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I'm okay, I woke up with a headache but thankfully I nipped it in the bud early this morning with Ibuprofin and Icy Hot. And work went relatively well considering all the upheaval that is going on. They basically spilt our department into two different departments. The new owners have never liked that we treated the hospital/nursing home as one entity so the higher ups made the decision to split the housekeeping department into Hospital Housekeeping and Nursing Home Housekeeping. Neither side can pull from the other if someone is out and it's created SO much headache with some people because they aren't happy they got moved from the hospital side to the nursing home side. I stayed on the hospital side and actually ended up with my own hall (which I had been asking for for months now). L is on the nursing home side. Because they split us they now actually need a supervisor for the nursing home side (my supervisor who was head of the whole department is the supervisor on the hospital side) so L put in today that he would like to be considered for the supervisor position. He's really the only one qualified on that side to do it and the higher up he talked to was thrilled that he was showing an interest in the position.

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L had another successful drive through town this afternoon! He not even drove to our destination but also drove back, which included going accross traffic to get to the other side of the road. He still needs to get use to the right amount of pressure to put on the gas and brake (right now he almost gives me whip lash with his braking). But he's doing really good.

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Well he drives home from work when we work together (and we take the slightly long route back home to give him more variety with practice). Next Tuesday will be his first big drive. He's going to drive to my mom's for my birthday (about a 20-25 drive on a major highway).

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Oh my God. I thought my sister couldn't shock me any more than she already has but she did. Mom mentioned today while I was on the phone with her that she is in New Orleans for the week with Eli's dad (he's apparently working on some oil thing down there?). Where is Tyler? With my mom. Where is Eli? Supposedly with her but I'll believe that when I see it. She NEEDS to get her priorities straight!

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Called the allergist as I have been having the most awful neck pain all week (which after finding hives on my neck this morning I assume was due to having hives on it all week) and I woke up this morning with a few scattered hives on my hands, and swollen hands. She called me in hydroxy-zine HCL (an antihistamine) and we're going to see if that helps with the break throughs. If it doesn't Friday she is going to call me in a Cyclosporin prescription and we are going to start. Yay.

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I'll def check it out on Netflix over the weekend. I'm hoping this new anti-histamine works because with cyclosporine I have to have monthly blood work done (it's actually a drug used for transplant patients). And at $60 a specialist visit PLUS the lab work, that is going to get expensive....

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Thanks Sherry. My allergist was like super excited when I got medical insurance and I was like yeah, it's great. Now instead of costing me $180 plus lab work a visit you are costing me $60 plus lab work! It's a good insurance plan so I can't really complain. And it's weird how now that I have medical insurance, I can't imagine life without it. Like although I really want to get out of the line of work I'm doing now, I'm kind of dreading the day I do because I'll loose my insurance (unless I find other work at the hospital). Although in theory I could just go on a plan with L if he were still a member of staff.


My boss called me today while I was at work to relay some stuff to me. One of the things was she wanted me to know that I am doing a great job in the department I'm in and that I am really bringing the area up to the standards the big guys want it to be. She also told me she told them I was the best in the hospital and I was very detailed oriented in my cleaning. I have to say that just completely made my day. It's always good to hear you are doing a good job, especially when you are actively TRYING. My floor has been let go for so long and I'm slowly getting it up the standards that I think it should be at considering it's a hospital ward. It may take me 1.5-2 hours to total a room but I can walk away knowing that room is 100% ready for the next patient that goes in there. I will however be so ready when they remodel the rooms on my hall. They haven't been changed in almost 60+ years and it shows. A lot.

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I'm pretty sure I started blushing while I was talking to her, haha. I'm a slight narcissist (L said that was how you spell that btw in case it's wrong!) when it comes to compliments like that but at the same time I go all goofy and blush and giggle. Thankfully that exchange happened over the phone!

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