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I went to the dermatologist today to have my biopsy and I did not like the doctor. At all. Her lips looked like they had way too much botox and her attitude in general put me off. She apparently didn't read the notes my allergist sent with my file and came in and immediately went into what could cause hives, asking me had I been tested for this and that... I finally had to tell her the only reason I was there was a biopsy to see if I have vasculitis. Then she seemed to get on the ball and realize what was going on.


After the biopsy I went and picked up my steroid prescription (sweet relief!!) and then met L at our GP doctor for my birth control shot - which they ended up not having. Wonderful. I've got to go over there on my lunch break tomorrow to get it. But we still talked with the doctor about possibly coming off the shot about Nov-Jan and the right things I can be doing to lose weight until then. So after final exams I'll be committing myself to 30-45 minutes, 5 days a week and concentrating on getting and maintaining my heart rate. She said it's not how far you go in a workout when wanting to lose weight but getting your heart up to that fat burning number and then maintaining it.


Basically for 30-45 minutes a day I'm going to be miserable. hahaha. I also need to get to the dentist and be in the process of fixing the stuff that is wrong with my teeth. Oh and the biggie - getting the hives under control. Which since it's autoimmune pregnancy should put a halt for a better term on the hives.


Annnnddddd my last school assignment is done! Now I just have to get through final exams!

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So babies next year? Is that what you’re saying? Also, ew biopsy. Those are just not fun.


Well, we will start trying for babies next year, yes. once you come off the shot it can take 6 months- a year for you to become pregnant as your body readjusts. Some people become pregnant 3-4 moths after coming off it and others it takes longer.

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Omg yay!!You guys bumped that up Love it!


You won’t be miserable for those 30-45 minutes per day. You’ll get used to it. Look at me, I thought I’d be absolutely miserable going to the gym first thing in the morning, but I love it. Well, I like it. Are you able to go earlier? I’m finding that it’s so nice to just be done for the day and have the evening to myself.

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His promotion helped with the bumping up, haha. We could have always afforded a baby on what we made we just didn't want to struggle. Plus not having insurance was a factor. Now we have insurance and have a good chunk of money. Because we don't incur PTO like we use to (with every paycheck) we'll need to set some back from now on for when I'm out on maternity leave (I do have the option of using my short term disability for a month while out). Ideally I want to take the whole 3 months out if I don't have to start it until after the birth.


Not with my hours I'm not. It takes everything I have just to get up at 6:00 to be at work by 7:00. I don't mind going after work as the gym is literally next door. I'm just not a fan of sweat haha

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Today has been so long. I worked 8 hours and then after work went to school for 2 to take my last math test. I made an A on it though so I am OFFICIALLY done with all school work, just final exams to go! I popped over to the doctor's office on lunch to get my birth control shot - God those things hurt like a Witch. We had a farewell lunch for our employee nurse who is leaving on Friday. She cried the whole time, she was really touched. I'm just glad we managed to throw it together in such a small room and have enough food to feed everyone - a lot of people showed up!

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Oh birth control. How I have grown to hate it. I still haven’t gotten used to the IUD. I have months where it’s fine and months (like this one) where it sucks. Heaviest frickin period ever.


You’re almost done this semester Almost time to celebrate!

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I had my Sociology exam yesterday after work (actually had to leave work early). I went in not feeling 100% about it and left pretty confident. I think I did really well!! Maybe even well enough to maintain my A. We left straight from the school to the pseudo family's house and it was a gorgeous scenis route (versus the normal route we would take). Just another notch in the pro coloum to move to Athens - shorter and prettier route to the pseudo family!

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Oh birth control. How I have grown to hate it. I still haven’t gotten used to the IUD. I have months where it’s fine and months (like this one) where it sucks. Heaviest frickin period ever.


You’re almost done this semester Almost time to celebrate!


Do you have the Paragard? I just got one and am worried about future periods, though my first one has been unusually light so far, actually.

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The copper one... can’t remember what it’s called. I think maybe it needs to be adjusted or something. The positive of it is that once it’s out, you can instantly get pregnant.


That's one I got. I had such a bad experience with hormones that I wanted to stay away from any and all forms if them if at all possible.

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Seriously I am such a light weight! I was feeling light headed after the first glass and by the third... Lord. L and I both only really drink when we visit the pseudo family. I may have the occasional glass here and there at home but multiple glasses I don't do unless I'm there. And he never has any when we are home.


We're back home now and although I love visiting the pseudo family, there is nothing like being in your own home, ya know? We both instantly loved up on all three children. Shadowfax feels like she's gained 5 lbs since we've been gone and her meow is more pronounced (long haired girl also had poop stuck in her fur, Lord). Luna's eye is looking much better but I'll keep an eye on it over the next few days.

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