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Our landlady got back in touch with me. They pulled the averages from our complex and because we fall in the middle - even with $100 increase we still aren't the highest - we probably can't get a credit toward the bill. She did say that if we had to pay some of the rent a week late she wouldn't charge a late fee. That's something I guess.

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I feel a little bit better then I did early this morning. There isn't as much pressure under my eyes now but I still have a lot of pressure in my nose. Breathing is a little easier too. I'm once again sleeping in the recliner as it gives me the best up right position and I can semi-sleep while congested. It sucks because all I want to do is sleep to heal from the sickness but I can't get comfortable enough to be able to breath TO fall asleep. Oh well, I have some school work I can start delving into since Spring Break is at an end. I've got to watch the old black and white movie Citizen Kane for Art class before Monday and I could knock a few math lessons out so I can take the next test Monday in class. I still need to go to the local museum for an Art assignment as well.

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Mom called me today and wanted to know did I want her old dresser. In truth we didn't NEED another dresser (we each have one right now) but you never know, right? It's a bit too long to turn in our hallway so we sat it behind the couch. L thought I had lost my mind but hey, I can varnish it up and viola, we have a dresser for when we have kid! Plus, our current fur babies enjoy using it as a laying space!


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Tyler was adorable as always. Mom took him out of the truck and when she went to put him back in he started hollering, "B, help me! B, help me!"


Love that stinking kid!

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I left work early today for my doctor appointment with my allergist. She wants to blast me with a bunch of steroid (starting off with 60 MG a day and going down by 10 MG each day). She thinks this current flare is still a continuation of my reaction to the yeast infection antibiotic and because I've only been taking enough to get me through the day, she wants to give me a lot in the hopes that it will throw me into another remission. We will see!

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My (technically ours but she likes me a lot more) kitty is turning 2 soon. She still has some "kitten-like" behaviours like attacking the curtains and ripping my phone off of my beside at 4am...hope she grows out of them!


OG did you take an oral anti-fungal for yeast infections? Or just the cream? I've been using the cream but have considered the oral medicine. Do you find it works better for you? I don't have frequent infections historically but have had a couple in the past couple months and I'm wondering if it's due to changes in my diet or maybe I'm reacting to the chlorine in the pool I swim in.

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OG did you take an oral anti-fungal for yeast infections? Or just the cream? I've been using the cream but have considered the oral medicine. Do you find it works better for you? I don't have frequent infections historically but have had a couple in the past couple months and I'm wondering if it's due to changes in my diet or maybe I'm reacting to the chlorine in the pool I swim in.


I took oral anti-fungal this last time, Flagyl I believe was its name. Normally I try to only use the cream but if it persists past usage of the cream (Which it did last month) I use oral. However since it reacted with my autoimmune disorder I won't be going down that right again (or will be trying a different type!)

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The next few months are going to be busy! School ends in almost a month (sooo ready for THAT!) so from about mid-late April will be filled with final exams (joy). I'm going to the pseduo family one weekend at the end of April for my uncle's son's birthday. L has to work that weekend so I will doing the trip solo, my first since he arrived in August. Will be kind of weird having him in the same country and not with me for a few days! Then in May we not only have 2 movies we are dying to see (L is in love with the new Godzilla, like on an obsession level and I of course am looking forward to Malificient) but we are going to see James Blunt in Atlanta - my first ever concert!!

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