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We had to take my big love bug to the vet today. I noticed his eyes watering over the weekend and over the last 48 hours his right eye has become really red and swollen. He has conjunctivities (sp) so we have some eye drops for him. He was also running a little bit of a fever - poor baby. We also spent $25 (!!!) on a bag of speciality treats for the 3 cats. It's some kind of amnio acid that helps with their herpes outbreaks.

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I know, it's gotten to the point the vet isn't even charging us full visit prices but are charging us recheck prices! Yeah, it all kind of went pear shaped when we bought Shadowfax in. We did our best to keep them separate in the beginning because we knew she was sick (even though she had exactly what Luna and Jasper had as kittens) but alas. So it's just being tossed back and forth between them.


The main issue, which we will never 'heal' per say, is they all have the herpes virus. Jasper's eye problem is a symptom of the virus. It's very common for them to get the watery eye but we try to treat it before it turns into a bacterial infection type thing. Luna's big issue was over coming the upper respiratory infection they all had. Shadowfax is still pooing liquid (which isn't a symptom of the herpes virus, something is just going on in that little chubby body!) BUT her butt is looking 10x better. It isn't as red or swollen so I think the shot she gave her helped with that and she seems to be doing better on the medication we are giving her.


I'm just ready for my babies to all feel better.

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My black kitty has cat herpes in his eye. Well, it sort of goes back and forth between one eye or the other. Vet diagnosed it a LONG time ago....I paid for an eye stain to rule out an injury/abrasion, both of my cats get yearly blood/fecal/urine work-ups, everything. It was really the only thing. He doesn't have the repository symptoms anymore though. He used to vomit a lot but not anymore (changed diet). Been dealing with it for 2 years now. It's almost always a bit watery but I use some cheap, antihistamine drops in them to keep it at bay, which the vet recommended. I do have some antibiotic drops in case his eye gets really bad with discharge (bacteria can make it worse) but I haven't used them in ages.


I wonder just how transmittable it is. My grey kitty doesn't have it, but she is much more "hearty" than the black cat. She also doesn't spend much time around him. They aren't physically close. She prefers to keep her distance. Maybe that's why she hasn't gotten it.


But yep, every couple of months, I buy an $8 small bottle of antihistamine drops. 1-2 drops in the infected eye once a day. I can really tell a difference in his membranes when I use it. Just cross fingers and hope for the best.


I hope you can find a treatment that is both effective and cheap.

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What is the bottle of antihistamine drops called Fudgie? I'll ask the vet next time if it's another measure we can take with their eyes. Shadowfax had bad eyes when we first got her but since we cleared it up she hasn't had any issues. Same with Luna, until recently the only other time she had an eye problem was when we first got her. Jasper generally has 1-2 eye issues a year but they rarely turn into bacterial or inflamation like this one is.


They say it's fairly easily transmittable through playing. Jasper and Luna already had it when we got Shadowfax though.


These treats we got are suppose to help with it. We give them 6 when they aren't having a flare up and 12 when they are per day. We shall see!

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I have the bottle right next to me. It's called "Opcon-A". The vet suggested it to me by name and I found it in the health section in my grocery store. It was cheap too. It's a "human" medication, not for animals, but he says it would work fine, and it has! Your vet may have another brand or something in mind. Opcon-A really seems to make his eye better. The redness goes away, he stops itching, and the squinting is better.


I mean, I guess I *could* put on anti-virals, but herpes never goes away, and those medicines are expensive and may make him feel worse. I was told that they would make his immune system a bit weaker. He's already a sensitive cat and I don't want him to get sick with something else, so I'm opting not to treat the virus and just give him the drops. As long as he's happy and not in pain, then that's okay with me.


My grey kitty has been here for about a year, and she has not (at least to my knowledge) gotten herpes from the other cat. I think treating his eyes help. He's not rubbing them and thus, less risk of spreading the virus. The two of them don't really play together though, as grey kitty prefers to sit and watch.


I do have tobramycin drops (antibiotic) in case his eye gets out of control and gets green discharge (signs of a bacteria infection) but yeah, he's been fine for many months because of the Opcon-A. I think before I had Opcon-A, he would rub/itch/scratch, and introduce bacteria into the eye and get an infection. Now, he doesn't do that anymore.


I hope your kitties get better. Life is hard with sick pets! You want them to get better and you hate seeing them in pain. The vets are so darn expensive! I pay $50/month to Banfield so I get unlimited free vet visits, free annual work-ups, free dental cleanings 1x a year, free vaccinations, free deworming every 6 months, and discounted medications. I couldn't stomach paying full prices for long, especially when one of them developed a food allergy. I was at the vets a couple times a week until I figured out what he was allergic to.

