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Not too bad of a day of work. I'm read for my day off on Tues! But the weekends are always slower than the weekday at the hospital. I wasn't rushed tonight either, felt great. Took my time with all five day rooms.


I ended up calling my insurance people for a question and discovered that when CS and I marry my installment will lower. I was like score! I also get a discount if I do it direct withdrawal from my checking account, def will set that up after the honeymoon.


I have been in an ubber good mood today for some reason. I don't know if it had to do with seeing my dress and it looking perfect or what but I'm just happy right now.


Tyler is spending the night but is currently knocked out in his crib, lol. I could go to the gym tomorrow but I'm making no excuess, I'm just being lazy this week. That and CS and I have not really had phone time this week and I'm choosing to talk to him over work out. Sure he isn't happy with it but oh well.

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OMG OG, I had a dream last night about you and CS! >

(I dream a lot so I'm surprised this was finally my first "ENA" dream! But it was weird!)


Basically, I dreamt that he came up for a wedding in the summer or something. But you guys were both broke (???) so I said "Hey! Fly to my home state! (NY), and you guys can get married here!" Ok, so I don't know how you guys got the airfare with NO money but you did.

So then we went sailing, I took you to the mall to eat cinnamon buns (so random I know), and I had you guys camp out in my backyard cause i don't have an extra bed.

Then you were telling me how you were SO disappointed because after spending time in the US, CS lost his British accent (he sounded like a hick suddenly) and you weren't sure if you could marry him now because he sounded like a redneck now. And we were both like *sadface*


Haha, sorry I just had to share. I really need to stop eating curry before bed.

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I know!!! it was bizarre! I remember actually SEEING him in the dream and he sounded like he was from the Boonies! And you were like forlorn over it. hahahaha. Priceless.


I didn't think I would dream about ENA either. Then again, I dream everynight about a lot of things in my life, so I guess it was bound to happen eventually.

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lol, I can't imagine him with a Boonies accent... I think I really would cry. Things like this happen when ENA and Facebook coincide.


I know, I'm shocked I haven't. I dreamed the other night about going to Disney World and taking pictures of the Magical Kingdom castle and sending them to CS. NO idea were that came from...

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Oh it is! I went twice with the marching band in HS because we marched in a parade there... I love Disney World. The dream was at night too and there was fireworks.



My mom just dropped a bombshell on me, 2 weeks before our wedding. My grandma's health apparently hasn't been the best the last few weeks and Papa and mom made the executive decision that we won't be able to have the reception type thing we were having after the ceremony at my grandparents because of my grandma's health (She's on breathing treatments). >.

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CS and I got to webcam today. Well, not really webcam. He called me from the Skype app on his Iphone and I was on Skype on my computer. However when we do it like that it shows my webcam feed on his phone and I can see him through the video on his phone. It's weird but it works when his eyes hurt and he doesn't want to start at a computer screen. Poor guy was super tired today. He's been working the last 2 or 3 Saturdays when he is normally off doing flexi time and yesterday he still got up early to spend time with his gran, so today is like his sleep restore day. I let him go so he could nap for a while longer. We'll talk on my lunch break at 4 for half an hour, not too bad.


I'm still freaking out over the whole reception thing but that's only because the control freak in me doesn't like leaving things to the unknown. I'm more than sure my best friend will let us use her house to get ready at (it'll only be me, her, her daughter, my mom, and my sister) and if we HAVE to, go back and cut the cake and everything. I'm going to call the local park thing and see if there is anything we need to do about the area we want. I looked on their website but they said the picnic area couldn't be reserved (First come, first serve) and it'll be on a school day so I guess there shouldn't be that many people there.. in the middle of Feb. Still. The control freak in me is like 'ahhhhh!'

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I don't think it's hit yet honestly. It's one of those moments I have to breath and remind myself I won't be able to find out til tomorrow about the park area so I don't need to stress over it today (although, I'm sure I will at some point) while CS is telling me to not worry about things I can't control. Thank God I have him. I'd have an ulcer right now if I didn't...

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Oh he's so right though isn't he! But I know it's so hard. I'm really bad, I can't not worry about something even if I can't find out about it/it's not in my control. I obsess until I'm sure things are going to be OK.


I'm sure it will be find though! I'm sure you best friend won't mind you getting ready with her (OMG I'd secretly love this, all the girly getting ready stuff haha). And it's February so it should be fine with the park too, probably would be a bit hit and miss if it was the summer but February should be fine.


I hope your grandma is OK too!

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Yeah, she was coming with me to get ready at my grandparents so in a way it would be easier on her, she wouldn't have to lug her and my niece's stuff in her car and THEN go to our nail appointment that monring then lug everything to my grandparents, she could just leave it at home and we would be going back to her house to get ready. CS still wants to get ready in the hotel so he can have peace and quite, ha.


That's what my mom said, it's middle of Feb, whose going to be using the gazebo area? And it does have more locations for pictures (has this nice little bridge, a large pond, the gazebo). And I also have to worry about getting the photographer to the house and everything. Ugh.


I hope she is too. I forgot what my mom said she had but she has been having sleep problems and is having to be on a breathing machine all the time now.

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Ah the park sounds lovely for the reception-y type stuff! Really good idea actually, wouldn't have thought of that. And most people should be in work/too cold/school to want to use the park in February, should be fairly quiet.


Oh I hope she's OK

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Load off my shoulders. My best friend okayed us getting ready at her house and using her place if it rains. God i jave the best best friend, lol. I looked online at the park area, it looks like the section we would use you dont re@erve (first come, first serve) but as kh26 said, its the middle of feb and a school day. Stol going to call tgem tomorrow though


I'm also reworking who is doing thr cake since plans have changed, I made all my lists for the day, including a tentative schedule, and let my photographer know about the change. Whew. I hate wedding planning, lol

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I'm so thankful for my best friend though. I explained and she was like oh yeah. sure! Then we talked about her wedding (she is divorced right now) that happened in 2009 and about all the things that went wrong right before and the day of. I'm so lucky to have her stand next to me on that day. She really has been My biggist supporter since we were 15.

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Your best friend sounds wonderful, OG. I'm sorry that this happened so close to the day .. you're handling it beautifully though, with your usual grace - which is particularly admirable at such a nerve wracking time. The park with the gazebo and pond sound reaaaally beautiful - if the weather holds the picture will look amazing and its great that you have a good plan B location if it doesn't..

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Awww, thank you Circe! I dont think anyone has ever put me and grace in tge same sentence, lol. It kind of hit me on the drive to work today. I'm getting married in two weeks and I got nervous but the happy nervous, you know? Like when your about to meet someone and its been so long.... it is a beautiful place though. Hundreds of photo places, lol

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Oh right! So were you originally getting married over here? Ah that will be something to look forward to then, will definitely break the time up! Ohh 2 weeks! Like right now I wouldn't be sleeping I'd be so excited lol. I'm so excited about hearing about your wedding haha.

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No we were always getting married here since I wanted my family to be there (cs isn't close to his). Originally we were doing a huge wedding. Me in a big white cathedral train dress, veil, him in a tux, bridesmaids, groomsmen, a church, 50 guests... the whole she bang. That was Sept 10th and I was going to go over there fin two weeks.


Then we decided due to the outrageous cost amounts of a big wedding plus us having to deal with a visa we wanted a smaller one and since we were doing it small, why not just move it to Feb? Sept was never our chosen month anyway, we chose it because it was logical really.


I'm not sleep deprieved but I keep looking at the calander willing it to move, lol

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