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Parts of Godzilla were filmed right by my house


Woohoo glad school is over soon! Ah I remember that feeling. The best!


Oh Lord he perked up when I told him that one Sherry! haha


Seriously, he's just like me when it comes to Malificient. Every time a new trailer comes out he goes ape!

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I am such a Disney nerd. L is a little perked up about seeing it as the new trailer shows a dragon (anything big like that he loves). We haven't! Isn't it like a mesh up of different movies, more geared toward adults?


L wanted me to ask you did you see Gozilla (seriously, he's a child. haha)

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I never did. I’m not much of a godzilla fan tbh


put it this way, watching the Lego movie, Alex and I were nearly peeing ourselves while the kids around us were barely laughing. It’s definitely more for adults, but in a clean way.

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So tired.... my feet are killing me. I worked my big butt off today and I still have until Sunday. Ugh! I didn't really sleep last night because I kept waking up every few hours drenched in sweat. Seriously I felt like I had ran a marathon my hair was so wet this morning. No idea what that is about.

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L and I made a bet today that I couldn't abstain from fast food for 30 days. I say I can (because I have in the past) so we made a fun little bet to get me motivated to do it. I get something I want if I win and he gets 3 'okays' with no questions asked from me in 3 situations. Pumped to win this bet! hahaha.

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No fast food at all - no McDonalds, Wendy's etc - including Subway. THAT is going to be the hard one because I can't tell you how often I crave that damn chipotle sauce and now they have Subway rewards!! It doesn't include resturants though (although we rarely do that anyway, probably should do it more!). It's also an incentive to get him to get over his slight fear of driving over here. By taking the bet another rule was that he can have fast food all he wants but he has to be the one to drive to get it (with me in the car, of course as he only has a permit) but if he wants it, he has to do the driving.

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I don't think I'd eat anything else ever again, haha


I keep trying to get him to do small trips - like just up the road and then we switch off before getting into the busy part of town - but if there is nothing to stop him from not doing it, he is terrified of the idea. He sees how people drive over here (including me sometimes, I have to be honest) and he's like, F that.

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Today marks two years since Nanny passed. Has it really been two years? I still catch myself feeling like she's still with us. I don't know if that is down to the fact I hadn't seen her in a few years before she passed or the fact it's how I just deal with death (I don't go into the viewing room of those I knew at funerals). I'm missing her a lot today.

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Today marks two years since Nanny passed. Has it really been two years? I still catch myself feeling like she's still with us. I don't know if that is down to the fact I hadn't seen her in a few years before she passed or the fact it's how I just deal with death (I don't go into the viewing room of those I knew at funerals). I'm missing her a lot today.


I am sorry OG. I know she meant a lot to you.

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I am sorry OG. I know she meant a lot to you.


Thank you Vic.


I met mom today to grab some things from her and she had Tyler with her. He was roaming around my car when he came accross a picture that I keep on my visor of her. He asked me who that was and it kind of broke my heart that he'll never know that amazing woman. I told him that was my Nay-Nay (he calls my mom that when he isn't calling her mom) and he looked at me with the most serious little face and was like 'Oh' and then proceeded to holler for his Nay-Nay.

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