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Your grades come in really quickly... That is awesome. Congrats on the excellent report card!


There were kittens at the pet store today. I begged and I pleaded, but no go. He did say we could get another cat when we have a bigger place though

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It's very odd for our grades to come in this quickly. I think it was just because that class was online and the exam was simple multiple choice answers. I took my spreadsheet applications exam on Thursday and I still haven't heard back on that grade.


Aw, tell him to come on! I love Shadowfax but I wish we had waited until we got a bigger place. I don't know why but with another kitty I suddenly feel very claustrophobic. I've been doing some preliminary searches though online and there are a lot of homes for rent in the area we are looking at.

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With Moe it would be so hit or miss. He’d either be sweet or be a beast, so we do worry about that. But yes, I agree. I want a kitten baby!! If I can’t have a human baby right this second, I’d like a kitten lol. I’m so darn clucky it’s not even funny. One of the ladies I met yesterday is the same way. She turned to me and said “my uterus is literally hurting right now with all these kids around” lolol. That was how I met her...we bonded over our childlessness and hope to start families soon.

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Jasper still has his moments with Shadowfax. There are times if she's on the bed before him and he jumps up to be with us and sees her, he'll hiss and go about his own business. Having Shadowfax has def. calmed my uterus screaming at me, hahaha. I'm like 'who wants a baby?'


We do need to take Luna and Jasper to the vet though. Jasper is over due for a toe nail clipping and Luna is sneezing her poor little head off. We're also thinking of getting Shadowfax groomed on a regular basis (at least her butt area). She won't let me keep her hair back there trimmed so she doesn't get poop all on it so we've got to find another solution!

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We took all 3 cats to the vet this morning and boy was that an experience. We put Luna and Jasper in the same carrier and they were weirdly quite on the trip to the vet. Shadowfax we put in the old box carrier we had and that kid has some lungs on her! We ended up taking all 3 because Luna has been sneezing like crazy (we were fairly sure she got what Shadowfax had), Luna and Jasper's eyes were both watering, and last night Luna and Shadowfax started having diarrhoea every were BUT their litter box (and in pretext to what it's going to be like when we have a human child, L was sound asleep in bed while I was scrubbing poop off the floor). The vet ended up giving us some take home medicine for all of them for the diarrhoea and Luna got a antibiotic and steroid shot because she was the worst of the bunch with a low grade fever. Poor girl. They did a butt trim on Shadowfax's hair (she did not like that) and Jasper was updated on his rabies and got his nails trimmed. All in all a very expensive (but worth it) vet visit! Jasper is also at the 17 pound mark so we are going to look into some senior food for him and try to come up with a feeding routine so they are feed in different places.


After all that I went and took my Algebra final exam - made a B on it! Very proud of that one. I ended the class with a high B so the only one I'm waiting on now to learn the final grade in is Spreadsheet Applications.

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I think three is your limit lol


Congrats on the B!


3 is def. my limit! No more kitties for us for a very long time, hahaha


We found out today my sister is having a girl. My mom and I are both 'meh' about the whole situation.


L and I are looking at cars for about this time next year (I am so stoked about that! haha). We also need to get the AC fixed on the current car because he is going to die this summer if we don't.

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Baby girls are nice... I understand your mutual “meh” feelings. One more mouth to feed, etc...

I worked with a girl once who had her first baby at 19 because her bf was 30 and wanted kids, then they split up, she married some other guy and had a baby with him, now she is engaged and just popped out her third, like last week. She’s about 26. It’s just...gross at that point.

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Oh I love the upper west side so much. I always stayed at the hotel newton at 93rd and broadway (I think that's where it is). Or I'd stay with my friend at her place at 96th and broadway.


It's been too long since I've been to NYC.

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If we hadn't of found that one I was so going to text you and ask you were you stayed at! Hahaha The hotel isn't a bad price either - I think for 3 nights we are paying under $1,000 for it. I mean the price still makes my eyeball twitch but I wanted us as close to the Empire and Rockefeller as we could get because we wanted to do those at night this time.


Me too. I can't believe it'll be 4 years since we went this June!

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Omg that's crazy. Hotel newton when I stayed was barely $100 a night and it was nice! It's been about 5 years or so since I've gone though. I think you can get a better price honestly

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