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Thank you ladies!


My first day went great! It felt so weird getting dressed in nice, dressy clothes for work this morning, haha. Although I was almost late! I had set my alarm for 6 am thinking I'd have two hours (I wasn't due in til 8 am) to eat breakfast, play around on the computer a little bit. I ended up sleeping in until a little after 7 and it wasn't until 7:40 that I went 'wait, I need to be in in 20 minutes!). haha. Which is funny because I had a dream last night I was late for my first day!


But it was good. It's really simple, I just have to remember to breath and take my time when a bunch happens at once. Like I have to let people out by a punching in a code and I tend to get overwhelmed if I'm on the phone and I'll forget to keep an eye on the door and someone is standing there wanting out. It's just something I'll have to get into the swing of with time.

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Mom had her doctor's appointment today. The doctor thinks she has a bacterial infection in her stomach (so they put her on antibiotics) and they took some blood for some blood work. She's also still trying to pass her kidney stones as well. The doctor also wants her to quit smoking (she's been doing it since she was 13) and cut out caffeine (she loves coffee and Dr. Pepper). She also has to have a pap smear in 3 weeks because she hasn't had one in 20 years - I could have fallen over when she told me that. I was like don't you know how vital those things are?! She's also on BP medicine now (her BP was 168/100 at the doctor's). So hopefully she'll start taking better care of herself and certain people will begin to realise they can't heap everything on her or she won't be here for much longer.

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The speaker's hypothesis is that obesity rates have doubled in the last 20 years because of overuse of antibiotics. It wipes out the good bacteria and that's hard to get back to. Most of the food animals in this country are fed antibiotics too. Guy bacteria play a huge role in breaking down our food.

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That, most importantly. Well, you mean bacteria. Antibiotics work on bacteria. They don't work on viruses at all. If you have a viral infection, then getting antibiotic is not going to help you. But now there is a growing body of research that non-essential antibiotic use has other bad effects, like contributing to obesity.

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Antibiotics only work on bacteria anyway. I hope your mom gets better soon OG. It is scary when you hear of people the same age getting so worn down. ( I think your mom is only a year older or younger than me)


She hasn't really taken care of herself over the years but mom's main problem is stress. And someone in our family just doesn't care and keeps piling and piling it on to her. I guarantee you she will put my mother in the grave before her time. Yeah, she turns 48 this August.

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She hasn't really taken care of herself over the years but mom's main problem is stress. And someone in our family just doesn't care and keeps piling and piling it on to her. I guarantee you she will put my mother in the grave before her time. Yeah, she turns 48 this August.


Ok so your mom is the same age as me. I will be 48 in Nov. Hugs to your mom. She needs to learn to tell that person, NO. But it is difficult I know, especially as giving as your mom is to help her kids and grand kids .

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Because I work 8-4:30, Monday through Friday (which is sweet because in 10 years of working I've never had that kind of job) it eliminates a lot of the class times I would normally sign up for. The pre req classes aren't so bad, a vast majority of them have online options which eliminates having to work it around my school schedule but the core classes for my degree don't. And a lot of them are at the same bloody time, same days of the week. And since I can't take two classes on the same night at the same time, there will be a few semesters were I may end up only being able to take one core class.


In theory I could take a core class that meets on Monday and Wednesday nights and then another that meets Tuesday and Thursday night but I don't know how it'll go with basically my entire week in classes and only 3 days to get projects/homework done.

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Shadowfax had her stitches taken out today and the vet couldn't believe how big she has gotten. She really isn't our tiny kitten any more!


Jasper has lost .5 pounds since June 6th (1 pound in total since April). I had them do some blood work today and we will get the results back on Monday. They are testing for a variety of things (diabetes, thyroid problems, FIV, liver disease, kidney problems, etc) and if all that comes back normal our two options are monitor his weight for a little while longer (because senior cats do tend to lose some weight) or start searching for cancer. So we are trying to stay positive until Monday.

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