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They really don't chase him around, it's like Luna and Shadowfax know he's the old man of the house and will beat them down, hahaha. I mean, the vet didn't seem overly concerned. She was fine either way with us doing blood work or keep monitoring him but she suggested for my peace of mind to do the blood work. It could be something simple that is treatable or he's just at that age were he's not eating as much.

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Jasper's blood work was 100% normal - so aside from the unexplained weight loss he is a healthy 6 year old. He does eat the entire can of wet food so the vet told us that if he is to continue to feed it to him. So starting today we are feeding him one can of wet food (keeping that separate from the other two is fun - not) and if he eats any dry food as well that's great. We're going to continue to monitor his weight for a month and see if it levels out at all.


And I'm going to attempt to wear high heels tomorrow for work. Wish my poor feet luck.

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hahaha no, Jasper would look very weird without hair!



His personality hasn't changed per say but this weekend he didn't run when the psuedo family came over and in past years Jasper was never a stranger person. He always ran an d hid but this weekend he was all over everyone. Maybe he's just calming down in his old age.

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I am so happy that Jasper’s blood work is good!


Moe is doing the same thing--loving everybody. At breakfast he is on my lap, watching tv he is draped accross Alex. He even comes to our friend’s cars when they pull up in the driveway.

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L and I are seriously looking at stopping the birth control in October at the earliest, January at the latest. We are both just so ready. There are a few things we need to get organised before we do and a few things we need to iron out with the doctor (such as if I'm still on steroids when I start trying). I need to also get my teeth seen about as well.

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My first official weekend off as a receptionist. Feels great! The first half of work went by so slow but after lunch it flew by because I was having to call the entire staff to let them know of a mandatory meeting on Monday. Of course I mostly got voice mails because I'm sure people saw the number and went 'nope, that's work, not picking up'. I actually had one girl get snippy with me asking me who asked me to call her - your boss asked me sweetie. Our boss, actually.


After work I popped over to the doctor. I've noticed in the last week that I am peeing every 30-45 minutes and I have that super full sensation but then not a lot comes out. I guess her basic test for a UTI didn't show anything so she sent me to our hospital to have more detailed tests done and she's started me on antibiotics just in case it is a UTI. She had the nurse on the floor I sit on check my glucose level just to be on the save side - well within normal range so it's not diabetes.

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Thanks! It was so bad last night and I slept horribly. I felt like I was up every 10 minutes and I just couldn't get comfortable thanks to the pain in my lower abdomen. I think it's safe to say it's a UTI. How I missed the symptoms for an entire week I'll never know....

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Thanks ladies.


I felt a bit better this afternoon so I went out and had a hair cut. I was way over due for one. I really want to get my hair high lighted but I'm going to wait until the box color grows completely out before I do that. And of course in true fashion the second I walk out from getting my hair cut and styled, it starts pouring it down.

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L told me to go have a pedicure done today (I'm sure it was just to get me out of the house so he could watch the Costa Rica/Greece match in peace, haha) but it was sweet of him so I took him up on it. And man was it nice. That may have to become a monthly thing. Next time I'm going to have the French tips taken off (I get them because I don't do the whole wolf biting thing with them on) and get just a normal manicure. See if getting them monthly will also keep me from biting the skin.


And I so don't want to go to work tomorrow. Or the gym tomorrow morning. I really don't want to do that but I am, haha

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I don’t want to go to work tomorrow either. I am so bored. Someone asked me what I do now and I said that I basically create documents and sometimes I answer the phone.


A mani/pedi sounds nice Lucky you!


hahaha, funnily enough that is what I do as well! And people's unwanted paperwork!


I hope Jasper does good on his weigh in this week. We KNOW he's eating now since we have switched him to a wet food diet (because I go in at 8 I get up at give him his first feeding of the day and then L gives him the rest when he comes home at 2:30) so fingers crossed. We also saw him munching on some dry food last night so that is promising! Now if I could only keep Luna and Shadowfax from going c.r.a.z.y when we feed Jasper....


I wore heels for the first time at work today. L laughed at me - apparently they make my waddle more pronounced. I think I did pretty damn well when I wasn't having to run to catch up to my husband!

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Mom just called, looks like they are taking the baby tonight. She's been having contractions and since she's 35 weeks they are just going to taking her. I wish I could say it's a happy occasion. I told mom to keep me informed since she was going to the hospital.

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