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Basically when he asks something I can't do my normal witching and complaining, it just has to be simply 'okay'. Which as you know me never happens, hahaha



We just rung L's gran to have a chat. She's such a lovely woman. She's been so accepting of me from day one and when we talk it doesn't feel forced. Hopefully i can meet her and grandad in the next few years!

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I love that hahahaha. 3 okays!


It’s pretty great the way you get some really amazing people in your life via marriage. I am now surrounded by family friends and in-laws who I get along with better than I ever have with my own extended family! Maybe you and L can go visit in the next few years

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My little brother was in a wreck this morning. He's fine, thankfully. I found out because he posted a pic of the car on FB and I preceded to call mom. Apparently he was going into a curve and someone came into the curb in his lane. He swerved in the other lane to miss them, hit a ditch, and that propelled him into a tree. The car is pretty much totaled.


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I think I need to talk to the allergist. I am peeing like crazy the last few weeks - like I wake up every 2 hours during the night to go to the bathroom. And it's not like I wake up and it's 'oh I have to go to the bathroom but I can wait' - it's 'if I don't get up right now I am going to wet this bed'. I don't know, it's just not normal for me. So I'm going to talk to her about if it could be a side effect of the steroids or if I need my blood sugar levels checked again.

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L and I are both off today (we never have a day off together unless we ask for it) and it was so nice to wake up with him and one of us not have to be rushing off to work. Which is good because we were both up from like 11:30-1:30 last night talking about the HIMYM finale and the changes happening at work. We went out for breakfast and L drove through the main part of town for the first time! I know he was nervous but he did really well. His first long adventure of driving will happen next Tuesday when we go down to my mom's for my birthday.


Mom had to take Tyler to the ER last night. Poor baby has a severe case of strep throat and had a fever of 103.

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