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Waiting on Pizza to arrive (an hour and a half!) while watching Resident Evil marathon on SyFy since it's Sunday and nothing else is on. For our last day tomorrow we are thinking of doing some put put, taking another dip in the pool and sunbathing, and then grabbing some sushi (well, sushi for me!) for dinner. We want to get an early start Tuesday morning since it's a 6 hour drive (7 by the time you include stops) and L has to by at work Wednesday morning at 7.

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It was def. some much needed relaxation! We got up this morning and went to Broadway and played two rounds of putt putt. L won the first game by 1 point and I won the second game by 4 (not sure if that means I'm really awesome or I suck at putt putt, haha). After playing we were sat on a bench figuring out what we wanted to do and we were like, why don't we just go on home? So we did. We left about 12:30 and just trucked on and got home about 6:30. It was nice to see the kitties after being away a few days.

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OG, you guys got me hooked on Air Crash Investigation shows . I remember you mentioning that you and L liked watching this series and how interesting it was to learn about the causes of different airline accidents. I went on YouTube, watched one episode, and I stayed up last night to watch a few episodes because there are so interesting.

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When it got down to 9 degrees that day in January our heater just could not handle it. I had it turned up to 80 and it never got over 68 in the house. So I called the Matience man and he said turn it on to emergency heat and the AC guy would be out in a few days. A few days never came. The AC guy didn't come until I went to the landlord and told her the normal heat wouldn't work, the only way we could get heat was to keep it on emergency heat. That was last month. I called the landlord and she just couldn't comprehend that I was witching because her Matience man said 'in a fee days' and it never came. So we have a $300 bill now because they never called the AC guy.


I refuse now. We'll break out the extra blanket before I touch the heat!

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Ugh. I feel like crapppp. Didn't go to work today because I barely slept last night. Went to our GP and she put me out trough the weekend. She says it's a very severe sinus infection and she's worried if it's not already bacterial, it will be. So I'm off and she called me in Flonase and an antibiotic (and our doctor is very anti-antibiotic for common colds, so I know it's bad). I just want to breath.

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