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I should know better than get into a political debate with idiots on facebook....


I'm so ready for 4:30 tomorrow - 3 day weekend!!! We are not only visiting the psuedo family but it's L's FIRST fourth of July!


And Tyler's birthday party is Sunday, although his actual birthday isn't until Wednesday. Can't wait to see that stinker!

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I'm sure she'll make our baby birth about her some how. It's just her nature.


We took Jasper in for his weigh in and love bug has maintained!! He's maintained 16 lbs and the vet is super happy with that. It just seems like he got tired of dry food in his old age, the wet food really seems to be working with him. Although we noticed while at the vet he's balding on his ears! I have two middle-age balding men in my life.


L and I are currently at the pseudo family house. We decided to come up a day earlier. My brother is house/cat sitting since we didn't want to disrupt Jasper's new feeding routine. Hilarious trying to manage that.

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You’re so resigned! lol sad but true. SIL manages to do that. I love her, but it’s all about her, always.


Yay Jasper, geting to be a grown man. Glad he is well.


Happy long weekend!! Ours was a gyp-- worked Monday and had Tues off hahaha

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L's first 4th of July has been amazing! We spent the day relaxing with the pseudo family. L watched both football matches today and I took a good 2-3 hour nap thanks to some hives and swelling. We had an AMZING dinner - these huge steaks, baked mac n' cheese, and salad. So dang good. And we spent some time tonight wading in the pool (fully clothed) and watching the neighbours shoot fireworks. I think he's enjoyed it. We are now watching National Treasure 1 and 2. Fitting movies for today!

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Mac and cheese with steak sounds amazing. Mmmm.


It sounds like your FAMILY is a treasure! You can choose your family after all.


That they are Sherry. They really are amazing.


My uncle and L went to the local flea market this morning - male bonding time my uncle called it. I thought it was endearing that he specifically said only he and L were going out. While they were doing that I was sipping a hot cup of coffee trying to become human again. After L and my uncle got back me, L, and my uncle's wife went to this local e-cig shop. L and I found this nice hand crafted, wooden e-cig that had a dragon on it (can you tell we are fantasy genre family?). In the early afternoon we got a call from a friend asking if we all wanted to come swimming - we said sure! So we spent the afternoon swimming and playing a hilarious volleyball game. We had a yummy pool side dinner of hamburgers, baked potatoes, and left over mac n' cheese. I didn't get burnt (I don't think at least) but I got some nice sun.


L and I are headed home in the morning to make Tyler's birthday party. We've both really enjoyed this long weekend with the pseudo family.

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It's been such a boring day at work today. Not a lot of paper work to be done - I'm literally finding things to create to give myself something to do. We did have a little excitement around lunch time when the fire alarm went off and it wasn't a drill. L and I are going to my mom's tonight to give Tyler his birthday gifts since we didn't make it up there yesterday.


In my large amounts of free time at work I also made a dentist appointment for next Tuesday. I know I am going to need some fillings and cleanings done and we want to get all my teeth stuff taken care of before we start trying. Tomorrow is my next Xolair shot as well - ugh.

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My morning was similar. I got everything done-- booked an auto appointment, booked my sleep clinic testing, ordered replacement parts for the juicer I ruined, even got the advertisements approved for the film festival-- all in the first hour of work. First thing this morning I asked my boss "what would you like me to do today?" He decided we ought to have a sales meeting, so between that 1.5 hr meeting and continuing work on my one project, the day has flown!


It's tough being in such a different role hey? I so miss running around all day long, answering phones, and juggling a million things. It's taking a lot of patience to just do one thing, get my feedback, then continue working on it. I am not used to doing just one project at a time. I try to be grateful that I have this time to really take my time and give one thing 100%, but it's hard not to feel lazy.


Other than it being quiet, are you liking the new job? Maybe you can get some extra tasks added to your day.

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I do like it. Like you I do miss the running around of my old job, the fast pace, etc. I just don't miss cleaning toilets, hahaha. I do have moments in this new job were it is fast paced and I am multi-tasking, like when I'm on the phone with someone while letting someone into the facility and juggling an actual person standing in front of me wanting a question answered. I thrive in that sort of chaos. So when it's not chaos like that I'm just like, ugh. Like today.


There really isn't any more that I can get added I think. I'm pretty much rooted to that stupid desk (literally if I have to go to the bathroom i have to get someone to sit there, i can't just get up and go). People do bring me their odd paperwork when they can. I've typed out the last few staffing sheets for the nurses and CNAs, I've made a new crash-cart sign off sheet, a new on call calendar sheet... and today just to give myself something to do I created a job listing sheet to keep in my desk because a few people have come in wanting to know what positions we are hiring for and I didn't have one.


But the silence of the job aside, I do like it. It still feels surreal most days going in at 8 and sitting at desk as my job. I still don't like asking the housekeepers to clean my desk area because they use to be my coworkers, ya know?

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That is used versions of the books. Even more that's renting them and they are used. The only one I couldn't rent/get used is my book for statistics and new it was $123. But before I buy anything I'll send an email to my professors asking do we need the books because some classes I've yet to buy a book for because the teacher didn't require it.

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Work went much better today. I guess yesterday was so slow because it was the weekend after the holiday because today everyone in their brother came in. Of course half our administration wasn't in today so I've literally got 15 sticky notes on my desk right now to give to various people tomorrow. I also got the assignment from our staffing coordinator to print out these manuals (5 of them at about 100 pages each) so that kept me busy. Of course my computer decided to stop sending a signal to the printer about half way through that project so I ended up on the phone with the IT department for 40 minutes as they sorted the situation out.


I left 2 hours early to go to my allergist appointment. Today was my second shot of Xolair. We talked about the fact that I am still having outbreaks and the doctor thinks we should give it a minimum of 6 months because I have the rarer of the 2 antibodies and my CU Index was one of the highest she had ever seen when she first diagnosed me. So she thinks instead of being an immediate fix it could take time to build up in my system. L and I are okay with that for now. Both us and the doctor are in agreement that if in 6 months it's give me little to no relief we will cease trying it. We also discussed with her the fact we are wanting to come off birth control this October and the various pros and cons about concieving if I'm still on steroids or Xolair. The one thing in our favor is people with the rarer antibody type tend to have their hives go into remission while pregnant.

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It's Friday!! Yay!! 3 more hours and I am home free for the weekend.


Although I get to spend the first few hours on Saturday at the mechanic as our car is no longer blowing out cold air AFTER we paid $400 to have it fixed. I'm bringing L along so he can do that British thing he does so well.

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It's Friday!! Yay!! 3 more hours and I am home free for the weekend.


Although I get to spend the first few hours on Saturday at the mechanic as our car is no longer blowing out cold air AFTER we paid $400 to have it fixed. I'm bringing L along so he can do that British thing he does so well.


I took my car in this week, they told me it'd be a couple hundred at least, so I said forget it lol. My next car will be a coupe again. After that we will upgrade to an electric car. Something brand new and NOT a lemon.


5 more hours and I get to go swimsuit shopping! 50% off woot woot!!

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The only reason we sanctioned paying $400 to fix the AC is because L can barely make it whenever we go out because it's so hot - and it's honestly too hot even for the native here. I think my car now is electric - how do you tell? And yes, 100% agree - our next car will not be from a buy here, pay here place. I know it won't be brand new (L refuses to get a brand spanking new car) but at least one that is not 10 years old when I buy it!


Whooooo to swimsuit shopping!

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