since falling on my tailbone that I've been to the gym and frustratingly I couldn't go very fast. I started off on a speed of 2.5 and a few minutes in my lower back was killing me. I ended up not being able to go over a speed of 1.7. Just frustrating. So ready to have my back in order. I did 1.72 miles (could have knocked out two if it weren't for my bad back). But hey, I wasn't sat in my recliner for that hour, right? It was something.


While I was at work and the gym the guy came to install the Dish. L came home early (perks of being the boss) since someone had to be here. It feels pretty nice to watch newer Snapped. And of course my first act was to set The Golden Girls series up to record. We are literally going to have to divide the weekend hours up. L gets the tv Saturday and Sunday mornings (as that is when football games come on and I'm at school on Saturday mornings away) and I get the tv in the afternoon on the weekends. We do have a lot of shows in common but he isn't going to sit through hours and hours of the GGs or General Hospital, haha

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Lord I didn't want to get up this morning at 7 AM. I don't know if it was working out after work or just having the Dish to play with but I didn't fall asleep until after midnight. Ugh.


At least I'm having an awesome hair day today. That's something I guess!


Oh God I know what you mean. I fell asleep around 330 and I woke up at seven when my husband got into bed after his shift. I feel god-awful but things to do today.

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