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Aw, thank you Fudgie! I think I'd be really good too. I've had patients on my hall tell me I'm the only housekeeper that ever says 'Have a good day' to them. And L says I'd rock the clerical duities because of my detail-orientation and my OCD organization, haha. It's what I'm going to school for, I just need someone to give me a chance!

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The interview actually got moved back to Monday at 10 (she forgot she had something scheduled for 3 tomorrow). Which ended up working for me because I took the car to the mechanic for Day 2 (they close at 5 and we are like 30 mins away from them so they haven't been able to do everything that needs to be done in 1 day) and it turns out our compressor as a leak on the front. They can seal it but they had to order the kit to do it so I have to take it back up there tomorrow for them to finish it. That's $400 into the car right there!

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L and I went to Khol's today to see about finding me a new swimsuit for the Six Flags trip next weekend. That was a complete bust. Either Khol's need to be big girl friendly (and I mean big girl since I am a big girl) or my fellow big girls came and cleaned them out of anything over a size 14. What was left that was over a size 14 were there God awful one-pieces that were $100!! I was just like forget it, I'll wear the one we bought at the beach the previous year.


After the shopping trip we swung by the local British pub we had found. It was a lot smaller than we expected (our apartment is bigger) so we ate an early dinner and decided to just watch the England vs. Italy game from home. I tried curry for the first time and it was pretty good! It didn't really fill me but it was spicy, just how I like it! L had a lamb burger which I had a bite of (I've never had lamb either) and I really enjoyed that. I wish we could find lamb in our local stores.

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I went and had my nails redone before my interview tomorrow (grown out nails are not very professional after all). It was also slightly in a bid to get away from the football because my husband is watching both matches in the day and while I love and support him his hobby, people kicking a ball around is just not entertaining to me. I'd much rather be watching Snapped or Once Upon A Time (which I can't while the match is on because our bandwidth sucks). I ended up not getting away from the bloody football though because it was on at the nail salon (France got so lucky with that second goal).


After dinner L has been practicing interview questions with me. I really have to tap into those public speaking lessons so I don't ramble on and on or talk too much with my hands.

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I try to remember to DVR the new episodes when I can. It's a great show!


OG, do you get Investigation Discovery on your TV? That's my favourite channel. "Who the BLEEP did I marry?", "Very Bad Men", "Dates from Hell", "Stalked: Someone's Watching", "I Almost Got Away with It"...it's amazing I can sleep at night sometimes...

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We don't have cable but we do have Netflix and Hulu, and there are a bunch of ID channel programs on Netflix (I'm currently watching an episode of Behind Mansion Walls, hahaha). Have you ever seen their show Disappeared? It's pretty good. There's another one called Nightmare Neighbor I believe. And I even got L into I Almost Got Away with It.


I can always tell if I've watched a home invasion episode right before I go to bed because it takes me hours to fall asleep because I keep thinking we are being broken into, haha

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I forgot to mention - I love Disappeared. Apparently they are coming out with a new season soon and they are going to feature more "recent" cases of still-missing people, instead of old cold cases. I like a mix of both though. Some of the cold ones are fascinating but the recent ones are interesting too. "Almost Got Away With It" is a great show because I feel it appeals to us crime-show people but also to people who aren't into crime shows, usually. It has a great fast-paced feel.


Home invasions *shudder*

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yes!!! i love those shows! i don't know why, but they help me relax. lol. Maybe because it's easy to have it on in the background while i do other stuff.


Yeah when I'm cleaning/cooking/whatever, I'll have that channel on. Relaxing...ahaha, not really the word that comes to mind but hey, whatever floats your boat annie.

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I think that is it Annie. I love real crime shows, what it takes to find the person, what makes the person tick. Deadly Women was a good show too. Not sure if it's ID but it is on Netflix. I just find it fascinating. And I love how I've watched SO many shows that you start to see certain cases repeated on other programs.


In other news I had my interview. I think it went well!! The woman who interviewed me pretty much said she thought I would be a great fit. And then I met her boss who will make the final decision. I got the vibe he liked me, he wants to find someone internally instead of outside. He's going to talk to the head of the hospital to see what kind of notice I would need to work out with the hospital if they choose me.

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I LOVE Disappeared. I also love I Shouldn't Be Alive and Locked Up Abroad.


One time I saw a Disappeared episode where a woman went missing and no one would do anything bc they thought she left him but her husband would not stop looking. Finally he drove up and down her route from work and saw a barrier before a cliff like area had been bent and he looked down and saw her car upside down. She was still alive, hanging upside down in her car by the seat belt, and had been there I think 8 days or something. Holy cow!!! I think she could go on I Shpuldnt Be Alive too!

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I'm convinced, thanks to these shows, that I wouldn't end up on I Almost Got Away With It, if pressed. Haha. I like that one too.


I used to watch Snapped all the time but it's not on netflix so I never see it anymore. That one was awesome.

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OMG, I remember that Disappeared episode. I felt so bad for the husband. Didn't he end up suing the police dept for not taking the case seriously?

Very fortunate woman who have a husband like that who would fight so hard for her...

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OMG, I remember that Disappeared episode. I felt so bad for the husband. Didn't he end up suing the police dept for not taking the case seriously?

Very fortunate woman who have a husband like that who would fight so hard for her...


Yea I think you're right. I remember him talking about her with such devotion, even after she was found. I think they were on completely different work schedules and could go days without seeing ech other and so it was a full 24 hours before he realized she was missing until her boss called.


And then the cops thought she just left him bc they were building a house and they frequently took large amounts of cash out of the bank an the timing was right (unless I'm getting 2 episodes mixed up). And the route she took from work was between 2 counties and neither county wanted to put forth the effort to look for her bc of that. So the poor husband had to contact news crews and all of that and do the searching himself. Thank god he found her.

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I went shopping at Cato's after spending 3 HOURS waiting at the mechanic's while they put the seal on the compressor. 3 bloody hours. Mom offered to come and pick me up to wait at her house but I knew she wasn't feeling well and, well, I'm not my sister. So I sat on that stupid wooden bench for 3 hours and now have a bloody headache. So after enduring that I went and picked up some outfits for work as I only have one dress shirt.


And now I'm currently watching USA vs Ghana because my tv has been over run with World Cup. I literally can not escape this event. They had it on at the nail salon last night and at the mechanic today.

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