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Check out link removed. It's people who rent out their apartments and such. You can save a lot of money that way and I think that's how y'all stayed last time right?


We did that for Nashville and it was great

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Yep, that's how we stayed last time. It wasn't bad but the place we stayed in ruined it for us. We went in June and the AC was in the living room and didn't reach the bedrooms, Matience people just walked in at all hours of the night (first night there they encountered my boxer-clad husband). Haha

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Oh yeah, we will def. take a loo still.


I'm use to having tomorrow off but I'm working because I needed Friday (the day after the concert) off. Just one more day and I'm off! I'm spending tomorrow night with my mom and Munchkin. When I texted her to remind her she was like 'Where will your husband be?' Um, home? 'Is there something you aren't telling me?' Um, no? I work and live with my husband, we can't want one night away from each other? He's having a boys night in playing games, watching the children, and ordering pizza. Tuesday I'm going to Hobby Lobby to stock up on some crafting supplies.


I've also got to call the vet back tomorrow. Jasper seems to be doing better (he still has a little watery eye) but Luna is still sneezing her head off and overall sounding snotty. My poor girl. Shadowfax is still having diarrhoea but I think that's down to her diet so we are switching her food. I'll give it a few days and if she still isn't any better she'll be going back to the vet. We also picked up Jasper some healthy food and we won't be free feeding any more - should be fun.

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Called the vet and she wants us to pick up this tablet in the pharmacy section and give it to Luna. If she isn't better in a few days (or we can't get the pill in her) she's gotta go back to the vet. None free feeding this morning went okay though! They didn't realise they wouldn't have access to that food all day so I don't think they ate a whole lot. We'll probably put food down again at 3 and 7-8 for awhile til they get use to it not being there all the time now.

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I went to Hobby Lobby tonight with L's blessing and an unlimited budget. Woohoo! I didn't do much damage though. I did manage to get three flower pots of varying sizes to do a project with (now go just figure out what flowers to plant!). Afterward we had dinner at Olive Garden where we vowed never to bring our future kids because the table next to us had the most annoying children ever. L drove home after dinner because Mountain Dew + 90 degree weather + Alfredo sauce do not mix! I also got a new shirt for the concert on Thursday, this really cute pink tank top.

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L sent me flowers today on my day off (sneaky hubby!). They are absolutely beautiful and the card just melted my heart. And I love that he knows I hate roses and since they were out of daisies got me tulips.


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Luna seems to be doing a little better today. We ended up crushing her pill and putting it in wet food and she ate it right up. I had to take Shadowfax to the vet today (she was due for her 3 month vaccinations) and the vet said to just put baby diaper rash cream on her butt (because that will be SO easy...) since it looks really bad.


1 more day and we will be seeing James Blunt!!

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I talked to my brother today about house/cat sitting while we are in NY. He was cool with it and even offered to drive us and pick us up from the airport. Just need to remember to tell him no girlfriend!


Also put the first dose of diaper rash cream on Shadowfax tonight. She obviously did not like it. At all. My uterus is not screaming at me at all right now. If anything its locked itself in a cupboard and bolted the door, hahaha


God tomorrow is going to be such a long day. Up at 5:45 and the concert begins at 8. Hopefully I can cat nap at the hotel after work but before dinner.

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Like no girlfriend over at our house while he's house sitting. I personally wouldn't have a problem but in L's words, "I was that age once. No other guy other than me is having sex in our house."


So that means no married couples can ever stay over either?

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I've booked with hotwire before and had really good deals. Check that out! I think you can get $200 a night, might be better. Gosh, I stayed at a hotel in Manhattan once, right near Times Square and I am totally blanking on the name of it, but it was $200 a night.

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shoot, this is driving me batty. i can't remember the name of the hotel i stayed at in manhattan that was $200 a night. it was such a good location too, not far from times square. gah!! i'll remember at 3 AM or something, haha.


also, try looking at groupon getaways. I don't know what days you are going, but they frequently have deals for hotels there. just be really careful with the fine print and make sure if you go that way, that you don't have a blackout on the days you want to go!


PS - in college, i always asked my roommates not to have sex in my bed while i was gone, and i think they did it to spite me. i would find condom wrappers under my bed. gah.

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Annie - we ended up booking the Mil burn (we booked through Expedia so we got it for $175 a night so ended up being like $800 for a total of 4 nights). We looked at the Newton, the one M mentioned and it was like $210 a night for the dates we wanted. I'll keep that hotel bookmarked though because we are def going back!


Renny - the concert was amazing! I'll go into more detail tomorrow when my eye lids aren't half shut haha

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The concert last night was AMAZING!! Really everything I thought it would be and more. We left work an hour and a half early, came home and changed, and headed to Atlanta. We grabbed something to eat before the concert and spent a few hours in the hotel cat napping and playing around on the tablet before heading to the venue. L almost got us shot while we were waiting in line - no joke. We sat down on these steps right in front of the doors (we saw the line and were going to back but I am a fat girl and walking up 3 flights of a parking deck had me more than a little out of breath). There was a group of clearly emo looking teenagers/young 20 adults right next to us. I had literally just put my rump to the seat when this woman said in our direction, "The line starts back there." I was going to ignore her but my dear British husband leans forward and says, "That's nice." Cue a verbal exchange for a few minutes were I'm sat there thinking 'Yep, we are going to get shot.' Long story short we ended up in line and not shot - hurray!


The venue was nice. It was like a semi-circle theatre with what I can only describe as a mosh pit in the front. I totally could have worn my flip flops (L nagged the crap out of me until I relented and wore shoes. I hate shoes. In his defense he thought it was standing room only) but we didn't go near the open area in front of the stage. I'd just worked all day, I didn't want to be on my feet for God knows how many hours. The warm up act was okay. They ended up growing on me, even when they made me feel my age when they sung No Scrubs. James Blunt, the main performer, was awesome. I sung along to every song (and unknowingly caught my horrible singing on the few videos I took. Seriously, I sound horrible). We had planned on staying the night in Atlanta but the concert ended sooner than we thought it would (about 11) so we decided to just come home. Nothing like sleeping in your own bed after all!


I woke up this morning with a massive, pounding headache. To be expected I suppose, haha. L had to go in to work for a few hours to put out a fire and I have done nothing all day but working on painting my flower pots. I got the top tier completely done and I'm almost done with the bottom one. In true project fashion the middle one is giving me trouble so for tonight I'm putting it away and contemplating bed!

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