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Thanks Fudgie!


Shadowfax's butt continues to improve and even Jasper's eye is getting better I believe. He's not having to close it as much although he knows what the eye dropper is and now runs from me whenever he sees me coming at him with it. Chasing a 17 pound cat down and trying to squeeze two drops into his eyes is a lot harder than it sounds!


Tonight is Godzilla night. *groan* This movie is going to be so bad but L is super excited. Since it's his movie I'm picking the resturant so of course I'm making him take me to our local sushi place, haha! When we go see Maleficent in 2 weeks we'll go to Longhorn's (his choice, obviously!)

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I ended up being a loving wife and letting us go to Longhorns tonight. I must say, the steak was awesome. And the movie didn't suck as much as I thought it would (no more than an average movie at least). Godzilla seriously reminded me of Jasper through the whole film. It's now bed time for this girl who has been up since 5:30 this morning and has to get up at 5:30 tomorrow morning.


Roll on 2:30 on Sunday!

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Today was so long. 5:30 came way too early and then I had to stay over 30 mins so there wasn't as many rooms left for the second shift girl. I had a letter in the mail from school saying I'm on the Dean's List and my GPA is between 3.5 and 3.9. That made me feel pretty good. L and I also went to the Nike store to get some new shoes. We had recently gotten him a $30 pair from Walmart but he was not loving them. So we splurged (for both of us, I've never spent that much on shoes!). Then we made a trip to Walmart to pick him up a few extra work shirts and some normal socks for me (I'm tired of fuzzy socks!). I saw these shark swim shorts and we bought them (I only showed them to him for a laugh because they were too cute). We got home and L tried them on and he couldn't get them past his knees, hahaha. Looks like we will be giving them to my uncle's son probably! Too bad really, they really are awesome swim shorts!

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I'm knocking on wood as I type this but I think we have finally cleared Shadowfax's butt issues up!! Her butt looks completely normal now and *REALLY knock on wood* there have been no random poop piles around the house in days. Jasper is still not looking 100% though, poor baby. He really looks like someone has punched him in the eyes (the other eye started acting up a few days ago).

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Ugh, the gum behind my right wisdom tooth has been painful since Friday. I don't think it has anything to do with the tooth itself though. I noticed it starting to hurt when we were at dinner so I don't know if I bit it or something. It's not painful per say just sitting here but I can def. notice it while I'm eating.

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I feel your pain, og. I've had my wisdom teeth removed but my tooth at the very back on the left side of my bottom row has a canker sore in the gum righttt on the edge of my tooth. Plus one in the pocket of my cheek and on my tongue...but it sucks. Hope it feels better soon.

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Is it possible that your wisdom tooth is maybe growing in more and causing you pain?


I've had all 4 wisdom teeth removed (all at once!) but I had very bad soreness in the gums before I had them out. They were growing in weird and were going to mess up my back teeth. That's why I had the pain. Do you think you may need yours removed?

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I have had a very productive day off. I've been up since 7 and managed to sweep and mop all areas in the house, vacume and straighten the living room up, almost gas myself while cleaning the bathroom, and do 85% of the laundry. All that's left is doing a thorough tidy of our room and the second bedroom tomorrow! I'm actually at my mom's now. I'm spending the night with her and Tyler (and my sister). It's mine and L's first night away from each other since he arrived! He's having a total guys night by himself with the furchildren and ordering pizza, haha. Before I head home tomorrow I'm taking the car to the mechanic we go to and get a price check on how much it's going to cost us to fix the air in the car (since we have no idea why it doesn't work).

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I ended up not going to work today due to a migraine. I barely slept last night and ended up sleeping until like 1:15 this afternoon. I went to the doctor (needed an excuese for work) and she prescribed me a medication to use whenever I have my tension headaches (which every now and then is what triggers a migraine). So we'll see how that goes. Still no paperwork from the Xolair drug company so I need to call my allergist to get a refill on the steroid because I'm about out.

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We ended up taking Jasper to the vet after work today. His eyes were still runny and we noticed some green discharge so off to the vet we went. We specifically asked for the vet that took care of Shadowfax last time and she was a world of difference than the last one we seen with him. She redid the stain test just to make sure he didn't have any cuts and then gave him a steroid shot - because in her words 'he looks miserable'. She also sent us home with a nasty smelling medicine that we have to give to him 2x a day for 2 weeks.


I also made L watch the 1959 Sleeping Beauty. He didn't really watch it but he looked up every now and then and of course made the sarcastic comment here and there. The horse was his favorite character (go figure).

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