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I had my xrays done yesterday. That was pretty painful. So just waiting to hear if anything shows up.


This morning was a bad hive/swelling morning. My arms and collarbone were covered in them and my lips looked like I had had botox injections. I could barely talk they were so swollen! They've calmed down now though. I'm about ready to just split my 10 MG steroid in half and take 5 MG a day just so I don't have any break throughs. They want me to earnestly give this Xolair a six month trial fine but I can't be in agony every other day, not with school starting a month from now.

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I know, right?


I'm 26 and falling apart. I'm like, what else is going to happen to me? It just really makes you feel lousy when everything happens at once.


On the plus side I've been doing great with my eating and soda intake. I just wish I could exercise but the doctor told me to wait until she cleared me about my tailbone.

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Not really, walking for long periods of time aggravate the tailbone as well as sitting in this office chair. I'm going to call the doctor today and see if she has gotten the x-rays and hopefully I can start slow walking with the muscle relaxer.


I have started taking a daily vitamin plus folic acid in preparation for when we start trying. and I have to say I have noticed a difference in my energy level while taking the vitamin.

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The doctor called me today about my x-rays. They didn't show anything major so I didn't fracture it or anything. She says more than likely I have a bone contusion and it could take up to a month to fully heal. She did clear me for exercise (just told me to listen to my body) and I'm cleared for intimacy. Woohooo! hahaha.

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Yeah. I'm not even dealing with crap from M because she is in no way responding. I texted her a few weeks ago, just a polite how are you and I've had nothing from her. I'm sure she feels like I've chosen to spend time with L and the pseudo family and not made any effort to see her and I'm at that point I just don't care anymore.

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Yes it has Fudgie!


Basically I was handed a spend down last week (because my WONDERFUL husband mentioned in the morning meeting to our boss that I had experience in Excel). I'm still not even 100% sure what a spend down is. Anyway, I was handed a clunker of a laptop, told to input the vendor, a description of the invoice, and the amount. And then I was left to my own devices. No training whatsoever. And God you need training on this. Because if you have an invoice everything on that invoice won't go onto one tab, it could go into as many as 3 tabs. For example, L. He orders for 2 departments (both his) but he doesn't do ordering just for one department and then another, he puts both department orders on the same order. His is easy to pick apart though because, well, I'm familiar with those departments (I came from them!)


No one told me Dietary had 3 tabs and things that SHOULD have tabs, don't. So things are being grouped together that are making me shake my head and I'm just...yeah. Then today my boss tells me the dietary tab is wrong because I have food on it (there is a separate tab for food). I noticed this yesterday and was going to fix it today anyway but it really rubbed me wrong to hear 'it should be obvious that milk is raw food'. -.- So I re do EVERY invoice on that spend down - because I am OCD - only for him to call me back and say it's still wrong. This was after I left work so I went back to work and looked at the spreadsheet myself. He was right, but it was an honest mistake on my part. Because the top of this Excel document doesn't move you can get confused on were the start of input stuff is. And that's what I did.


It's experience though, I just have to keep telling myself that.


Mom's birthday is next Sunday but she's wanting to go out to eat the day before her actual birthday. It'll be 8 of us - me, L, my brother, his girlfriend (er, fiance), my mom, stepdad, my BIL, and Tyler. Should be fun!

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OG, on on of the tabs at the top, I think review, there should be a button for freezing rows click on the row under the one you want freezing then the button and as you scroll down you'll still be able to see the top rows. If you ever want an easier way to do something on excel google it because someone has always asked the question before you. I've messed up on excel so many times but as long as you're not in a rush it's quite fun to spend time fixing it, especially with the trace error button.

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